149 Culling the Flock pt4 (2/2)

His granddaughter below merely nodded and left without speaking and returned to her post, however news travels fast within the confines of the Deva grounds. Those of the younger Generation had a terrible habit of gossiping and before anyone knew it a crowd had gathered in particular the Disciplinary Committee wished to come and observe the situation.

Hana in particular was interested in the happening of the Feratu because of their current goal of taking him out and gaining more reputation for defeating him. However she found herself incapable at the moment due to the amount of lower class Deva that had come to witness the coma like state he was in.

Draig on the other hand was unaware of this as he merely laid there his tattoos seeming to move as if they had a life of their own for some time constantly shifting across his skin.

It was several hours later before the Feratu began to stir and his eyes seemed to carry an otherworldly glow, the tattoos by this point had settled in place and Draig felt stronger for some reason as he inspected himself only to find that he was now covered in tattoos and his beloved sword was nowhere to be seen.

'What happened to me. . . .' wondered Draig as he examined the marks only to find some of them to be vaguely obvious behind their meaning if he took the previous event into consideration.

'Pumpkin patch. . . . Dracule, Wolves howling at moon. . . gotta be Kira' thought Draig as he continued to examine the marks he could see until he got to his hands.

A familiar looking stick with a cloak hanging from it, he would be a fool if he didn't know who that signified. He was curious however, why did his sword suddenly disappear and why were these oddly discernible tattoos all over him.

So caught up in his thoughts he didn't even notice the crowd that had gathered, as he looked up and met the eyes of all of those present he felt himself to have been some kind of laughing stock.

'They must think I am some  sort of madman for stabbing myself' thought Draig as he stood up and went to see if Ginji had finished the sword he had asked for. He would investigate these tattoos more in the future when he was alone however he wouldn't be able to fight anyone with just his rapier for the time being. It was no good for cutting as it only marked people, but it would certainly hurt if he jabbed them hard enough.

The thought made the Feratu chuckle, as he came around the estate ignoring the eyes of the people and the calls of Souta he saw Ginji still hammering away though this time he had a few swords hung up that were to his specifications.

”Lets see what the Grave Forger has for me” muttered Draig  as he went to check.