147 Culling the Flock pt 2 (1/2)
Draig left Ginji and immediately headed into the forest, he held no hopes of being justified in his actions if he randomly went about slaughtering Deva. He was sure that the action would certainly call down the wrath of the Deva association and get him killed, however he had another plan in mind as he caught sight of one the pathetic creatures and swooped down like a falcon catching it's prey.
A demon walked around stupidly, it was clear that this thing only followed it's basic instincts and held no intelligence. It didn't even notice Draig swooping down which seemed to prove the Feratu's thoughts as he swung decisively and removed the head from the rest of the Body.
”Too simple, even that stupid kicker had more intelligence than you” muttered Draig as he thought back to the Demon he had disarmed before he discovered his Avatar containing those from his own world.
A few hours went by and Draig had succeeded in finding many demons however none of them were above the level of mortal threat, he had hoped that he would be able to find a half decent opponent if he entered the forest and hunted but that was apparently not the case. . .
Sighing to himself Draig returned to the smithy to see Ginji once again working diligently but he was about to be apalled as without saying anything Draig opened one of his talismans for storage and dropped a few demon corpses before the Grave Forger causing him to jump in shock.
”There's the fuel, now make me a sword that will please the old man” stated Draig as he turned his back and went to relax. He still had much to do before he could be properly prepared for his little venue for getting rid of his pathetic faction.
Draig returned to his room behind his talisman Curtain and closed his eyes despite the sun still being up. It was with this that he silently fell asleep.
However while the Feratu was doing this, elsewhere things were unfolding as Souta delivered Draig's message to all those who would listen and he received great feedback as well. Unfortunately there were those who saw this as a different type of opportunity and began to plot.
Hana and the rest of the Committee members were back in their meeting area discussing plans while the Deva Association watcher was using this as an opportunity to get closer to Draig.
”Grandfather will be pleased when he hears of my success in building a bond with the target” whispered the girl as she watched from a tree looking over the Dorm turned Estate.
However none of these things mattered at the moment as Draig was having a troublesome dream, he was a dark space just floating.
'Draig, can you hear me son. . . It's me Zarra. . .” came Zarra's voice surprising Draig as he looked all around for where his father could be.
'Draig, I can't show myself at the moment. . .' explained the Mage as his voice seemed to be growing faint.
'Materialize us Draig, only then will we be able to speak as he had before. . .' came the urging voice as Zarra's whispers disappeared and Draig landscape changed to a barren bloody landscape.
This was a complete difference from what he was expecting as his dreams didn't usually become this type of scenery.