147 Culling the Flock pt 2 (2/2)
'Hurry up and forger my sword brat. . .' came the Founder's growl causing Draig to turn around and look at the man who had bore the name Tullani following behind him obediently was a surprise for Draig.
”Splice's Avatar” gasped Draig seeing the insane looking thing following like a pet.
”Indeed, what would you expect from a conqueror. Take up the blade and Manifest me properly and I will be able to do more than just this. . . you must hurry before that infernal heart of yours swallows us up” grunted the Founder as he soon disappeared as well.
Draig lurched up with a cold sweat, it wasn't due to the events being particularly frightening but more due to the fact his body was undergoing a lot of pressure due to the interaction with those who had become his avatar.
'Materialize them, I would if I could' thought Draig as he wiped his forehead and cleared his thoughts.
He looked up to the sky and saw that it was dark out, breathing softly he laid back down and hoped for a more peaceful sleep as he felt more exhausted than he did before laying down.
The issue of Materializing his Avatars would come later though what the Founder meant about Materializing them before his heart swallowed them up had confused him. What did he mean, was it a metaphor or did he mean that his heart would literally swallow them up.
It was something that made no sense from his perspective, the Silent God acting as his heart hadn't acted in any particular fashion since he had arrived here. It would be safe for him to assume that it wasn't useable other than to keep his body moving.
Shaking his head to clear his thoughts he opted to get some air and left the room and found that these so called Faction Members were still busying themselves with his task. As he thought this a cup of tea was offered to him which he accepted calmly, he couldn't understand such simple people.
The thought brought his mind back to the crazy people he had met who had congratulated him on breaking through their gates and wished him more strength.
'Humans here are so odd, I need a companion to speak about this craziness with' thought Draig as he heard a sneez from the tree in his courtyard causing his eyes to narrow.
'Probably just one of these lazy Deva hiding' sighed Draig as he returned to his room and laid down once again.
The woman in trees however thought herself to be almost caught and fell perfectly silent as she held her hands over her mouth in order to contain the second sneeze that was tickling her nose.
”Too Close” muttered the woman as she leaned back on the branch she sat on.