130 Dorm of Silence (2/2)

”Hana, aren't you going to tell him why we are here” asked Boru causing the other members of the Committee to look at her questioningly.

”Of course” stated the now named Hana as she stepped into the yard of the Dorm bringing Draig's eyes back to the group.

”So you are the one that killed Tsukuba” started Hana which seemed to make Draig's eyes flicker back to reality as he placed his hand on the Thousand Fold blade.

”Be careful of that man's technique, it isn't normal” warned Boru causing Hana and the rest to look at him strangely.

Boru was by far the most merciful of the Committee but he was also the calmest, nothing was able to rattle him but seeing this person lay his hand on his sword caused him to panic like that.

”I have eliminated one that goes by that name, have you come to seek vengeance on his behalf” asked Draig as he stood up and his Avatar started to manifest showing many Dark outlines of people from his previous world.

Now Hana and the rest of the Committee began to understand what would make Boru unsettled, this person had an entire Legion as his Avatar. This did a bit to put them on guard.

”That is our intention, we cannot allow people to act against our Disciplinary Committee and do as they please” stated Hana as the rest of her members placed their hands on their weapons.

”If that is the case then I won't let any of you leave here alive” stated Draig as several Talismans flew from his hands erecting a cage of sorts around the Dorm causing the Disciplinary Committee to go on guard.

Hana and the rest looked at Draig as if he had lost his mind but they weren't aware of what the Deva from another world was capable of as he began to draw his sword making the image of his Avatar become infinitely clearer.

”If you all continue down this path then I can only show you the gates of hell” continued Draig as he took his Rapier in his other hand causing his Brush Avatar to manifest as well which did the task of alarming these Committee members.

'Two avatars, what the hell is this. .' thought Hana as her comrades of the Committee slowly took their hands away from their weapons and held them up as if to say they didn't wish for any trouble.

They didn't wish to tempt fate, they weren't aware of his power level but if they jumped the gun and assumed they could defeat him and that was not the case then they would have caused them to form irreconcilable differences with him thus guaranteeing their death. On top of this he didn't seem the least bit intimidated fighting all of them together which did a great deal in dissuading them.

Seeing the action of her would be comrades Hana could only relinquish the hold on her weapon.

”Very well then let us speak” stated Hana causing the Committee members to look at her in surprise.

'Hana wants to speak, has hell frozen over' thought the Committee members.