131 Dorm of Silence pt 2 (1/2)
Draig now sat across from Hana and the rest of the Committee as they looked around the Dorm cautiously as fearing that the building would fall apart on top of them.
”Alright, let's get straight to the point. We have a reputation to uphold, we can't let it be known that you killed one of our members and we sat by and did nothing” started Hana looking for some kind of understanding in the Feratu's eyes but found none causing her to sigh though her gaze did linger on the crimson orbs for just a tad too long.
”I'm saying that we can skip the whole situation if we just say we came and defended our name and you walk around looking injured for a little bit. It's a win - win situation” started Hana smiling as she thought this was a good compromise.
”No” stated Draig simply causing Hana to look at him oddly though that soon became a look of annoyance.
”What do you mean no, it allows us to maintain our reputation and it allows you to be punished without being punished” complained Hana looking at the Feratu.
”Allow me to make the circumstances a bit more clear” stated Draig causing the group to look at him oddly.
”I did not come to find trouble with your Disciplinary Committee, instead your Committee has come to trouble with me.” spoke Draig causing Hana to growl slightly.
”That is not the point, our reputation is on the line here. We have each formed our own Faction's based on this reputation, do you understand what this one little pass will do to us. It will shake the very foundation of our leadership” stated Hana causing the other members of the Committee to nod.
”Then if you wish to speak of reputation the let us speak of the reputation I have, I am someone of respect for handling Tsukuba the way I have. If I were to allow you to say what you want then what will happen to that reputation” asked Draig since this woman only knew of how to speak of reputation.
”So what if you lose a little bit of reputation, you can just build a new one” stated Hana causing Draig to laugh.
”Then that is my response to you” chuckled Draig causing Hana to scowl.
”If you truly wish to refuse then so be it” stated Hana standing from the table signaling the rest of her Disciplinary Committee to follow.
As they neared the gate a few of the members looked back before whispering to Hana quietly.
”You are not really going to allow things to pass like this are you” asked a blue haired boy with a scar going over his mouth across his cheeks.
”Don't be ridiculous, we will just make things difficult for him until he sees reason” whispered Hana though they never saw Draig's smile after those words.
'I should thank them for finding a way to pull me from that useless train of thought from before' thought Draig able to catch the silent conversation due to his superior hearing.
'Let us see how you make things difficult for yours truly' smirked Draig as he decided to see if there was anything interesting going on at the Campus despite it's futility.