121 Grave Forger Returns (2/2)

Reading the look on Draig's face Ginji decided he should get talking lest he end up on the receiving end of one of those super powered punches again.

”Just like all Deva have a different Avatar there are many different kind of Deva as well. You happen to be one of the majority of the Deva and use a sword but there are those that use spears, axes, hammers, and many other weapons. You can't just assume that a sword is the only weapon capable of killing Demons, that would be ridiculous” explained Ginji before chastising Draig at the end causing him to be on the receiving end of the Feratu's ire.

It was at this moment that Ginji's sister started to wake and looked at Draig and then to Ginji before realizing the postion she was in and quickly moving to a sitting position while holding her skirt down.

”You didn't peek did you” asked the girl looking down with a blush.

”What was there to peek at, you left it out there for the world to see” laughed Ginji seeing the shy response however it was soon revealed why he was able to take one of those super powered fists to the head and still be okay as the girl pulled a mallet and walloped Ginji over the head before turning to look at Draig with nefarious intent however the Feratu wasn't one for these games.

A slight narrowing of the eyes caused the girl to pause what she was doing and rethink her action, she seemed to understand that Draig wouldn't be so friendly if assaulted by her hammer of womanly justice.

”You are Ginji's sister” asked Draig as he barely saw any resemblance between the two.

”I am Aoi, Ginji's younger sister” introduced the girl as she looked towards Draig expectantly.

Seeing that Draig wasn't taking the hint she decided to try a different route.

”Who are you and how do you know my brother” asked Aoi

”I am Draig, I had your brother forge me a sword some time ago though he tried to keep it” answered Draig causing Aoi to look at Draig with narrowed eyes.

”You stole Ginji's divine sword” grunted the girl causing Draig to look at her with narrowed eyes before turning to look at Ginji.

”Is that what he told you” asked Draig causing the girl to nod and look at Draig hatefully.

Draig proceeded to jab Ginji harshly causing the man to stir and look at Aoi and notice the look on her face.

”So I stole your sword did I” asked Draig causing Ginji lose a bit of color in his face.

”Aoi told you about that did she” laughed Ginji sheepishly.

”As I recall I brought you many Grave swords from fallen emperors and had you fuse them into a single blade, however upon it's completion you attempted to keep it for yourself” grunted Draig causing Ginji to cough lightly.

”I think Aoi may have confused my words, I never said anything about you stealing a sword from me” started Ginji before Aoi turned her wrathful gaze towards her brother.

”Ginji” growled the girl as she caught on to the actual happening's of the situation.

Draig didn't say anything and merely watched the situation unfold as the girl proceeded to beat the Grave Forger ruthlessly with her hammer.

”I apologize for before, it seems that there was a misunderstanding between us.” smiled the girl causing Draig to watch witha sweat.

'She changes too fast' thought Draig as he slowly slinked back behind his curtain hoping to avoid the crazy duo outside.