121 Grave Forger Returns (1/2)
Draig had slept soundly for most of the night until he was awoken by a loud squeal from two people at his paper curtain, he had used the same Runes from his stay at the Kori compound to provide him with enough privacy.
Pulling the Talisman curtain to the side he was surprised to see someon he knew among the duo of steaming mortals.
As if sensing his presence none other than Ginji hopped to his feet and looked at Draig or more precisely the Thousand Fold Blade.
”Did you miss me” cooed the Grave Forger reaching for the Sword only to feel Draig's powerful fist impact his skull.
”You can't stop true love if it's meant to be” groaned the odd Smith.
”What are you doing here” complained Draig, he didn't wish to be on constant guard of his sword being stolen from him.
”To attend the Academy obviously” smiled Ginji looking at the Feratu though Draig's eyes seemed to wander over to the second of the Duo, a girl by the looks of it if the upturned skirt was anything to go by and the lack of a crucial element.
”I mean how did you get into the Academy” sighed Draig as he was certain only those who could show potential as a Deva were allowed entry.
”Simple I used the Forger's clause” explained Ginji with a smile.
”Forger's clause” asked Draig raising a brow.
”Yep” chirped the man as he smiled.
”Are you going to elaborate” asked Draig causign Ginji to realize what Draig had been asking.
”Well simple really, certain Deva are allowed to bring a personal smith with them into the academy provided that they can defeat one of the Guards at the entrance.” smiled Ginji causing Draig to nod.
”Then I assume that this is the Deva that gained you entry” asked Draig motioning to the girl who was still steamig from the zap of Draig's Talisman curtain.
”Well that was the plan but my darling little sister was barely able to last against the Guards at the entrance, luckily I figured you would be here and took the gamble saying I was your personal smith and now here I am” chuckled Ginji causing Draig to look at him blankly.
”Then you used my name to get in....” stated Draig as Ginji seemed to realize that they had parted on such good terms last time and began sweating.
”Wait, look I know that you are still probably upset that I tried to take your sword but I promise that this isn't the case anymore. I just want to be able to maintain it for you and who knows we might eventually be able to get it to fold again” explained Ginji for once with a serious expression.
Draig looked at the man before looking at his apparent sister and realized she didn't have a sword.
”Where is your sister's sword” asked Draig as this was an odd thing to see for a Deva to be without their weapon.
”Oh she doesn't use a sword, she uses a hammer” smiled Ginji feeling that it was like a family tradition for one of their members to work with a hammer.
”A hammer?” Questioned Draig as this went against what he had known and what he had witnessed.
”Indeed” nodded Ginji sagely as he stroked his chin causing Draig to feel like Zarra had been reborn but he knew that wasn't the case because the man still resided in his Avatar.