122 Factions (1/2)

Draig eventually exited his room leaving his Talisman curtain in place, Ginji was still waiting outside like a kicked puppy until he saw the Feratu.

”Oh you're back, excellent. Why don't you let me look at the Divine Sword and see if it needs any sharpening” chirped Ginji excitedly.

Draig sighed, this person was persistent to a ridiculous degree.

”Fine but you have to do it inside my room” stated Draig causing Ginji to jump up with excitement though he had learned his lesson after the first time and waited for Draig to pull the curtain aside.

Once inside of the Feratu's room Draig unsheathed the Blade and Ginji looked at it with reverence, this was his greatest creation and he couldn't help but worship it. He may not be able to create something this grand again but he was certain that he could perhaps improve it in the future if he studied it properly.

”I am going out for a bit, this room is covered in the same runes as those on the curtain. If you attempt to run away with my sword you will find yourself in for quite a shock” stated Draig before leaving the room.

Ginji however had no intention of trying to run with the sword, he had nowhere to run and would only be able to hide inside the Academy without Draig accompanying him through the Gates. He was already lucky the Guards had broken protocol to allow him in but he figured that had more to do with Draig than them being generous, the looks on their faces when he described Draig said enough for him to guess this.

However with Draig he was looking around the Dorm when he heard yelling outside causing him to become curious. Following the noise he ended up in the courtyard alongside the Dorm leader and the others who resided within the building looking at an odd girl with purple hair, by her side were two people that Draig recognized.

'Ari and Yuki, what are they doing here' wondered Draig as he watched the them standing behind the girl like guards to royalty.

”Come and join the new Mugen Faction, with us you will be able to leave this delapidated living space and have a chance for a better future” called the girl causing those who were in the Dorm to snort in dismissal.

”If your Mugen Faction is so great then why are you here trying to recruit the bottom or the bucket” asked one of the residents of the Dorm causing a bout of laughter from those gathered.

”I want to give everyone a chance, nation's aren't just built on the backs of the powerful. They are built on a united front, together we are stronger than any one of us alone. This is why I am giving you this opportunity to improve your situation” answered the girl causing another round of laughter.

”Obviously we are stronger together than by ourselves, is that all you have” asked the Dorm leader joining in on teasing the girl while Yuki and Ari seemed to be resisting the urge to attack.

”Fine, if you wish to be that way then let me propose a wager” stated the girl causing those in the dorm to look on with interest.

”Yuki and Ari are strong Deva, I propose that we have a battle and any who are defeated must join my faction” stated the girl with a smirk causing the Dorm leader to smile in response.

”Then what if you lose, what do we get” asked the Dorm leader as if considering the wager.

”How about meal tickets” offered the girl which seemed to get the attention of the residents in the dorm but it seemed the Dorm leader wasn't interested.

”We have meal tickets already, if that is all you have to offer it is no wonder that no one wishes to join your faction” called out the Dorm leader causing the girl to scowl.

”Fine what do you want then” asked the girl.

”How about materials” suggested the Dorm leader.