117 This is My Avatar pt2: Draigs Sorrow (2/2)

”Next” stated Draig not bothering with the little one any longer.

Sighing to himself the Larger man attempted to move forward however was stopped by a thinner frame, it was the second of the Deva who carried a sabre.

”I am ready to begin when you are” stated Draig as he once again took his stance, this was apparently all the thin Deva needed as they ran forward and swung the Sabre beautifully forcing Draig to block but the weight behind the strike managed to knock him from his feet forcing him to roll with the strike before leaping forward in a quickdraw type stance.

The clanking of the swords caused sparks to emit between the two showing that it was rather even, the thin Deva cursed however at seeing this and kicked towards Draig's genitals forcing him to leap backwards. The crowd at the side who had seen the move cheered at the move however Draig was not amused by this.

”Very well then” chuckled Draig as he swung to the side and killed a few of the Villagers with his swing.

”What are you doing, you haven't won yet” crowed the man who had called the Deva.

”Punishment for breaking the rules, I am to be defeated by Swordsmanship not petty tricks” stated Draig causing the crowd to look at the thin Deva who clenched his fist upon hearing his move called petty by a demon.

”I have held my word and have only used my sword to attack without the need to resort to dishonorable means for victory, unlike this Deva here I have morales” stated Draig causing the thin Deva to growl.

Charging forward the thin Deva attempted a swing again however he found Draig's swing to come much faster than it had previously and his sabre was split in two.

”I don't have time to spar with someone like you” stated Draig as he looked towards the final of the three Deva.

”I apologize on my friends behalf, it is his first time leaving the Academy” explained the large man  causing Draig to raise a brow.

”I thought Deva weren't allowed to leave the Academy until they had proven themselves” asked Draig causing the Large Deva to tilt his head slightly.

”It is interesting you would know that but there have been changes to that protocol in recent years and those Deva in training now take missions approved by the Association and provided a chaperone” explained the Large Deva causing Draig to nod as this would be beneficial to them as well.

”You are their chaperone then” asked Draig

”I am, I have answered your questions now I hope that you can answer one of mine” started the Large Deva causing Draig to quirk his eyebrow.

”Your movement with your blade increased drastically as compared to when you began the match, is there a reason for this” asked the Large Deva as he was wondering why he would draw out the fight like that.

”Simple really, I am just trying to make my own swordstyle so I must take things slow in order to perfect the moves” answered Draig causing the Large Deva to nod as this was a logical answer.

”Very well, let us begin” spoke the Large Deva before he dashed forward witha noticeable difference in speed when compared to the other two.

Draig attempted to block and felt the force of the blow send him skidding on his feet, nodding to himself Draig swiped to the side causing a clang to ring out before ducking under another swing.

Soon a beatiful dance of blades began as Draig managed to get a few knicks here and there while his Swordsmanship was getting cleaner the longer he went however their could only be one winner and if Draig lost he would certainly die.

”I.... have enjoyed this battle so far” grunted Draig causing the large Deva to tilt his head before Draig flicked his sword upward creating an opening where he quickly slashed open the chest piece the Deva wore releasing a spray of blood.

'This was more enlightening than I had first imagined' thought Draig as he sheathed his sword and turned his back towards the Village, he would allow them to live since he had been able to progress his swordsmanship so much from learing during the fight with the Large Deva.

'Now it's time to try and manifest my true Avatar' chuckled Draig ignorig the stares of the crowd as he searched for his next target.