117 This is My Avatar pt2: Draigs Sorrow (1/2)

Draig chuckled cruelly as he walked the roads of the country, many swordsman who weren't Deva had attempted to battle him and lost their lives but through this Draig was gradually able to build his swordstyle. Small villages on the border had seen more of his wrath as he challenged every man there to try and best him or he would slaughter the entirety of their populace, it was in these bouts that Draig had occasionally been bested while other times he would lay complete waste to the community.

The more he fought the quicker his style began to take shape and become applicable, his battle reflexes had also began seeing improvement as he had been cut by the likes of the mortals many times before encouraging him dodge and parry skillfully.

'I should be getting the attention of the Deva by now' thought Draig as he wished to try his hand against a few of the self proclaimed Protectors of humanity.

However he thought better of it, it wouldn't due if his Avatar suddenly manifested while he was battling them and thus revealing him as the Black demon as he had come to be called.

Since the time Draig had started using this alternate persona a few months had passed and he was starting to get the hang of using a Katana but he felt he needed to head elsewhere in order to truly test it's effectiveness against demons.

Walking into another village without reverting to his human looking body he gathered frightened stares and headed for the Village's center where he stood proudly with his sword in hand.

By now the people who encountered him knew the drill and the best of their defenders gathered swiftly, sure enough he only waited a few short moments but soon he was looking at a line of Swordsman standing before him.

”If it isn't the Gentleman Demon himself” sneered the first of the group.

Draig hadn't heard this one before but he had to admit it sounded nice as well, much better than the Black Demon.

”I assume you know the rules” asked Draig causing the man to smirk.

”We do but it won't be us facing you, instead we have hired these Deva to fight in our stead. Perhaps this goes against your rules” asked the man as a froup of robed people seemed to blur into existence.

”If they are here then they are welcome to challenge as well” answered Draig simply surprising the Deva.

”Are they aware of the rules” asked Draig causing the Deva behind the man to look confused, they had never heard of a demon abiding by any sort of rules.

”The rules are simple, if he wins then he will lay siege to the village but if he is bested in swordplay then he will leave” explained the man causing the Deva to look at the demon in front of them even more strangely.

”And he has held his end of the Bargain before” asked the tallest of the group revealing a deep voice.

”He has always kept his word” nodded the man causing some more shock to the Deva.

”I see, Gentleman Demon. You are aware that if you are to lose here then we will not be able to spare you” called the large Deva.

”That is understandable, it is only natural.” answered Draig as he took a low stance and drew his Katana.

”Very well, then allow us to begin” stated the Large Deva allowing the smallest of them to go first.

This person had their face covered like the other two and drew a short sword that looked similar to his Katana but it's reach was greatly decreased.

This small Deva charged forth and attempted to cut Draig at the hip but found the strike blocked with a turn of his sword, it was a credit to his odd way of training that he was able to block so easily with so little movement. Draig then took it upon himself to strike and with a quick movement the little Deva's sword was knocked free and lodged into the ground.

”Next” called Draig causing the Deva to stare at him oddly, the fight wasn't over just because the opponent didn't have a weapon.

The small Deva looked at Draig with hostility and charged back in causing Draig to narrow his eyes which was something caught by the largest of the trio.

”Wai....” started the large Deva but he watched as Draig brutally turned his blade around to the blunt side and displayed some of his swordsmanship right there on the spot as he punished the little Deva.