118 This is My Avatar pt3: Draigs Sorrow (1/2)
A few months had passed since Draig had his encounter with those low level Deva, the only reason he was able to handle them so easily being his Hybrid form allowing him strength greater than what he was able to use while in his human body. However these months had lead Draig to a rather ominous looking territory, he had sought out a place like this due to the residents of the area.
Demons, he was lucky in the fact that this only a low level threat area where weak Mortal class demons dwelled. He had been finishing out his training here in hopes of manifesting his Battle Avatar as he had come to call it, he had seen moderate developement in his Swordstyle and thus had been focusing on channeling his Deva energy through the Thousand Fold Blade. Many Demons had learned of him living in the area and had bore witness to the terrifying brutality the Vampire would act with but the poor fools hadn't developed the intelligence to realize that Draig was not someone they could handle.
As it was Draig was channeling his Deva energy while standing across from a demon he had disarmed the bloody stumps on the creature's shoulders proof of it's inability to fight on even terms with the Feratu.
'Concentrate, just like with the 'Brush'. I must channel the energy as I attack' thought Draig focusing intently as a vague image took shape over him displaying what looked like countless figures. However the Vampire wasn't aware of this as he continued to focus before swinging decisively, the Demon jumped over the strike and planted a firm kick into Draig before giggling at the sight of the Vampire rolling across the ground.
Slowly the Feratu rose to his feet again and took his stance before repeating the process ending up in the same position, it was to note that each time this occurred the image above him would become more solid and clear to the view of outsiders.
Draig got to his feet again and tried a vertical slash only to have the Demon in front of him spin to the side and smash a knee into his head followed by its demonc giggling. The noise was becoming something of a motivation for Draig as his anger began to boil.
Another swing followed by giggling and then another with the same result, this continued for many hours until the sun began to set. Draig sighed and decided to go for the Killing blow however it was on this strike that the Demon had taken a step back alerting Draig to something having changed.
Looking up with a look of excitement Draig felt shock and then horror fill his being as he stared at the legion of people and creatures above him.
'No.... this can't be' thought Draig as he slowly fell to his knees.
He couldn't remove his eyes from the Avatar he had manifested, the countless familiar bodies looking at him with looks of endearment and approval caused Draig to feel as if his heart was breaking.
”Father..... Kira...... Dracule............... Sylvie” whispered Draig, there were countless other's that he recognized in the manifested Avatar but these four stuck out the most. It was like he had been dipped into a vat of ice, he couldn't believe what he was seeing.
These were the people he held dear depite his lack of wanting to admit it, these were people that should have been waiting for him in their own world. That was what the woman had said, time would be frozen until he returned. This was a guarantee for him to play her game but looking up there was no mistaking that goofy grin on Zarra's face.
”T-This is my.... Avatar” called Draig as blood began welling up at the corner of his eyes creating crimson tears that streamed down his face. This was soon followed by anguished howl as Draig screamed with all his might trying to communicate his sorrow to the world and any that would hear him.
As if sensing his pain those who had become his Avatar gathered to him as if to provide comfort, Zarra smiled and seemed to move his cloak to the side displaying that he now had a fully intact arm instead of the Divine prosthetic he had acquired during the Skyfall while Kira kneeled down to be on his level and crossed his arm over his chest as if a knight saluting his king which only served to fuel more of Draig's pain.
The Feratu was not alone however, in the distance a group of Sword wielding people that were in this area for the same reason as Draig were baring witness to this scene.
”Master, is that his Avatar” asked one of the younger people staring at the legion of people from Draig's previous world.
”Indeed, it seems that this person is in pain though. It would be wise to stay away from this person lest you anger him in the future” commented the Master.