110 Not my Avatar pt4: Sleeping on the Job (1/2)

It was sudden, the moment Draig's body touched the ground the city was rocked by a treacherous explosion causing the Palace to shake. It seemed that the Emperor's fears had come to pass and Draig's premonition had come to fruition, the Emperor rushed to the throne room calling his troops to arms. The old man himself even getting ready to join the fray but it didn't seem like this would come to pass.

”Hello your Highness, please forgive our little intrusion but we just couldn't pass up the opportunity” chuckled a man with glinting glasses.

”It's you” gasped the Emperor stunned before a clawed hand came from the Emperor's shadow emptying his chest where the old man's heart had resided.

”Traitor...” rasped the Emperor as he looked at the person before him and took his final breath falling backwards with a soft thud against the marble floor.

Chuckling the person stepped over the Old man's body and moved through out the palace looking for someone in particular and found Draig which appeared to be his target.

”Wretched little brat, a shame you aren't awake to give me the full satisfaction” began the man as he drew a sword from his side intent on handling Draig but a shocking thing happened and an odd creature took form over the Feratu's body. A vicious snarl erupted from the creature's throat as it spun once and the man's blade arm was removed and this was quickly followed by a vicious pounce that left the man to gargle as blood pooled in his mouth because of the vicious teeth marks in his neck.

The odd creature became transparent again as it came to Draig's side, this would have been a shocking sight for the Emperor if he had seen this as it was yet another Avatar that he had seen come from Draig without any correlation between the three.

In the streets innocents were being slaughtered mercilessly as these bizarre beasts took over the city accompanied by people with purple tinged skin and red eyes with varying colored pupils, on their hips were swords signifying that these people were Deva. However these were not the heroes that the people loved but rather their evil counterpart, the Dark Deva.

”Kill, KIll, KIll. Kill them all” squealed a powerful looking man with a large sword tinged with blood as he took in the sights of this massacre.

The Imperial Deva and Guards were both doing their best to hold off the swarm but it would only last so long as the enemies number seemed to be growing while theirs was only falling.

However suddenly as if someone had called an end to it the Demons and Dark Deva began retreating while roaring out victoriously, it hadn't taken more than hour for this siege to leave the people and the city tattered. The suddenness of the strike combined with the large numbers had left everything in a star struck state, it seemed however that the only people left relatively unharmed were the Imperial family with only one loss among them.

Some time later woke with a start only to find himself locked a dark place with his hands chained to a wall.

”So you're awake” sneered Akio looking at Draig but he wasn't alone, Hideki was at his side along with the rest of their brothers and sisters.