109 Not My Avatar pt3 (1/2)

”As I was saying this doesn't carry over to the Immortal Level Threats, there is only one Classification for them and that is S. They are the biggest threat to human existence especially in their later stages, I am certain that you had heard about the last Immortal level threat that appeared and how it had ended in Mutual destruction” asked the Emperor causing Draig to nod.

”Yes, Junko seemed quite frightened by the idea” answered Draig

”For good reason, however the Dynasties after the battle had divided the spoils among themselves however there was a reason why this terrifying monster was able to killed” stated the Emperor with a heavy visage.

”Which is” asked Draig as he wished to know what could weaken something that was declared Immortal.

”It had given birth, it laid eggs that carried it's children and these were taken by the Dynasties as well as the body parts of the Monster in order to create stronger weapons to fight Demons.” continued the Emperor which caused Draig to become a bit more understanding but he still had another question.

”What happened to the eggs” asked Draig seriously causing the Emperor to look down causing Draig's eyes to widen in shock.

”Each of the Dynasties has one but to my knowledge it is only ours that is kept here in the most guarded place in the country” explained the Emperor.

Draig just stared at the man before him with a shocked look, how could he risk having such a thing beneath the capital. If it were to hatch then total destruction would follow yet this man who was so kind to his people still allowed it to remain there.

”This is one of the biggest reasons that I would rather my troops not lead the Raid as this would take the majority or our forces from this important place leaving it wide open for a counterstrike.” sighed the Emperor.

”It's an impossible request, if anyone knew that it was here then it would indeed be a tragedy. However I have come to seek you out for a different reason other than to talk” stated Draig causing the Emperor to smile and sigh thinking he knew what it was.

”I have told you countless times, I am saving those things for my Heirs. I know that they don't want to be Deva but something in these old Bones tell me that this will be changing rather soon” chuckled the Emperor which seemed to bring a cold sensation to Draig's heart.

'So it isn't just me' thought Draig as he watched the Old man from the corner of his eyes.

”That is actually not what I was going to ask” answered Draig causing the Old man to feign surprise.

”Then do tell what it is you were hoping to get out of me today” asked the Emperor with a laugh seeming to regain his vigor after speaking with Draig.

”I have found success in using my brush” stated Draig which caused the Emperor to reveal a pleased look.

”That is wonderful news” laughed the Old man.