84 Skyfall: Draigs army (1/2)

Draig chuckled as he inspected the pumpkins, it was a shame that they didn't carry blood within them or else he would have some interesting additions to his tome.

”Come Dracule” stated Draig as he began walking back to the Townships people.

Zarra and the rest of the Devils watched as the Laterns followed suit and lined up with the Township's people. Many questions rang through the Mage's head, all of them revolving around that name of Feratu.

He recalled a book that Eliza had loved to read when she was still alive, it had made a brief mention of a man called Feratu and his terrifying might and now he had heard it again in reference to his son. It was something he wished to ask about but he wasn't sure how he would propose his questions to Draig, the Vampire wasn't very forthcoming and he knew that even with the changes. Unless he could get him riled up enough to slip some information there wouldn't really be a point in asking.

”Hey Zarra, the name Feratu sounds familiar” stated Ruth suddenly causing the mage to turn to her.

”How so” asked the mage faking ignorance.

”Just something I read, an old tale of a man who became a monster” answered Ruth causing the other Devils to look towards her.

”Care to tell us this story” proposed the Mage hoping to gain some insight as he could really remember much from Eliza's mention of it.

”It is a very short tale lacking many details but essentially it began in the ancient times, it said that the world was ruled by gods and plagued by their nemesis the Devils. The Gods had a champion by the name of Feratu who could smite entire armies with but a few strokes of his blade, he was the hope of mankind but alas something terrible had happened.” started Ruth causing the Devils to become interested even Grayson.

”What happened, surely you don't mean to say he was slain or something right” asked Johnson.

”No, he was not slain. He was corrupted and turned, his great might which had once been the pride of humanity had become the blade hanging over their necks. The Devils had infused their will into him and had given birth to the monsters of the world today. Feratu with his incredible strength had taken control of these races and waged war against the Gods, plaguing mankind as the strength of the Heavens could not combat the one they had cherished and his dreadful army. The Gods believers lost faith in their deities as it seemed even with their blessings none could stand the wrath of Feratu, it is said that Feratu had feasted upon the blood of thousands and in the process became the first Vampire and established a horrible dynasty of which he had twelve sons.” continued Ruth as she tried remembering what exactly it was the story had said.

”I assume these twelve sons are related to the twelve clans” asked Grayson curiously

”It did not say..... humanity continued to live under their rule while the gods perished leaving humanity without a hope until the Prophet appeared with the Class system. With it's blessings we were able to build an army capable of overthrowing the reign of Feratu and his twelve sons but in the midst of this war the prophet had disappeared thus leaving his creation to mankind in the hopes that it would allow us to continue to protect ourselves from these dark beings. Then the story ends” finished Ruth as the Devils all stared at her as if asking what happens next.

”What book did you find this story in” asked Zarra hoping to read it and perhaps find more clues.

”Its an old children's book of Fairy tales, it is one of the many inside” answered Ruth smiling at Zarra's interest.Find authorized novels in Webnovel,faster updates, better experience,Please click for visiting.

Zarra recalled what Draig had said before his mental break and he couldn't help but feel that maybe he truly was the ignorant one, Draig knew too many secrets and didn't wish to spill any of them. His face took on a serious tone as he contemplated.

”Zarra it seems you know more, do you wish to share with the rest of us” asked Grayson as he could tell Zarra knew something else but he hadn't spoken yet.

”Just something Draig had said months ago before his mind took a severe blow, it's nothing” chuckled Zarra acting as if nothing was wrong but Greg and Jared knew instantly what he was talking about and their eyes widened.

”Anyways, I wish you luck in the Skyfall but do remember my warnings, both of them” stated Zarra looking toward Grayson as he said the last part.

Jared and Gregory went with Zarra as they needed to discuss a few things in private concerning Draig's reveal the months prior.

However Draig was busy calculating in his mind while Dracule and the rest of the Lanterns sat at the side awaiting their Master's orders.

'They act as if I cannot hear them, indeed the stupidity of mortals' thought Draig as he wondered who could have possibly known about those events as that part of history should have been lost or forgotten.