83 Skyfall: March of the Pumpkins (1/2)

Draig was released from the grasp of Minerva when Zarra intervened.

”Alright, everyone line up so I can introduce you” smiled Zarra holding Draig under his arm on his good side.

The rest of the Ten Devils lined up with Gregory and Jared doing the same.

”First up we have Aaron” announced Zarra as the man with the deadly aura stepped forward.

”Murderous Assassin, at your service” stated Aaron with a smile hidden behind his half mask.

”You've already met Minerva” sighed Zarra

”I hope we can know each other better” smiled Minerva hers also hidden behind the bandages causing Zarra to glare.

”Johnson you big lug, come on up” laughed Zarra as the man with Knuckles on his hands stepped forward.

”Interesting to meet the son of this Demon” stated Johnson casually.

”Ruth come on down” smiled Zarra as the woman wearing baggy clothes with dark hair stepped forward.

”It is nice to meet you” stated the Woman curtly her eyes fixing themselves on Zarra causing him to cough.

”Jason, you wild man” continued Zarra as he found himself growing bored with the introductions as a beast like man stepped forward.

”You smell just like a Vampire” smirked the beast like man.

”Grayson” called Zarra as the holy looking man stepped forward.

”I am interested to see what you are capable of” stated Grayson his aura making Draig sick just looking at him.

”Last but certainly the least, you've already met him. Silver” inroduced Zarra lamely

The swordsman that was struck by both Zarra and Draig stepping forward reluctantly due to the introduction.

”Alright now introduce yourself son” smiled Zarra enjoying the tolerance Draig was showing

”Draig, son of the Dark mage” introduced Draig as his flying knife tried to fly by but was caught by Aaron.

”Enough with your little tricks kid, it was interesting for the first couple minutes but it gets old.” stated the Assassin as he tossed the blade back to Draig.

”Hey what about us” complained Gregory with Jared nodding at the side.

”I already know who you are” sighed Draig finding himself getting sucked into their idiocy despite his wishes.

”So this is the child of you and that woman” asked Ruth as she looked Draig up and down.

”Yep” smiled Zarra though he didn't mention her lack of respect to his dead wife.

”Charming” stated Ruth casting a disgusted look towards the Feratu

”Ugly” retorted Draig causing those gathered Devils to gawk at him.

”I'd watch your tone if I was you brat, Ruth's got a temper” commented Aaron casting a worried gaze towards the woman.

”Why, from what I can tell the mage and his two idiots are capable of stopping the rest of you if my Appraisal is to be trusted.” smirked Draig his eyes gleaming.

”Do you think they would really come to your aid” asked Johnson not liking the smirk on the Feratu's face.

”I know they will” sighed Draig as the trio's antics and concern was something that was hard to explain, Zarra himself bordered on obsession.

The Devil's looked towards Zarra, Gregory, and Jared finding their hardened gazes on them causing them to relent.

”Dark beings like you should stick together” sneered Grayson though he knew his limits.

”I'm surprised you lived this long” stated Draig randomly causing the other Devils to look at him oddly.

”Oh? Why is that” asked Grayson interested in the reason as he smiled derisively.

”Your a pompous, insufferable, moronic, self righteous ass” stated Draig drawing Zarra's gaze as he had never heard Draig speak like this, the mental break had done a great deal for Draig's personality as some of his older habits from a delinquent youth started to reappear changing his way of speaking unless he was putting on airs.

The rest of the Devils widened their eyes before they cracked up, the laughter from his fellows caused Grayson to burn with indignation.

”Listen here you insuffereable little leech” started Grayson but Draig smirked as he opened his mouth.

”Seal” stated Draig causing the man to suddenly find his limbs pulled to his body sticking him in the fetal position.

”Is that a new enchantment” asked Zarra as he hadn't known of any of the previous enchanter's to be capable of enchanting people like this.

”No, just something I developed through self study. It's actually the first time I used it” smirked Draig as the other Devils froze at the question.

”Enchantment?” asked Minerva in shock

”Then that means...” started Jason

”He's this generation's Enchanter” smiled Zarra proudly.

”Yep, thats our boy” stated Jared as he patted Draig on the back.

”The the most important Class among awakened” added Gregory patting the other shoulder.

Draig realized what was happening and mentally slapped himself.

”So mortal, tell me. How does it feel to be done in so easily by such an insufferable little leech” sneered Draig putting on his Feratu persona.

The Devils looked at Draig oddly as he had gone from a delinquent youth similar to Zarra to this 'mightier than thou' persona.

”Psst, your kid got a personality disorder” whispered Aaron to the mage.

”Believe it or not, this actually how he is” whispered Zarra in response

”Must be tiring to deal with” added Jason stepping into their circle as he whispered.

”You have no idea” whispered Jared

”We've been driven mad by this little attitude of his” added Gregory

”Kid's so serious when he does” continued Johnson

The group stood at the side in their own little circle unaware Draig was listening due to his heightened senses.

”Have they always been like that” asked Draig looking to Silver and Ruth who nodded embarrassed by their association.

”You have my condolences” stated Draig causing the two to tear up.

'Finally someone understands' thought the two, too long had they suffered from this idiotic people but they had never realized they were just as ridiculous as them.

”Hey Boss Draig, who are those kids walking up” called one of the Monster classed people from the Township.