82 Skyfalling (2/2)

Repositioning himself his took the point as they crashed into the mage, he hated this man but he would find loss if he tried to kill him for the moment.

”Hello father” answered Draig grinding his foot in Zarra's face

”Hey brat, is that anyway to greet your father” roared Gregory making his presence known with a flying fist that Draig ducked under until he found himself and Gregory along with Zarra scooped into the massive arms of Jared.

”We have missed you Draig” smiled the giant of a man.

The rest of the assembled human forces looked on in shock, why were these three Devils holding onto this Vampire.

”Zarra what is the meaning of this, did I hear you just call this leech call you father” demanded a wicked looking Swordsman with a silver blade.

”This my boy” smiled Zarra goofily still hanging from the arms of Jared until the giant of a man found himself dropped by a kick to his scrotum.

”Don't hug me” stated Draig glaring though it was half hearted.

”Your joking right” asked the man glaring at Draig in a deadly manner.

”Hey mortal” called Draig looking at the swordsman.

”What scum” called the swordsman before he felt a decent strike hit his gut and Draig standing before him.

”Watch your tone” sneered Draig before he appeared back in his previous position.

”Draig apologize” started Zarra before he too disappeared but when he appeared in front of the Swordsman the man vomited blood.

”Your supposed to hit him like this” chuckled to Dark mage before stomping on the swordsman before leaning down.

”You got a problem with my boy” asked Zarra in a deathly serious tone the madness returning to his eyes.

”N-No” answered the swordsman, he had been taken off guard by Draig allowing the strike but he was the bottom of the Ten Devils while Zarra and his rag tag group sat at the top.

”Good, now anyways how have you guys been. No letter or anything in the past two decades, how rude can you be” laughed Zarra causing the other Devils to be on guard.

”Zarra, is that really you kid” asked the woman in bandages.

”Cut the umbilical chord myself” stated Zarra proudly

”He's a Vampire though...” called out the man with a deadly aura who had lost his cool persona in front of this Demon in human skin.

”Well see when a man and woman love each other very much and the woman gets bit by a vampire and the man is a dark mage some things happen and boom a baby vampire is born” laughed Zarra though they understood beyond his goofy phrasing what he meant.

”Interesting, does he boast any of the Bloodline abilities” asked the man with Knuckles.

”Johnson, I am proud to say he boasts all of these abilities and many more” chuckled Zarra causing the ten Devils to look at Draig with a new perspective.

Draig however had been hounded as well.

”You left Sylvie” growled the girl with a blank stare

”Darling it is wonderful to see you again, have you missed me” asked Sherry

”Draig, do not forget the agreement we had” added Willow with her entourage nodding.

”Boss” called the trio of idiots from before.

The other's of the township seemed to get cocky as they Draig was there and smirked at the other assembled forces.

”Ha, how do you like that you normy fucks. Lord Draig's on our team” called out an awakened as he turned to his monster form.

The others soon followed suit and displayed their pride as awakened, standing behind Draig it looked like a march of demons rising from hell.

Draig however was busy with his own task as his flying knife went through the forces swiftly while the Feratu seemed to be reading a book but every now and then a flash would be seen as crimson drop fell into the book.

Among the forces they swatted what felt like bug bites thinking maybe it was a swarm, while this happened Draig chuckled as the tome become more powerful.

However with the lightning speed and the number of repeats Draig soon began to get bored.

”Hello Draig, I am Minerva. I am a close friend of your Father's” chuckled the bandaged woman as she attempted to pulled Draig into her generous buxom.

Draig resisted with all his might but this woman was powerful.

'I regret coming here...' thought Draig as the madness from all these people was thorougly disturbing him and the worst part was he couldn't even fight the craziest bastards among them.