82 Skyfalling (1/2)

Draig sat as the timer grew near it's end but it was on the end of the second day that the location of the skyfall was announced.

”Skyfall eminent, combatants gather in the Forgotten forest” announced the Class system causing shock to ring out among those knowledgable about that forbidden zone in the Beast lands.

Zarra who had been playing with Doll heard this and dropped the toy in shock, Gregory and Jared also looked alarmed.

”What's the Forbidden Forest” asked Doll lifting his body from the floor.

”Trouble, sorry kiddo looks like I'm going to crash your party after all” sighed Zarra though he smiled in a pleased manner showing his willingness to go.

”Time to see the nephew again already? Didn't he only leave like a day ago” called Gregory as he and Jared sat at the table playing cards.

Jared didn't say anything as he stripped down out of his armor and took up his sword before his armor turned to liquid and flowed into the blade.

”Don't complain corpse breath” barked Jared.

”We are going but let's say it's for another reason, like we couldn't bare to see our people struggle in this time of bounty” explained Zarra knowing how Draig would react.

Elsewhere Kira smiled as he and his pack traveled swiftly as he tried focusing on the ring as it glowed showing that Draig was still living.

'I'm a coming kid, it's been too long and Kasa is very excited to see you again' smirked Kira, he was aware that his daughter had less than pure intentions for wanting to see Draig but he didn't mind. The Feratu had his approval which is more than can be said for the rest of the mongrels lusting after his pup.

Besides him Dracule was also coming but he was filled with dread, he truly didn't wish to see the Heir of Feratu again. He had gotten used to being in control again and didn't wish for it to end so soon.

”Why me, why did I train that kid. Why did it have to be like this” sighed Dracule as he continued marching along with a swarm of others.

In the forest Dahlia was accompanied by a full company of Elves though she was displeased by this she knew she would be seeing her teacher again so she didn't care too much. They didn't have to travel far as they were the closest to the Forbidden forest.

In the Dark plains the Vampire's had assembled forming a massive legion at their lead stood the twelve elders, it was a glorious sight the only thing missing was the main branch but there was only one person that could assume this role and he wasn't on terms with these leeches.

”Oh look, even the scribes have shown themselves” laughed a frail looking old man with a fiery air about him.Find authorized novels in Webnovel,faster updates, better experience,Please click for visiting.

”What's that I couldn't hear you because the distance you hot blooded pipsqueak” snorted the Aries elder.

”You damn pencil pusher” growled Bloodburn

Elsewhere the rest of the Ten Devils excluding Zarra and his band of baffoons, had gathered showing a terrifying force behind them.

”Zarra isn't here” asked a holy looking person.

”You know he had a mental breakdown after that woman died” called another with a deadly aura around him.

”Shame I was looking forward to seeing that bag of bones and the stupid one in red armor” sighed a woman with dark hair.

”I heard she gave birth to a kid before she died, we might meet him” called out a woman wrapped in bandages like a mummy.

”And they said I'm the lustful one, why don't you go after someone your own age” called out a man with a large knuckles on his hands.

The group soon broke down into arguments causing the forces behind them to deadpan.

'Are all powerful people crazy' thought the legion in unison.

Draig meanwhile chuckled as he felt his ring heat up.

”Seems my pets will be coming as well” smirked Draig as he went in the direction of the Forbidden forest cackling cruelly.

Unknow to him a certain blonde haired youth had been watching him for some time.

'So that's the Vampire' thought Marcus curiously, he didn't carry a hateful look on his face as one would think.

He rushed after the Feratu intent on investigating him more.

Draig however was as quick in the sky as he was on the ground and arrived in a stunning pace to the place he had battled the Dark Knights before only to find a whole assembly of human Awakened and Guilders however before anything could be said and a giant rift opened up revealing Zarra with the rest of the township.

Immediately the mage's eyes locked the Vampire.

The rest of the Ten devils followed his gaze and saw Draig before taking a hostile stance as attacks began to charge.

”This is it Doll, the moment you have been training for” whispered Zarra

”I am ready dad” nodded Doll before he found himself launched at incredible velocities towards Draig where latched on tightly before tugging a wire behind him.

The Feratu soon found himself pulled to the mage as a storm of attacks rushed his previous postion.

”Come to Daddy” laughed Zarra holding his singular arm out intent on grasping Draig but the Feratu had different plans.