81 Thirst Quenching and Skyfall (1/2)
Draig travelled by foot refreshed by the fact that he was once again able to travel in peace, he hadn't even realized he could miss solitude after the years he had of it but it was a welcome return. He had been thinking over the things he could now remember clearly as the mind fracture event had helped him in an odd way, the memories he had gained from the Founder and Dracule were now clear and with it Draig felt his thirst nearly killing him.
He had believed that because of the Founder's story and from a few comments he had made during the training that his first drink of blood would be vital to his growth as a Vampire so he would need to be selective in his choice but the memories of Dracule showed otherwise, the Old pumpkin's memories of being a vampire revealed him being able to strengthen his body by absorbing specific traits from his victims blood similar to the Bloodscript.
This had caused the young Feratu to become ravenous, his journey however was about to come to a halt as he saw a familiar person in a pathetic state.
Kraus had fallen on hard times since his defeat at the hands of Draig previously, his return to the Dark Fortess was met with banishment by his own people. Since then he had become something of a bandit, his power had grown a bit but he had been traumatized from the last encounter with the Feratu. The amount of power Draig had displayed had thoroughly scared him as it seemed that the Vampire had known his plan's all along and had merely toyed with him.
The thought of this frightened him to the core and had left him hoping to never encounter the Vampire ever again thus he lead this life of travel and robbery. It was his belief that if he kept moving then he would never be found by the horrid Feratu but things often did not end up this way.
”Halt, drop your valuables and I may spare your life” called Kraus showing his mighty figure to his cloaked victim.
”Oh? I thought you were dead” stated Draig as he wasn't kidding, he had believed this person to have died in their previous encounter.
Kraus however heard the voice and felt his blood turn to ice, he couldn't believe it. He had tried hard to distance himself as far away from the Beast lands as he could just so he wouldn't encounter this monster but he stood before him now. Kraus stared at Draig feeling that the heavens were truly unfair forcing him to curse them.Find authorized novels in Webnovel,faster updates, better experience,Please click for visiting.
”Seems you are more stubborn than I thought” chuckled Draig as this would bring him a bit of pleasure, tying up a loose end as well as satiating his thirst. It was truly a complete package.
Kraus didn't wait nor did he attack he summoned his infernal steed and tore the ground asunder as he raced away from the Feratu causing the vampire to smirk.
'I'm up for a quick game of cat and mouse' chuckled Draig as he waited for Kraus to run further though he had to admit that his steed carried a good deal of speed to carry the large abominable man that quickly.
Kraus turned his head and smirked seeing that the Feratu was nowhere insight.
'Thank the heavens, someone is looking out for this wretched life of mine' thought Kraus causing a reaction far away among the temples.
Draig chuckled as he decided he had waited long enough and disappeared in whirlwind the ground carrying a heavy footprint from where he had kicked off.
The Feratu reaffirmed his praises for the steed as he had only waited a few minutes but Kraus had cleared a good distance but Draig was faster, he had consumed the Blood trait of the Wind wolf bloodline. His sprints were like the gusts of a typhoon carrying him across the land swiftly, Kraus heard the stomp from the distance and turned his head and saw the black dot in the distance causing him greater fright.
'Damn it' kicking the steed fiercely it speed forward ripping the ground as it went but Draig was much swifter and much lighter for the power his legs packed allowing him a greater velocity as he steadily gained on the former Dread Knight.
”It's a shame you know” laughed Draig as he began to get closer
Hearing Draig's voice so close caused Kraus to panic, his trauma coming back to him as he began to sweat. It was completely different from the hate filled confidence he used to carry, Kraus prayed for something to happen that would cause the Vampire to become distracted causing those temples in the distance to flash but it wasn't in time as Draig ran from the side of the steed and slashed it's legs causing it to trip.
”That was interesting, I actually wasn't sure how fast I was but I suppose this is adequate for now” stated the Vampire as he smirked cruelly though you could hear disappointment when he mentioned his speed.
Kraus realized he had no other choice now and swung his large arm to attack, it was truly remarkable that this person had thought to challenge Draig at any point as the Feratu caught the offending limb easily.
Draig sighed, he wished for a challenge as he against those guilder's all that time ago or even when he trained with the founder though that was quite a bit more one sided.
However unknown to the Vampire, Kraus's final prayer would be granting his prayer's instead of the former Dread Knight's.
”Come now, you no longer amuse me. I had high expectations the last time we met considering the numbers at your beck but today you are just a waste” sighed Draig as he tore at the offending limb smiling as the blood sprayed from the wound and onto his body basking in it's warmth.
Kraus couldn't summon the strength he had before the event from the Beast lands the trauma so deepseated that his body had been tricked into being powerless against the Heir of Feratu. Perhaps if that hadn't happened Draig would have found more entertainment in this little reunion but it would have only been a small warm up before the feast.
Draig decided it was enough and kicked forward caving in Kraus's knee bringing the titan of a man to his level.
”Oh how I've waited for this” chuckled Draig as he felt his mouth moisten as he sank his fangs into the Dread Knights neck.
Kraus felt a piercing pain and then he felt an odd draingin sensation as his mana left him before his strength followed, his mouth opened in a silent scream but slowly his skin began to pale before his body began to sink inwards and then empty of it's contents leaving only a husk.