63 The Bloody Enchanter Returns (2/2)

'Perfect, the Founder said he could cleave a tree in one stroke as a human. I wonder how many strokes it would take for me to do the same' thought Draig as he wandered into the forest to test his mettle.

The loud thumping of something chopping a tree could be heard before the noises of displeased growling could be heard.

This continued into the night as a tense pressure settled over the area as Draig's anger became more profound. Until finally he returned sweaty and his eyes displeased.

'Superior strength' sneered Draig internally.

'Not even able to match up with superiority of a mortal Founder, despicable' thought Draig as he sat back atop his Rhino and closed his eyes.

'I need to train somehow, something that will actually push me to the limits without biting off more than I could chew' thought Draig while far off in the distance a certain mage had been sneezing a bit before pulling out a crystal ball.

”It's my brat, I'm telling you.” yelled Zarra while Jared and Gregory at the side shook their heads in denial.

”Zarra, we know how bad you want to find the kid but you can't expect him to just show up after all this time” started Gregory until Zarra cried out in excitement.

”What was that maggots for brains, look here. Tell me who do you see, is that dashing face not familiar. It is a spitting image of yours truly” laughed Zarra before Gregory widened his mouth until one side of his jaw disconnected.

”He looks just like Eliza except for your disgusting traits that mixed in” stated Jared causing Zarra to shoot him a deadly glare.

”Hethe's rize Zarrrra, yooos ugly” added Gregory reattaching the left side of his jaw.

”Says the walking rotting corpse” shot Zarra with a scathing look

”I didn't have time to preserve this one, I am working on another one right now and then you'll see. I will be the best looking of us three old men” spat Gregory butting heads with Zarra.

”Get your disgusting face off of me, it's bad enough I have to smell you at a distance” shouted Zarra pushing against the Necromancers head with his own.

”It's bad enough I got deal with you bitching like a mother hen about your baby boy” countered Gregory jabbing Zarra with one of his decaying fingers that snapped off.

”Damnit, now look what you made me do” raged Gregory as he picked up the fallen digit.

Jared sat at the side and looked at the Crystal ball intently while the two argued.Find authorized novels in Webnovel,faster updates, better experience,Please click for visiting.

”Hey guys” called Jared being ignored in favor of their argument.

”Guys” called Jared again still being ignored.

The Bloodknight's eyes glowed a deadly crimson as he took the flat side of his blade and smashed both of the childish men to the ground.

”Look at this” stated Jared angrily as he showed what looked like an encampment of people in dark armor surrounding the entrance to the Beast lands.

”Damn it, someone else knows besides us. Lets go before my brat gets himself killed” shouted Zarra as he took his two companions to the location of the blockade.