64 The Bloody Enchanter Returns pt 2 (1/2)
Draig and his entourage travelled for two more days until they saw the end of the Beast lands, but the sight before them was something no one could have predicted.
”Quite the welcoming party for you Master” chuckled Draig as he looked at the assembled forces of the Dread Knights.
”Behold, the Leech is here. Do you all still doubt me” yelled Kraus as it seemed his people had started to lose faith in his leadership.
”Step aside mortal, I have business to tend to” stated Draig making his voice able to be heard by the masses.
Unknown to those who were about to have a standoff a lone figure stood far in the distance with a wicked smile.
'That's it boy, show them what Feratu is capable of' chuckled the figure as he sat down to enjoy the coming show.
With Draig and company it seemed the situation was going to devolve to a slaughter as Kraus stepped forward.
”Do you really think we would let monstrous scum like your group pass into our domain” demanded Kraus.
”Your Domain?” asked Draig narrowing his eyes before a raucous laughter erupted from his throat as he jumped from his mount with the black Ivory sword at his waist and his cane in his hand.
”Tell me human, what makes you think this is your Domain. I am quite Curious” chuckled Draig still finding humor in the statement.
”You hear this, will we stand by while this mongrel makes a Mockery of all of us” shouted Kraus his hulking form hidden behind armor.
”Mongrel” stated Draig as his smile faded, it seemed to have struck a nerve as he disappeared from the spot and appeared right in front of Kraus.
”W-what” stuttered Kraus unable to believe what he had just seen.
”I do wonder, do you have the strength to curse me as such” stated Draig as his cane whipped Kraus across the knees bringing him to a kneel.
”Oh no, it is too late to kneel and apologize” smirked Draig as his hand formed into a fist and smashed into the side of the Leader of the Dread Knight's helm sending him to the ground.
Kraus growled before coming back to his feet in a purple haze.
”Oh no. There will be no relying on borrowed power” chuckled Draig as the purple haze disappeared.
”It seems you know me after all though” pondered Draig putting on a glorious pompous act before Kraus.
This was an image he wished to hold over his opponents from now on, one of absolute victory. As if nothing they did would ever fell him in battle.
Far away the figure laughed uproariously at the act, he knew how the Feratu was in real life and this was nothing of how he would act. He liked it though, he liked it alot. Reminded him of his youth though he thought Draig to be a bit scrawny.
Kraus growled before motioning with his hand for his people to move, though he saw Draig smile instead of the look of fright he had expected.
”Oh dear have I mistaken your intents, did you bring me lunch instead” asked Draig as his cane whipped through the air knocking swords from the hands of those who got close however the numbers were truly something he wasn't ready for.
'Damn, how did the Founder manage these kinds of Odds' thought Draig as his cane disappeared.
As soon as the cane disappeared his hands became a blur of motion before he slammed the ground violently causing a small tremor within a short radius.
Far off the figure stared and was critiquing Draig now.
'A bit rugged but passable I suppose, I would have just swung my sword and cleaved through them by now. Young people nowadays' thought the Figure with a shake of his head.
As if having read his mind he watched as Draig drew his sword, it was interesting to him as he could tell it was no metal which caused him to look at the broken horns of those six legged Rhinos.
”Ha Ha, interesting choice” laughed the Figure
With Draig though it seemed his little display had discouraged some of the Knights and soldiers around him.
”Oh is this really all humanity has at its beck and call, pitiful. I was almost going to spare you for giving me a warm up” taunted Draig as he swung his sword and decapitated a Knight that had fallen.
Kraus meanwhile stood at the back and tried to summon the Limitbreaker but found it futile, growling he decided to use his class.
It was ironic as he had truly awakened as Dread Knight, this was his class and the source of his power. If only Draig knew then he would truly be laughing at this person.
The knights seemed to find their courage after seeing the casual kill as they once again charged Draig hoping to use their numbers to win.
However these meager hits were nothing as the Feratu made his blade move, anywhere a strike was supposed to land that Ivory blade seemed to be there, when there was an opening it was there. It was almost like an absolute defense until eventually Kraus motioned for the Archers to begin their assault and an arrow struck true causing Draig to grunt allowing for a few swords to grace his body with cuts.