11 School is the death of Innocence (1/2)
The crowd stared at Zarra unsure of everything that had just been said but the foreboding feeling they got when they looked at the ensemble of men made them think that perhaps the Vampire was warning them for their own safety.
Zarra stood before the crowd with his group with a cruel smile placing a foot on Draig's fallen form and continuing his speech.
”You were all sent here by your Guild masters under my orders, you will be undergoing very specialized training to prepare for a big event coming up and its our job to make sure you can make the cut. Some of you may be wondering what kind of intensive training you will be undergoing so let me explain, your going to be training to survive by any means necessary. The strong will thrive while the weak will learn to be crafty, your only goal in this school is to survive by whatever means necessary. As you can see there is no housing available so you will all be providing your own shelter” to punctuate this part of his speech Zarra pointed his staff at the farm house and destroyed it instantly.
”Your guilds should be bringing their resources shortly, I am going to place them here and there is no limit to what you can take. The challenge is if you have the capability to keep it, survival of the fittest is the name of the game kiddies and oh how I do enjoy this game” said Zarra seeing the reactions of the crowd, some were smirking while others were glancing around nervously.
”Get your foot off me Dark mage” said Draig with a deadly voice
Zarra put a little extra pressure before letting him up.
”Now you are probably wondering about these men behind me” said Zarra allowing the question to hang for a moment
”No I am wondering why you would bring these mortals here” said Draig narrowing his eyes
”Simple leech brat, this is my land and I may have given it to you but as long as I am alive I can do what I want with it and decide who can or cannot come here” said Zarra with a challenging smirk
Draig stared at Zarra for a long while until he begrudgingly accepted it, he couldn't fight this monster of a man and chances were he would end up as the example if he continued.
”Now as I was saying these men behind me are some good friends of mine from back in the day, though some circumstances doomed them to a life of incarceration but still you should still recognize the names. This is The Undead King, Rodolfo.” introduced Zarra causing some to shiver in fear.
”Me and my pets look forward to getting to know each and everyone of you” said Rodolfo gruffly and a sickening smile
”Next up is The Blood Knight, Jared” stated Zarra as the hulking man in crimson armor stepped forward with a large sword strapped to his back
”Try not to die” stated Jared before stepping next to Rodolfo and staring at the group with a sinister aura leaking from his being
”And finally The Reaper, Sin” finished Zarra as the cloaked man behind him stepped forward
”Sleep with your eyes open” stated Sin finishing the line up.
Draig stared at this group of men and got a horrible feeling, especially when they chose this moment to meet his gaze.
Rodolfo gave another of his sickening smiles.
”Now that you know your instructors it would be best if you got to know each other, you have until the resources arrive to think of a strategy and form what you believe to be a strong group or if you feel you are enough then feel free to survive on your own” ordered Zarra before turning to his group of maniacs.
Draig started weighing his odds and settled on trying to go at it alone unless someone wished to fall under his command, he also took preparation for when the resources would arrive by emptying his System storage and bonding the anvil while he was at it before shoving them in his bottomless bag reproduction.
He figured this to be the best strategy since with his third advancement came the boost his system storage, he then sat by himself waiting for the resources to arrive while attempting to cast a subtle illusion over the area which gained the attention of Zarra and his associates.
”The brat keeps showing revealing more tricks but a good strategy” said Zarra