10 School in Session pt2 (1/2)

Draig stared at his options before choosing the Mist Form and Illusion, he smirked as he entered the Dwarf settlement. Those that laid eyes on him trembled and tried to shirk away from his view, he ignored this though and continued to the forge.

He entered silently and watched these craftsmen work, he was intrigued by their process and the small details to their movements that would be missed if not for his superior eyes. Suddenly the system brought a notification.

'Bloodline of the Dwarfs is reacting to this familiar sight granting a plus two to your forging capabilities'

Draig raised his brow as he felt a fluctuation in his energy causing the Dwarfs to notice his presence, stopping their work they began froze when looking at Draig.

Shaking his head seeing the missed opportunity to gain more to his forging he realized that he needed to investigate further with this strange occurrence, he couldn't use it with the goblins as he had a mastery over their form of potion brewing. He couldn't return to the Elf settlement until he was stronger, he was not left with many options unless he tried with Zarra maybe. The thought of getting one over on the Dark mage did sound appealing, he also needed to test his new skills he had gained from the advancement.

Returning to the farm as quickly as possible, he realized Zarra had not returned yet. Seemed that his intention to let him rest was genuine.

'Actually I do feel rather sleepy' thought Draig stepping into the farm house going upstairs to the room he had used previously while he was purging the holy element from his body.

He remembered he hadn't seen what the effects of the corruption were, opening the menu he was puzzled at the addition and changes to some of his skills.

'Congratulations on forming Heretic Magic, plus five to Toxic magic and Holy element now does less damage to host'

Draig was surprised by the boost but couldn't be sure because of the passive part of Toxic magic, he slowly felt his eyes growing heavy as he thought of these changes until he couldn't fight it.

Meanwhile Zarra was meeting with the entirety of the Guild masters, he stared at all of them with an overbearing gaze.

”Hello everyone, I am sure you are wondering why I have decided to hold this meeting. As many of you know it's almost time for the Planes competition, humanity has done poorly in the past few years causing the creation of the forbidden zones. This year those higher powers of the different planes have suggested a winners take all type of bid, some of you may think this is a death sentence but I am seeing it differently. This is a golden opportunity to regain everything we have lost in one fell swoop and reestablish our dominance on this plane” explained Zarra being interrupted by the crazed shouts of the guild masters

”Lord Zarra are you insane” cried one with sweat dotting his face

”You fucking Dark mage you have doomed us all” said a bolder master

Zarra stared at these men listening to their shouts until he decided he had let them vent enough, forcing his power over the room the men began quiet down while a fear settled over their hearts.

”Listen you sorry excuse of System users, I have already decided to take this bid. I am merely telling you as a formality, I am going to hold a training camp and then a tournament to decide who the competitors will be for this Planes competition. Send your youths to the domain of the Vampire brat, I will have already established everything by the time they arrive. You all gather your resources and send them over collectively, as for the running of the guilds call in a mandatory reinstatement for those that retired” with that said Zarra opened up a rift ignoring the shouts of the Guild masters

'I need to go get my teaching staff' thought Zarra smiling deviously as he appeared outside a tower with bars covering every window.