Chapter 28:Even a fierce beast will lose its focus when surrounded... (2/2)

Right now, they needed to deal as much damage as possible.

Good thing that Almina and Kiko both have high damage in their attacks. The blonde girl sometimes fired her arrow, but not actively, Yman did not mind it. It's better to let her be than to get rejected again.

But he could guess that she was feeling awkward that she was the only person who did nothing that's why she decided to fire arrows every now and then. Although Yman was also doing nothing to damage the monster, it was only natural since he was weak, his damage was zero for god's sake. He chuckled secretly. This was one of the advantages of being a weakling. You don't need to do anything. Hehe.

But really, he doesn't like it. He wanted to get stronger too. He envied their skills. He was really hoping to learn some awesome abilities in the academy.

Heyaaaahh!!! Bob shouted while punching the Mustang Spider's butt which almost hit him with its web attack. Then it countered using its hind legs, which hit on Bob at his arms. Fortunately, he was able to cross his arms before the attack landed. Bob's legs skidded for 5 steps backward.

Looking at them from the audience's perspective, they were seemingly having an easy fight.

Even the audience far behind were saying that the monster wasn't strong; it really was just a weak monster; who said it was a strong monster? I promised I won't kick your ass; damn, I could even do better than some of them!

They were spouting any kinds of nonsense!

Kiko parried the incoming stab attack using his sword.

Then he slashed it vertically. He followed up by firing a fireball while chanted some kind of spell and was intentionally making his voice louder than needed. However, he was dealing high damage to the monster whenever his fireball landed.

Yman decided to let him be. Of course, he understands that it was because of Almina that he was showing off. Although Almina was more focused on fighting with the monster. He really admired this girl. She was undistracted in a fight. And did her best. Unlike the uncooperative blonde.

The smiling guy was still doing some funny stunts, but for some reason, the monster could not land a hit to him.

Only Almina and Kiko dealt with visible damages on the monster. Followed by Mai and Chloe. Bob had lesser damage. But he was better compared to the smiling guy who didn't even do a hit to the monster.

They surrounded the monster and attack at it at both sides which causes it to lose its focus to where he should attack first. Yman smiled. Even a fierce beast being attack aggressively like this would lose its focus.


The monster cried after its health points reached 30%. Its whole body suddenly was shining in golden brilliance. He hastily ordered them to retreat. Although, not all of them followed him. A moment later, the monster health points, returned to 100%?