Chapter 29:An arrogant weakling who loves seeing his comrade hurt... (1/2)
Everyone was staring at it with wide mouth open.
”Oh, my — Gawd...” Such words escaped unnoticed from Bob's mouth.
From the idiot expressions that were showing on their faces, it was clear that this was the first time they had witnessed something like this.
Even the smiling guy had a mouth that shaped like '0'. But still, his eyes were in a closed state. This was the biggest question that Yman wanted to know. If how this guy able to see while his eyes like this.
Besides the monster, Kiko was watching at the monster's red bar in disbelief. This red bar was the monster's health points.
Almina, Chloe, and Mai wore the same reactions on their faces. Even the audience far behind had uniformed expressions. Most of them gawked in disbelief. All of them had already expected the monster to die fast and easily. But it didn't happen.
The blonde beauty clicked her tongue. Not far from her, Yman narrowed his eyes while staring at the monster. He noticed the crystal on its forehead briefly gleamed and shined after it healed itself.
A while ago, its body had already been bathed with its own blood of muddy black color from all the wounds it took. Yet now, it completely returned to its original color, like nothing happened in the first place.
Feeling suspicious, Yman knitted his brows. Although he was not sure, he could still remember some of his teacher's teachings.
He said that the monster with '+' on their rank tend to have a crazy mode that will be triggered when the monster's health points dropped at a certain percentage.
A monster in crazy mode usually changed its skin color different from its original color. Then bloodlust and killing intent would burst out from its inner core to the outside. This inner core was where its weird energy was circulating. And an eerie feeling will be felt by all the people around it.
This monster's body went back to its original color. No bloodlust, and no killing intent. No eerie feelings either. It was just scary by how huge it originally looks. And the squirming 16 legs looks so bizarre just like before.
After it successfully healed itself, the monster took the initiative in attacking and successfully hit the still in a daze Kiko when it charged towards him.
Its massive body bumped him.
But good thing that his reflexes were able to save him. He managed to negate the bump power by blocking his sword, although he was sent flying towards the tree not too far from his back. Blood spurted from his mouth and -70 health points were visibly taken from his green bar when he collided at the tree branch. It causes the tree with a 1-meter radius thickness to bend and shake. Leaves and branches fell on the ground and a bird's nest with scraps of eggshells landed on Kiko's head like a cap.
Yman was speechless seeing the sorry situation that Kiko had.
The damage was not too high but still, it's painful. He did not feel the need to use his Mana Membrane ability awhile ago since he had never thought that the situation would come up like this. If he was a little late in blocking the attack, perhaps the damage would be much higher.