84 Edict and Living Metal (2/2)


Planet Har

Sitting in the built Palace Three Suns created as the place to meet those who called this place home, were the Natives of this world. As Three Suns the True God they feared fear for his life as he stared at the few thousand women before him.

”Explain Three Suns! When did Dashnell start training you personally?” - Verena

”Timothy is on his way here as well. We will find out everything from both of you today!” - Valara

”That damn Dashnell dares fuck so many beauties without me!” - Samara

”You better answer our questions are you will end up worse off than him when he returns!” - Eleanor

This did not end they watched as Three Suns the mighty True God was berated with nearly 10 thousand questions, they even watched as he patiently answered each one. When this 'Timothy' arrived he also was revealed to the Natives that he was a True God. Yet both these True Gods treated these women as their masters, this caused the Natives great fear.

They were smart enough to understand the conversation they were having and all it did was cause them dread. They now knew that an army of more than 26 thousand True Gods existed in this realm. They could not handle the information they were eavesdropping on, The 2 True Gods were only Generals in charge of an army of True Gods and below. These women each hold authority above the two Generals, which the two did not seem to mind they were even respectful to the women that had yet to reach the True God realm.

The part that 60% of these 10 thousand women were True Gods numbed the Natives.

Stepping forward not caring if he was rude was the Leader of the Natives. ”I am King Shanlar, the various rulers of our world Har gathered in my Kingdom as you began your siege of our world. We were sure the True Gods under the Blue Stone Guards would keep your True Gods busy long enough for the barrier to last us a thousand years to train one of our own. But that is no longer possible and overhearing your talk we the Chiladar people surrender to you!

We are the protectors of the living metal that live with us on this world, it has little to no intelligence, much like a wild animal and it lives off of the strong life energy planet Har creates. We know that we can no longer protect it as you have come for it but we have to warn you about over using it.

Long ago a monster ate its fill of the metal and it changed into a ravenous monster that was always hungry, we stood no chance against the monster until it fell into the ocean. Ever since that day it was trapped at the bottom but even till this day we know it is still there sleeping at as it absorbs the planets energy.

It absorbs so much energy we created multiple ways to amplify the planets size and it's creation of the energy the living metal feeds on. Doing this put that beast to sleep for millions of years, the living metal multiplied beyond our expectations but this aided us in defending this world for generations.” The king knew he would anger some of those talking as he did interrupt them but he could no longer just sit as they talked.

”Yes we know you surrender. Now shut up and wait for us to finish or do you want to join Dashnell!”

His silence was their signal to continue with their plan to punish me.