84 Edict and Living Metal (1/2)

Sitting still I pant slowly to catch my breath, this body of mine still gets tired after all but looking at the laid out bodies of those who fell first I don't feel to bad. Overlooking the sea of bodies I see tails, claws, fur, scales and fangs on the bodies of these 200 thousand beauties. How long will this keep me stable I wonder for now sex seems to be able to suppress my urge to destroy everything again.

”Lilly! Is this a real solution to our problem? I know you won't allow me to die but even I can feel my control slipping if I don't indulge in sex. War is not an option I might lose myself in battle and we both know what will happen after that. So I need you to hurry up and find those 12 seals, I failed to destroy them before I went to sleep They should be near my other body or within it. If you can bring them into this world do so.” I said aloud not caring if the women could hear me, this should earn me some points with the ones still in the north.

Echoing in my ear I hear her reply.

”Dashnell those seals are meant to restrict 100% of your power, I already have them located if you really want them I will bring them to you my love. Also a few creatures have become strong enough to gain an Edict, they are not in this Realm but once they interact with it for awhile they will head towards you.”

The panting and ongoing moans were all that was left as Lilly did not even say anything more after that. She still needs a little more time to become a true Controller, she still places my life above everything she is to manage and protect.

Relaxing in a chair I summoned from the void I can feel myself about to welcome another flashback.

This one was different I felt no control over it and I could feel those 12 seals. The Seals of Oblivion each one created by the 12 Void Gods I killed in Verena's name, they each used their precious Edict transforming it into a seal that would limit and restrict my power. They vowed that so long as I leave them be the seals would never be used against me, we both knew that was just to buy them time to flee away from me. If not for the Creed invading when they did they all would have died much sooner.

Instead 5 of them met their end at my hands as the Creed invaded, 3 died as the 4 of us fought surrounded on all sides by the Creed who wished to devour us. The last 4 were the ones who lived the longest surviving until the Creed retreated back into their own plane of existence.

After all 12 met their end at these hands of mine those seals were very useful to me, they truly did restain 100% of my power, even so I still managed to stand at the peak as the strongest Void God.

One for each wrist, Leg, and my neck. those 5 seals would always be visible to anyone who saw me, many thinking it was jewelry or fashion. Never would they imagine those were the most powerful means a Void God gained control over, a Edict gave them the ability to control, reverse time, manipulate... ect. anything that they wished. Most used it as a last measure to save their lives.

Deep in the Void a ruin laid bare disturbed by no one, this place was were the first few Void Gods made a pact to stand as one. The first ever alliance of the strongest Void Gods of that time, a young Verena, and 12 others stood around a sword in the middle. Their oath was something I could not hear ( I will ask Verena about it later ) other than that each held various weapons but each of them held one spear. 13 spears came together as one and then they vanished, what came into view next was those same 13 people.

12 surrounded one in the middle, they argued for a moment before all 13 took out the spears they held that day long ago. Verena roared as the 12 joined forces to fight her, she looked like a pitch black goddess with long flowing silver hair about to take on the world. what happened next shocked all 14 people present, Verena did not fight back she stabbed her spear into the earth let down her defences and looked into the sky.

A clear piercing sound took place 12 times as she was impaled on all sides by the spears. A thunderous ferocious blood filled roar then took place, the 13 inside the ruins turned to see the youth Dashnell who was the catalyst of everything. He stared at the dying Verena she said a few words to him and him alone then died, even today I wish I heard those words.

A fight broke out among the 13 remaining people this day, 5 died but before the enraged and mad beast that was the youth could do anything else 5 seals shot into his body. One erupted with endless chains, stopped his regeneration, sealed away his vision, caused insanity and the last of the 5 caused him endless pain.

Furious roars shook the very ground causing cracks in space.

This stopped the youth for a moment until he started to move forward even as the chains continued to multiply in number. This caused the remaining 7 to flee, as they did so a massive tear they could see in the distance opened up and the Creed Invasion began.