85 Past Importance (1/2)

As the room was filled with curses about Dashnell, Lilly descended from the sky as bright light blinded any who would try and make out the appearance of this beauty. Verena felt as if something was coming her way so she expected Dashnell to show up and shut them up, only to now be as shocked as all the other women as they looked up at Lilly.

As she looked down at the shocked people she found the one she was looking for.

”Verena what do you know about the Oblivion Seals that are binded to Dashnell?” These words echoed in the minds of everything on Planet Har. Verena walked out of the crowd with Valara and the others a step behind her.

”As far as I know they are the Edicts turned into seals by the 12 Void Gods that Dashnell killed all those years ago. Why? I am sure they were either destroyed or Sealed within the Void somewhere.”

Her answer put a smile on Lilly's face, and she then made her way down to the ground standing in front of the others cloaked in blinding light. The only ones who could see her appearance being Valara, Samara and Verena herself, even so the women in front of them caused Verena to be at a complete loss. Verena was looking at what seemed like a clone of her former self just younger, there were other differences as well but anyone who knew her from the past memories would feel as if they were looking at the real thing.

”Don't be upset this was the form Dashnell could never forget, while he was rampaging about destroying nothing but space your face was all that was in his mind. Keeping him from completely losing control, so Verena I hope you don't mind when I was creating my own body I choose to become a Lestari like you.” She said as her words once again echoed across the world.

Verena took a step back and looked hard at Lilly and indeed she was a Lestari that was only slightly different than how she herself used to look. She was not as tall, the muscles gone, along with her ink black skin that was replaced with pale white skin similar to those of the Guardian race.

Speaking up Verena looked deep into Lilly's eyes. ”So did you pretend to be me!? Did he live all that time thinking he was with me?” She said losing the strength in her legs making Valara move to support her, at this point Lilly no longer hid her appearance from the other women.

The reveal shocked everyone as they were unsure of what they could do or say, Lilly manifested a chair and set down then a table an chairs for the others.

”Dashnell never once thought I was you Verena. Yes I did pretend to be you I wanted to become his world! His everything!! But he never looked at me, so I changed my looks only slightly to take on both the things that he loved. One part Guardian the other Lestari, he told me to be myself to be what I wanted. But how could I, I knew nothing but his pain his desires, after a time this is the form I decided on, it was also on this day he gave me my name! 'My little princess Lilly'.”

(”Don't try to be anything but who you are, go explore your memories search and learn what is in this head of mine. I know you were trying to help me but I know that Verena is dead, leave me! While I sleep you will have absolute control over my powers. I hope this makes up for all the things I have done, if I should ever wake I pray that my mind is my own.”)

”Those were the words he said to me before he went into a deep sleep but he never did wake up.” She said to everyone in the room and as she was about to continue Valara cut in.

”You just said he never woke up, then how is he here now?” Valara said causing the others to think about that as well.

”That should be the effect of my Edict” Said Verena in a low voice as her head was down looking at her feet. ”I meant to ask you about your Edict, so that is why mine had no effect. I too used my Edict to ensure Dashnell would never met death, could you tell me the exact words you used Verena.” Said Lilly.

Verena looked up at her again before saying. ”No matter what live Dashnell even if madness is the path you shall now walk I invoke the power of my Edict to forever grant you the ability to never die until we meet again, from now on you shall become Immortal and unerasable. Even if you fall and lose your way, with that I gave him the ability to live through the madness he was bound to suffer after my death, as well as let us meet again in my next life.

Who knew that I would be reborn without my former memories and once more die before his eyes, causing him to snap. I have always heard that Guardians pushed past reason would become uncontrollable unkillable monsters, that would only meet their end as they died to old age. Dashnell at a young age became unageing due to his abilities and powers, I just wanted him to live even if it was without me. So my Edict Forces him to live forever even if he is looking death in the face my Edict will force out more power from him making him stronger, healing his wounds, removing all that binds and seeks to limit him.” Verena looked at Lilly as she said all of this unsure how the other would react.

Lilly said nothing for awhile creating a awkward silence in the room for more than 10 minutes.

Only to get up from her seat with a ”Ok”. After saying that she opened up the void behind her allowing everyone to see 12 massive circle shaped objects rotating around my original body that lay there in a deep slumber.

”I don't need to tell you all what these seals are or where they come from, but do any of you remember what effect they cause towards Dashnell? Well worry not I shall tell you.”