25 Blood Sun Empire (2/2)

”Relax Child the Emperor is kind enough to bring you so you can experience something new, even for me this is new an entire Empire inside a closed off space what type of powers did our Ancestors possess. I wonder if the Emperor has the same methods available to him, he can tear through space already so I suspect he can do this as well what will we gain from this I wonder?”

After traveling none stop for few days Elise is reaching her limit.

No longer able to keep going, Elise collapses and finds herself on Dashnell's back startled by this she tries to get off only to realize she has no ability to resist. Both Vincent and Timothy were going to support her once she reached her limit only see her falling body teleport onto the Emperors back. ”Emperor please set me down I only need a quick rest and then we can keep moving I do not wish to be a burden so I kept quiet.” Elise rushed out her words.

”Is my back no good enough for you Elise?” Dashnell smiles as he teases the young female guard.

Burying her face into his back her face becomes a bright red, as she no longer tries to complain about her new spot. ”Thank you.”

Vincent and Timothy both have no words to express their shock at this development, they expected a few glares of jealousy from the other girls but two wore mask and Tia was full of smiles. ”Well Elise has the devils own luck it seems.” Timothy could not help but say as he watched his second in command ride on the Emperors back.


Thagia Kingdom Throne Room

”My King we have spotted an incoming Army bearing a strange flag of a Dragon crushing stars in its claws, a secondary flag under it belongs to Three Suns Empire!! We have even received word that the one leading is Emperor Three Suns himself. The Army that is marching has four hundred thousand, beside him is a beautiful silver green haired female General we have no information on her yet. We have heard that Three Suns Empire was attacking a rising Empire within its boarders full of powerful female warriors the elders think she is from that Empire.” Interrupting the rest of his report another scout rushes in.

”Urgent Report the enemy has declared themselves to be the Dragon Empire and have requested that we surrender to their rule and serve under the Dragon Emperor. If we do not reply they will act with force to change the Royal Family that is currently in charge for a more obedient one! If we wish to surrender we are to send out a delegation to meet General Three Suns to discuss terms.” Clasping his fist at his King the solider has worry all over his face after making his report. ”What do you mean General Three Suns? Did he lose the war and is now working for the one who took his Empire? Speak tell me now did they give us a deadline?” King Flame Heart commanded.

”Three Days Sire, they have made camp near the Dark Moon Forest and will attack in three days if we do not submit.”