25 Blood Sun Empire (1/2)
Inside this separated space a red sun covers the land in red, ruins can be seen every were some more intact than others. At the center of these ruins is a Majestic Palace that is slightly eroded, protected by some type of powerful barrier. This once great land is were the Blood Sun Empire hid itself away from the normal mortal world, controlling the entire Continent from this safe space. Yet they still met their ends inside this closed off space, those who destroyed Blood Sun must have opened a tear in space to enter here before a battle that wiped out everyone here.
One person after another exits from a tear in space entering the Blood Sun Ruins, the group of seven people quickly group together before two run off scouting the area. The group waited no less than twenty minutes before both returned, moving to the group they bow down to give their reports theykneel before Dragon Emperor Dashnell. ”Master this entire space is sealed off from the rest of the world, leaking out massive amounts of energy the Palace being the source of this energy. No life remains inside this massive space it has more land than Three Sun Empire and a few of the others combined.”
Reporting to Dashnell is the scouting unit responsible for monitoring threats and scouting, leading them is Samara who selected Kate to accompany Dashnell on this mission while she is gathering information on the other Empires. Kate having her face covered by a mask still can't hide her otherworldly sexy figure under those black robes, beside her is another attractive female scout in the same gear Laura also hiding her face. Both females scouts also part of Samara's elite assassin unit showing that she places this mission as extremely important.
”Master we inspected everything but the Palace, as a barrier is protecting it from intruders and it will trigger an alert to the one who set it up if they are still living.” Said Laura. ”So in order to start training a bunch of Heave Realm experts I have to alert my enemies of a change inside this Continent.” ask Dashnell looking back at his scouts. ”No Master we can bypass the Barrier it will not hinder our journey inside the Palace to destroy the energy source.” answered Kate.
”Fine let's go I want to examine this artifact that can cause the humans in this Continent from breaking through into the next realm. It should have uses after we study it right Tia?” Standing besides Dashnell is the Beautiful Ancient Tia, who no longer has her long glowing green hair as she cut it short only reaching her neck. Wearing a fitting dress that reveals her slender shoulders.
”Master we should alert those who set up the Barrier so they come and inspect it, that way we can at least know our enemy they will try to keep hindering this Regions growth no matter who rules it. They have weakened this Continent for so long at great cost with this device why would they let us regain strength so easily, if it were me I would keep delaying them as long as possible before invading and calming the land myself.”
Moving towards the Palace the group follow the path Kate and Laura suggest, as they lead the way for the group of seven move at the speed of their slower followers. Not aware that Dashnell and the others are moving at her speed Elise is happily enjoying her new environment, having never left the confines of her Village since young this new experience has even made her forget she is with the Emperor. ”Vincent, Timothy! Is this not wonderful look at this place, I have never been outside the Village, Anna will be so jealous once I tell her she missed this. While she went with Lady Valara and Three Suns.”
”The only thing I am worried about is why someone so low ranked as me is here, I just only reached the Peak of Refinement will I not slow you guys down?”
Vincent looking at the now worried girl who was just all smiles speaks to her in a gentle elderly tone.