26 War is Never Fair (1/2)
Thagia Kingdom
”How long will it take for aid to reach us? The King ask looking to his advisor's. ”Is surrender our only option, we still have no real reports on how the Three Suns Empire Fell.
A old advisor steps forward to speak, in grey robes with a head full of white hair and a deep profound gaze acquired from his many years in politics.
”This old man has heard the stories about a small force of female invaders, they appeared about ten years ago they wondered around before settling down in one of the Villages within the Three Suns boarders. They started protecting this small Village of a thousand declared themselves independent from the Empire after a year in the control of the females who call themselves the Draconian's, but from reports there is three different races among them. Three separate groups, one with five hundred beautiful women who have luminescent hair, the other two each have two hundred and fifty. One being of women who hold some resemblance to half dragon's, the last group are otherworldly beauties who are fairy like existences. All three groups are extremely beautiful, the reports even say many Nobles tried to rebel just to be the first to enslave these one thousand beauties.”
”While I too find it hard to believe they defeated the combined armies of The Three Suns Empire, Rebel Nobles and a Cult whose numbers were no less than three hundred thousand this is all the information I posses on these female forces.”
Elder Lloyd stepped back after finishing his report. ”Seems someone has been watching our neighbors closely, another elder steps up. A man with scheming eyes in luxurious robes, looking like he killed his way into his position. ”Elder Lloyd those are only rumors, how do we know that Three Suns after conquering that small Village is not trying to expand into our lands.”
”You can think whatever you like Elder Edmond I have confirmed reports of Three Suns submitting to the enemy forces after a crushing defeat, we are unable to get any solid information about the specific methods used but even the Nobles lost all their military forces. Disbanding them and losing much of their power in the Empire after the takeover.”
Elder Edmond once more speaks up. ”This is why we can not surrender they only have four thousand men, after the Nobles took away more than three hundred thousand and planed to rebel. They now have less than our forces who is to say we can't hold out for a few weeks until help arrives to overwhelm them with numbers. No one will allow free growth, we just need to ally with the neighboring Kingdoms and Empires to crush these enemies then split their land. Tell me Elder Lloyd do you think they would not help us if they can gain a piece of land from The Three Suns Empire!”
Watching his two top advisors argue he thinks of his young friend Emperor Three Suns, he knows Three Suns would never attack him without reason, much less without talking to him face to face.
King Flame Heart closed his eyes thinking about how unstable the neighboring Empire has been over the past few years even before the invaders showed up, a friend from the south now puppeted by a foreign force. Sitting on his throne is the elderly King who expanded his land through war in his youth until he could no longer hold a sword in his hands due to old age, no sons to give his kingdom to just a bunch of power hungry counsel members who are waiting for him to die. Always trying to marry their sons to his daughters.
”Leave and think on this matter, once we have word on reinforcements we can make a plan until then there is no need to sit here we have three days let us come together again tomorrow.”
Struggling to his feet the King is helped by his two daughters as they leave the throne room.
”If only he would allow us to marry his daughters we could have a new younger King”
”He will die soon why worry over this, after fighting off this invasion he might die then they won't have a right to the throne.”