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Once everyone was seated the doors to the room shut as Valara moves besides the empty throne, she open's a tear in space and drags out Monster King Alba. ”This is the Monster King who plagued the Empires people for five years causing tens of thousands of death, the method he used was to drain the blood out of humans to hasten his growth into a Heaven Realm expert. He accomplished this task with the help of the Cult of Saint Charles who also used this same method to produce three Earth experts. While we have wiped out the Cult and killed everyone involved in this tragedy too many lives were lost, from this we should learn to act more aggressively towards those who slaughter mortals.”

”Timothy you have asked us to hold off on killing Alba, so we will move him to the training room within the Palace. Once you Three Suns and Vincent are ready you can execute him, we will station Freya and Heather to assist if needed, Lillie will also be nearby.” Standing up Freya, Heather, Lillie leave through the tear taking Alba with them.

Moving out from behind the throne Dashnell walks to the front. ”Before you run off to kill the Monster King I have a few things to say, first why does the worldly energy restrict only this Continent I can see that it is the reason you can't breakthrough into the Heaven Realm Three Suns.”

Rushing to his feet Three Suns comes forward before his Emperor bowing as he makes his report.

”Yes. I have information about that your Majesty, long ago our Ancestors fought a major war against the other Continents for a Inheritance. They lost that war and to make them suffer for getting in their way they brought ruin to the Blood Sun Empire fragmenting it into what the Continent is today, Rivaling Empires and Kingdoms who no longer have any of its lost heritage. There were plenty of Heaven Realm experts back then alongside a few Immortals but this is a legend of old. We struggle to now produce Heaven Realm experts, anyone who has reached the bottleneck leaves for another Continent never to return. We believe the cause is a artifact left behind by the war that is within the Palace Ruins of the Blood Sun Empire.”

”So do you have records of the past, if so arrange for them to be sent here so I can have them looked into before we head for those Ruins. This would also mean the other Continents should be able to travel through space to reach other planets, Valara get a team to monitor the Blood Sun region I want nothing to interfere with my plans to take over the other powers.”

”Yes Master. I shall have Kate of the Observers lead a team they are skilled at monitoring large areas, if anything comes into or exits Blood Sun they will inform us!”

”Good Three Suns after you kill Alba you will lead your Army of 400,000 into the Thagia Kingdom that border the sea, after we subjugate them we can move onto integrating Monsters that have taken human form. We will need aquatic Monster Kings to aid us in our attack of the Saphtas Empire that is deep under the water.”

”Right away Emperor I will move on Thagia Kingdom within the next few weeks!”

”You can return to your seat now. Ah I almost forgot the three of you preformed well in the task I assigned you each of you will command one of my Armies as we move against the other forces in Blood Sun. As of now we have the five thousand strong Lime Leaf Army under Timothy, and the five hundred thousand Army under Three Suns. For now the extra hundred thousand shall be placed under Vincent's command, they will undergo training and will become our vanguards in the upcoming battles.”

”Yes Emperor” Vincent, Three Suns,Timothy said in unison.

”At last I can now speak to the Elders of Lime Leaf who stayed instead of fleeing like those of the Twine Family. What I have to say to you Elders is simple, Lime Leaf Village is no more this is now Lime Leaf City Capital of the Dragon Empire. Continue expanding and building homes, after our trip to the Dark Moon Forest we have ten thousand more citizens to care for, their children will enter Tia's school, Elder Omar will arrange suitable jobs for those who are able to work. If you find anyone skilled in Pill Refining or talented Smiths send them straight to the Palace, as for those who wish to join the army let them apply we set up barracks already. I will put Elise and Anna in charge unless they really want to guard my bed chambers they always talk about.”

Signaling that the meeting is over Dashnell opens a tear leading to his bed chambers and departs.