When they entered the room, they saw Schoolmaster Yin writing something over his study table. His quill feather pen danced in the untanned sheet of vellum leaving a trace of black ink along its trail
As soon as Schoolmaster Yin noticed the presence of the group of warlock inside his chamber, he stopped on what he was doing and put down the quill that he was holding.
After setting his set of vellum and quill to his side, Schoolmaster Yin lifted his gaze and looked at Mu Lingxi's group with a smile.
He nodded his head towards the group to acknowledge them while Mu Lingxi and her friends clasp their hand and bowed their head deeply to show their respect.
”Good day, Schoolmaster Yin. What can we do for you?”
Instead of answering Fan Lei's question, Schoolmaster Yin burst into hearty laughter.”
”This student... Why are you all acting timid when I'm around??? Do I looked like someone who was going to eat you whole??”
Facing Schoolmaster Yin's abrupt question, the group didn't know how they should react.
What's with Schoolmaster Yin just now??? Is he trying to make us laugh??? Why is acting too casual and talking to informally???
Like duh???
Who would not feel tensed up or pressured if the schoolmaster of your school suddenly call you out the next day after he caught your group doing something the last night???
This was only making them all uncomfortable for some reason.
”The reason why I have called your group is that I have good news for you...”
Upon hearing the word 'good news' out from Schoolmaster Yin's mouth, the group heaved a sigh of relief.
But although they wanted to learn more about that 'good news', they didn't speak their mind right away and let Schoolmaster Yin continue.
”I recently had some progress on my research about soul arts, so I guess it won't take me long before I could be able to cure the magical beast that you brought here last time.”
Long Yue's eyes glowed in delight when he heard the next words that come out from Schoolmaster Yin's mouth. The rest of the group were also delighted upon hearing the news. It was indeed good news.
”Thank you, Schoolmaster Yin. Thank you so much!!!”
Long Yue said as he tried his best to fight back his tears of joy.
”Don't thank me yet. This is no free lunch. Before I could help you out, you need to help me with something first. I would need your group to procure an item for me.
An item???
What could possibly be that item that would require even their schoolmaster to ask for someone else assistance just to procure it???
But even though their curiosity was eating them up, the group chose to reign over their curious minds so as not to interrupt what Scholmaster Yin was about to say next.
”It was an Ancient Chalice hidden somewhere within the Sanguine Tundra.”
”Sanguine Tundra???”
The group muttered among themselves.
This place does not sound familiar. It was their first time hearing it at all
Is it another uncharted territory that the Ancient Domains of Mystery managed to discover???
Noting the confused look from the group of warlocks, Schoolmaster Yin continued his explanation.
”Sanguin Tundra is a newly discovered territory by the Ancient Domains of Mystery. From what I know, this integrated territory also served as one of the battlefields during the Great War of Magi.”
Over time, the Ancient Domains of Mystery dedicated themselves to searching for more wormholes scattered along the continent.
From this wormholes lies each uncharted territories that they wish to venture and made available to the present mage community.
They believed that by doing so, they would be able to connect the future to its past generations, making the mage community be more powerful than ever.
The job of Ancient Domains of Mystery is to build portals among these wormholes and make it accessible to other warlocks and sorceresses who wish to contribute to the mage society.
Through the help of different schools of magic, the information regarding these uncharted territories was made known to many. Mainly through sending their students over the place.
The school mission is created for this purpose. The students were given a chance to experience the outside world and apply what they learned in school to practical use.