239 THE MU CLAN (1/2)

SORCERESS 101 WolfsBane 26970K 2022-07-20

The group talked among themselves and discussed what they could possibly do to acquire more information regarding the whereabouts of the apprentice necromancer.

In the end, they still come up with the idea of visiting the Mu Clan. Although they already expect that the Clan Head won't give them much information.

”Even though we already know that we don't have that much of a chance, we still have to give it a try. So far, they are the only lead that we have regarding the apprentice necromancer. If not there, where else do you think we should start then???”

Fan Lei made his point clear and these very words are what convinced the rest of his friends to try his plan out despite knowing that the probability of success is low.

Knowing that their meeting would probably take most of their time that morning, Long Fuzi already made an arrangement and left an instruction to the court attendants that they will be having their breakfast that morning at the gazebo within Su Yan's manor.

That is why as soon as the sun takes its rightful place at the sky, not too high nor too low, the beautiful court ladies of the palace started to line up in the manor where Mu Lingxi currently resided.

The court ladies were carrying the tray of dishes in their hands and served it gracefully at the gazebo. They prepared a delicious meal for the group that morning.

Mu Lingxi and her friends savor the hearty meal prepared for them that morning while they observed the beautiful zen garden.

After feeding both of their eyes and their tummy, the group immediately started to work on their plan. Just like what they agreed to, the group made their way to the Mu Clan's residence to pay them a visit.

”I never expected that I would personally send myself back to that place after running away that night.”

Mu Lingxi whispered to herself as they made their way.


[Well, I also didn't imagine that a day will come that we will set foot back at your clan residence without anyone dragging us on our feet.]

”Yeah, this was really an unexpected twist on my plan.”


[Well, let us just be thankful that you got a great face altering mask with you. Now, let us just hope that it will be enough to fool the eyes of your grandfather later on.]

”Yeah.. and I think I would have to hide you from them as well. We should not give them anything that could point out any similarity between Su Yan and Mu Lingxi.”


[I agree to that little lass, knowing that we will be entering the place where most of the people know you very well before, it is better to be safe than sorry. We have to be extra careful about it this time. If we don't want to  accidentally expose our identity and give ourself away.]

So while no one was paying them attention, Mu Lingxi stowed her cat, Janus, back to her storage ring.