Part 9 (1/2)

Religion in Earnest John Lyth 107590K 2022-07-22



In the spring of 1829, Mr. Lyth retired to a country residence, which he had built upon a small estate, between three and four miles from the city. The propriety of this step, as it seemed to involve the sacrifice of many religious advantages, was by some intimate friends regarded with grave suspicion; and it may fairly be doubted, how far a Christian man, with the view of enjoying the fruits of his industry, has a right to withdraw himself and his family from a sphere of usefulness, and privilege, to one of comparative retirement. Can he be equally useful? Will his family enjoy equal privileges? If not let him pause, for he is under a higher law than that of self-gratification, or worldly policy: besides, his very object may be frustrated; it may turn out, that the change from an active to an idle life, may bring disquiet instead of repose. But in the present instance, the disadvantage was overcome by the force of christian principle. Mrs.

Lyth did not relinquish her exertions in the city, while a new sphere of usefulness opened itself in the village, near which they came to reside. Twice a week, as often as health permitted, she visited the city to meet her; sometimes walking the whole distance there and back. The day was generally spent in seeing her absent members, visiting the sick, or availing herself of public, or social means of edification. The effect of these exertions upon her own delicate frame, was painful; and, combined with other causes, occasioned, during her four years' residence at Eastfield House, frequent and severe attacks of sickness. But we resume her own notes.

”I came to Eastfield House, which is now to be my home during my pilgrimage on earth. Thank G.o.d, I feel I am but a stranger and a sojourner. A variety of circ.u.mstances have engaged my attention, and interrupted my quiet; but when shut in from the world, to hold converse with G.o.d, I have tasted superior pleasure.--I went early to York, and spent the day in seeing the sick, and other members of my; visiting the school, attending my band, and meeting my cla.s.s.

Most of these engagements were profitable to me, and I hope to others.

I went out with the conviction that I was the Lord's labourer.--My niece, Hannah, is apparently near eternity. She tells me she is happy, and I cannot doubt it; for last evening while praying with her, my faith acquired such strength, and I was so filled with love and confidence, that when I rose from my knees, I could not help saying, 'The Lord has blessed you.' She answered, 'Yes:' but whether at that moment, or earlier in the day, I cannot tell. The work is the Lord's.--After an affliction, of some months, and a fortnight's confinement to bed, Hannah has left us. For two days she was insensible, but the last she was remarkably tranquil, with a very pleasing expression of countenance.--My greatest joy is in communion with the Lord and His saints: this has been a high, day; I have been unusually a.s.sisted in speaking to the Lord's people; and many appeared to feel the power of G.o.d. At the close of the meeting, Mrs. B. called upon me, and we went to Mrs. Vevers', where we united in prayer; and from thence to Miss H.'s, where we held our little band-meeting, Mrs.

E. was much affected, but not able to lay hold of the great blessing: O for more faith.--The quarterly fast was observed in Haxby for the first time: I found it good to unite with them.--During the last week we have been favoured with the company of Mr. Mortimer, returned from the Shetland Islands. He retains the same Christian simplicity, and I feel it a privilege to entertain such a man under our roof. I was benefitted among the dear people; but my body was much wearied when I returned home, and the folio wing day I was very unwell: yet my mind was peaceful. At the entreaty of my husband, I remain at home to-day; being only very feeble. O shut me not out from Thy presence; but feed me with heavenly manna.--I hail the returning Sabbath, Glory, glory be to G.o.d, the sacred fire is kindled in my heart. Well might the Psalmist say, 'I would rather be a door-keeper in the house of my G.o.d, than dwell in the tents of wickedness' The Lord does carry on His work in my soul. Love destroys fear. G.o.d is my portion, and in Him will I trust. The week has been mixed with trial and blessing. Monday: Penelope left us, after a visit of ten days. Tuesday: Felt it good while Mr. Crowther admonished us to look to Jesus. Wednesday: Our servant left us: I had power to pray for her after she was gone.

Thursday: The Lord was with us at our little meeting. Friday: I spoke unadvisedly with my tongue, which occasioned pain of mind; but applying to Jesus, I found access. O the condescension of the Saviour!

The prayer-meeting was a blessed season. A day of toil, but the Lord was with me: yet I want a constant mind, that I may every moment hold converse with my G.o.d. 'Keep thyself pure' was the admonition of the Spirit one morning this week. May I ever remember it.”

[The following was the dying complaint of the ”Miscellany,” a little family periodical, which had a brief, but happy existence.]

Confident, on airy wing, My vanity soared high; Like the nightingale I'd sing, And with the eagle fly.

Soon my sad mistake I found; I warbling notes had none, And scarcely rose above the ground, Before my plumes were gone.

Flatt'ry whispered soft and low, Of wisdom, fame, and lore; Woe is me! neglected now, The pleasant dream is o'er.

Pity, then, my humble state, And if you can bestow Tears upon my hapless fate; Pray let them freely flow.

”I have around me some who exercise my patience, and therefore need the wisdom of the serpent, and the meekness of the dove, that I may be preserved from offending. Last Sabbath, I was tempted to mistrust Providence, as I had not seen a rainbow since the rains commenced; but the following evening--accompanying my husband to York in a very heavy shower--on our left, we saw the broadest and most beautiful bow I ever beheld. I could not help thinking it infinite condescension in the great I AM thus to remove my scruples.--I walked to York alone: but surrounded by proofs of divine wisdom and power, my solitude was sweet; my thoughts meandered like the river, that swept at my side.

Reverting to past scenes and circ.u.mstances, I wrote with my pencil:

If, through scenes of tribulation, Lies the pathway to the skies; Let me yield with resignation, Sure, Thy ways are always wise.

”A friend has made application for my Sunday-cla.s.s. In this matter, I do not see my way clear; however, as I was requested to seek another place for it--the old one being required for another purpose--I began to think it was an intimation that I ought to resign, and therefore mentioned the subject to my members, and left it. But calling on a friend, as I returned home, she said, 'she was requested to tell me, that Mr. H. would be glad if I would meet the cla.s.s at his house' So this difficulty is removed, and there the matter rests. O Lord, direct me by Thy counsel.--Providence seems to thwart my purposes: yet everything appears either to point, urge, allure, or draw me to the skies. I find the beneficial effect of these painful dispensations; but nature struggles still, and the cry of my heart is, make me wholly Thine. Two persons, whom I have visited this week, are no more. One, I doubt not, is gone to Abraham's bosom; the other I must leave, and profit by the admonition to prepare to meet my G.o.d. I have been accused of doing as I would not be done by; but my conscience bears we witness to the contrary. Help me, O G.o.d, ever to act as in Thy sight.--After the toils of, I was privileged with being at the band-meeting; but when I reached Miss B's, I fainted, through weakness and fatigue. Praise the Lord, O my soul! Is not every stroke of Thy rod a proof of love, admonis.h.i.+ng me that I am but a tenant-at-will, and may be removed at a moment's notice? Lord, make me fully ready.--I found it good in our little village prayer-meeting, and remained with my husband at the Sabbath-school committee. He engaged to a.s.sist; and I was constrained to offer my services once a month to converse with the female scholars, which were readily accepted.--In York, I had the opportunity of visiting several afflicted persons: one poor man was much afflicted: it was a blessed day. I have been to Wigginton to visit the afflicted Miss B., to whom I tried to show the necessity of a change of heart, and the sufficiency of the remedy, with the danger of delay.”

Come, heavenly Spirit, fill my breast, With holy, ardent love inflame; Breathe in my soul the perfect rest Revealed in Jesus' lovely name.

Blest centre! where I find repose; My succour, when in deep distress; The only refuge from my foes; Jesus, Thy feeblest follower bless.

Thy constant presence, Thine alone Can satisfy my longing soul; Supply the good for which I groan; Thy presence, Lord, shall make me whole.

”Just as the year closes, I take my pen. How solemn! unseen by all but G.o.d! How shall I proceed? I am a sinner; but thou art a Saviour--_my_ Saviour! O praise G.o.d! unworthy as I am, unprofitable as I have been, Thy peace fills my heart: I am surrounded with G.o.d. Glory! glory!

glory! a worthless worm! dust and ashes! a potsherd of the earth! yet Jesus died for me. O, live in me; fit me for Thy service, that I may be willing to do or to suffer Thy will. Let me be a whole sacrifice.

Jesus is near; He is precious; He has my heart: let the union subsist for ever. Never let me leave Thee more; but through all the vicissitudes of life, keep me; and if I am entering upon my last year, let it be the best of all. Let the odours of the celestial world waft upon me, and invigorate my soul.

”1830.--Midnight. The past year has been one of mingled trial, affliction, and mercy; wisely blended to bring me nearer to G.o.d. I think the end has been answered: I feel looser from the world, and my will is more fully subdued. This is the Lord's doing: blessed be His name! I rose early, and shut myself up in my closet, and there the Lord gloriously revealed himself: it was a blessed day, especially, in walking to the city; and among the dear people.--Another piece of encouragement: our servant, who has been brought under serious impressions since she came to us, was last Tuesday enabled to believe unto salvation. O may I walk as G.o.d's vicegerent here; that my husband, mother, children, and servants, may all be led to give themselves more fully to Thee.--Our servant man cried aloud for mercy in the chapel. How and where, shall I begin to praise Thee for Thy goodness to my family? I am constrained to acknowledge, that many things, which appeared to be against me, are now working for good.

Every bitter has its sweet, and every affliction its blessing; wisely compounded, to bring me more fully to G.o.d. Last night we had a prayer-meeting in our kitchen: the spirit of prayer was poured out upon us. One soul obtained peace: and another remained upon his knees upwards of three hours, but did not break through; yet is determined not to rest without the pardoning mercy of G.o.d: a third was seeking purity of heart.--Visited S.H., fast sinking in decline. When asked the state of her mind, she said, 'Christ is mine, and I am His.'

Blessed a.s.surance! I spoke freely with her mother, whom I found unacquainted with true religion. Two persons came to seek the Lord at the prayer-meeting held in our kitchen--one obtained salvation: truly the Lord is among us: a larger number attended than usual.--We had a numerously attended prayer-meeting, in which three bore testimony to the saving power of Christ; they praised G.o.d with a glad heart, and a loud voice: may they become pillars in G.o.d's temple.--Many sweet moments have I enjoyed, while engaged in domestic affairs. This morning, I rose to the early prayer-meeting; all nature seemed to congratulate me, and the feathered choristers were singing their matin song of praise. My walk to York afterwards, seemed too short, while musing on the love of Jesus.--In the still hour of night I have had some blessed seasons; but my walk is not equal: I want to live a moment at a time, and all for G.o.d. Another of my members has pa.s.sed into eternity, to join the church above. Just before she expired, she exclaimed, 'What do I see? Glory.'--I am not going to meet my cla.s.s to-day, my mother is so unwell; yet I feel a struggle as to the path of duty: but surely in this case duty and affection are one. Lord, I aim to please Thee; O help me for Thy name's sake.”


O would'st Thou, Lord, descend, My mother's heart to cheer; This unbelief to rend, And dissipate her fear: Thou glorious Sun, unveil the skies; With healing in Thy wings arise.

Thy promise, Lord, I hold, _'The evening shall be light,'_-- The cloud its pinions fold, And vanish out of sight: O Jesus, come, Thy face display.

And eventide is turned to day.

”Proclamation of William the 4th. In company with some friends, I climbed to the top of Clifford's Tower, in hope of seeing the procession; but after waiting more than an hour, I went away disappointed, and grieved at the loss of my time. Let me learn from this, always to do what I believe to be most needful; for my mind was dissipated, and I failed to recover in the cla.s.s what I had enjoyed in the early hours of the day. O how needful to keep the path of duty, and retire from the mult.i.tude.--The Rev. Joseph Agar has dies happily, at Portsmouth: of brain fever. An unusual feeling oppressed my mind on the afternoon of his departure; why, I know not.--The Rev. E. Batty took tea with us, and suggested a method of usefulness, which has for some time been the subject of my thoughts; but to choose, or refuse are Thine: 'Thy will be done.'--I walked to Acomb to visit a friend, and on the way asked myself, why I should go; and not being able to answer for myself, put the case into the hands of G.o.d, beseeching him to make my way plain before me; to bless me, and make me a blessing.