Part 8 (1/2)

”I have given my husband a copy of these lines this morning, proposing that we devote one hour for the special purpose of dedicating ourselves to the Lord. May we do it with unfeigned hearts. I feel humbled on account of the past; resolved at the present; and encouraged for the future.--Having occasion to administer reproof, I spoke with greater severity than the circ.u.mstances required. O when shall I possess that self-government, which tempers every word and action. Though suffering from indisposition, my mind is kept in peace.

Unworthy as I am, Christ is precious.”


Linked with the memories of the day, Your name the first appears; ”A little stranger,” did they say, ”A transient visit comes to pay,”

And still we hail your longer stay Though now 'tis full seven years.

My lovely boy, your sojourn here, Awakens anxious care; Your tender mind aright to rear; Your steps to guard from danger near; Oh! might the G.o.d of mercy hear, And bless a mother's prayer.

Know then, my child, G.o.d speaks to-day, ”My son, give me thy heart.”

Oh! will you not without delay, In secret go to G.o.d and pray, That he would take your sins away, And His pure love impart?

I'm sure He loves to hear you pray; To-day then, do begin; He'll hearken unto what you say, And never turn His ear away, But answer you from day to day, If you will give up sin.

I love you, John, you know I do; G.o.d loves you more than I; As once on Samuel, now on you He calls, O may you answer too; ”Speak, Lord,” Thy servant's heart renew, For at Thy feet I lie.

Good children ever are inclined Obediently to live; Humble, and teachable, and kind, They wish to know the Saviour's mind, And often seek that they may find, What G.o.d alone can give.

”As I went to meet my cla.s.s it was suggested, as it was also the last time, 'Who hath reaquired this at your hands?' Is it from an enemy?

or am I in a wrong position? The people seem to prosper, and the Lord gives me liberty among them; but often has a cloud gathered over my spirit when I have been going to meet them. O Lord, remove my doubts, and guide me by Thy counsel. I wish to sink into Thy will; use me or lay me aside; only let Thy will be done.--The last week has been to many a season of high enjoyment; but for myself, although I rejoice in the success of missions, my soul has not yet learned to preserve its centre in the midst of the excitement, which on such occasions often falls to my lot. Mr. and Mrs. Isaac were with us from Monday till Wednesday; and on Friday afternoon, the Yorks.h.i.+re bard, James Montgomery, Esq., with several other friends, was with us at tea.

My mind was kept in peace, and during singing and prayer I found it profitable. Mr. Montgomery presided at the Missionary Meeting, which by some is p.r.o.nounced the best they ever attended. Surely it was the presence of the Great Head of the Church, which made it so.--We had a blessed season at the cla.s.s. Afterwards I went to Albion Street School. A cla.s.s of girls retired with me into the little room, for the purpose of conversation and prayer: while they listened the tears started in their eyes. I feel deeply concerned for their salvation.

The work is Thine; these souls are Thine; help me, Lord, to do Thy work faithfully; that success may follow. This morning I was much exercised.”

Afflictions sanctified Are blessings kindly given; They, who the fiery test abide, Receive an inward heaven.

That Kingdom, Lord, be mine, Just as Thy goodness wills; A heart renewed, a will resigned, A soul, that Jesus fills.

Then, every grace shall grow; Its fruits in beauty s.h.i.+ne; From love shall every action flow, And all the praise be Thine.

”I have been to see after two of my members, over whom I fear I have cause to mourn. One was gone out, yet could not come to cla.s.s! The other was in bed! I fear there is a dearth of spiritual feeling. Lord, give me wisdom and faithfulness.--After collecting for the Missions, I visited a member of mine in the hospital, and prayed with several of the afflicted in the ward. The person, whom I went to see some time ago, is recovering, and wishes to join with us.

”Kirkby. I arrived here yesterday about ten o'clock, after a delightful journey; and am resolved, that change of scene shall make no difference in my religious feelings; unless, by the opportunity of retirement, I get closer to the Lord. My hearing is a little dull, but my prayer is, that this affliction may be sanctified; and removed, when the Lord pleases. Christ in me is the source of my happiness. I hunger after righteousness; more faith--humility--meekness--love.

O how beautiful are the fruits of grace! The rich cl.u.s.ters of the heavenly vine, invite my longing taste.--Spent two nights at Follifoot, with Miss B. I went with the resolution of conversing with her on the necessity of a change of heart; and on reflection have no ground of condemnation; only, I might have used greater earnestness.

My time has pa.s.sed more pleasantly than I antic.i.p.ated. We took a walk through the park to the late residence of a gentleman, who has been obliged to leave the country, in consequence of his own extravagance, and imprudence. His beautiful mansion is sinking in ruins; and loathsome reptiles are its only occupants. Such is earthly grandeur; and such the man, that makes not G.o.d his refuge. The grounds are delightful; but for want of proper cultivation, begin to show evident marks of the curse:--thorns and thistles springing up in abundance.

Molly accompanied me back with the grey pony; and, as she walked by my side, I warned her to flee from the wrath to come.--Walked to Pannal; here I found need of watchfulness, and courage; all--in nature's night; blessed with earthly good; but dest.i.tute of heavenly peace. I prayed with the family each evening; and spoke to each member, with the exception of Mr. ----, on the need of preparation for another world; but my efforts were feeble. My happiest hours have been spent in retirement, and solitary walks; one of which, was extremely delightful. The picturesqueness of the scenery, combined with smiling heavens, conspired to raise my mind to Him, whose forming hand has adorned all nature, and has raised my soul from death to life. The scene vividly called to remembrance my beloved cousin Ann; with whom on this very spot, I had pa.s.sed some of the happiest moments of my life. I felt what I cannot put into words. On my return to York, I found Eliza, bathing her face after the application of leeches; and Mary, putting John to bed, in the measles. Such is life! It is the Lord, and to His will, I would patiently submit.”




How solemn, and instructive, is the scene of death! What a satire upon the pride, pomp, and vanity of the world! and yet, when relieved by the cheering experience of divine truth, what a blessed confirmation of all that the Bible tells us! The utterances of the dying Saint, come home to our hearts with peculiar force. It is as if the spirit of the departing, having reached the boundary of time, and looking forth on the unclouded scene beyond, shouted back to its companions yet enveloped with the mists and gloom of earth: ”It is all true, you have only to follow on a little further, and the glorious prospect will burst upon you.” Mrs. Lyth seems to have carefully treasured the last words of those, who, within the circle of her acquaintance, died in the Lord; and in the case of particular friends, these notices sometimes extend to several pages: as if she delighted to linger on the borders of another world, and to catch a momentary glimpse of its happiness, and the distant sound of the harpers, harping with their harps. An example occurs in the course of the following extracts.

”At the two o'clock cla.s.s, many were in tears; while others testified of the Lord's goodness. We were, as one of the little hills of Zion, refreshed by the dew from above. In the evening I remained at home, intending, if the way opened, to go and see my cousin Elizabeth, who is very ill. John is recovering; Eliza is still unwell, but I will leave them in the Lord's hands.--A little before six, I left my cousin Elizabeth much better, and happy in G.o.d. She told me that in the night she could scarcely refrain from singing:--