Part 3 (2/2)
=Affectatibus diuitias e's _Accidence_ led, I presu Accidence_, although I have not personally le edition of the work under such a title Dibdin, however, has a story that John Bagford had heard of one printed at Tavistock, for which the said John ”would have stuck at no price”
The chief of these adaptations of the _Accidence_ is the _Parvuloru, in the first place, from the earliest press for the use of the earliest known school at Oxford But it was reprinted with alterations by Stanbridge, and perhaps by John Holt In Dibdin's account of one of these recensions he observes:--
”The work begins ilysshe is gyuen to be made in latyn? Fyrst the verbe must be loked out, and yf there be moo verbes than one in a reason, I must loke out the pryncypall verbe and aske this questyon who or what, and that word that answereth to the questyon shall be the nomynatyve case to the verbe
Except it be a verbe Impersonell the whiche wyll haue no nomynative case'
”On the last leaf but one we have as follows:--
=Indignus dignus obscenus fedus Cice qq hecauditu acerbus= acerba sunt
=Rarus iucundus absurdus turpe Tere turpe saluber= dictu
=Mirandus mirus pulchrum sit Qui multa periculosus= dictu visuq; miranda
=Whan there cometh a verbe after Teretius quidna sum es fui without a relatyve incepturus es
or a coniunccyon yf it be of the actyue sygnyfycacyon it shall be Tere uxor tibi put in a partycyple of the fyrst ducenda est paphyle sutertens yf he be of the passyue Te oro vt synyfacoon he shall be put in the nuptie que fuerant partycyple of the latter sutertens, future fiant
except exulo, vapulo, veneo, fio=
IV Robert Whittinton, whose name is probably more familiar to the ordinary student than that of the e and tastes, was a native of Warwickshi+re, and was born at Lichfield about 1480--perhaps a little before He received his education, as I have stated, at the Free School at Oxford, and is supposed to have gained ades; but of this there is no certainty He subsequently acquired, however, the distinction of being decorated with the laurel wreath by the University of Oxford for his proficiency in graical writings of Aristotle; and he assuliae, and the credit of having been the first Englishman as laureated
It is certain that Whittinton beca his scholars he counted Williarammarian; but where he so established himself is not so clear, nor do we know the circu to do es a clear bibliographical outline of Whittinton's literary performances; and it seems to amount to this, that he has left to us, apart from a few miscellaneous effusions, eleven distinct treatises on the parts of grammar, all doubtless more or less based on the researches and consonant with the doctrines of his in professors of the saland, and had even, as in the case of Sulpicius and Perottus, been adopted by the English press
I will first give the titles of the several pieces succinctly, and then proceed to furnish a slight description of each:--
1 De Nominum Generibis
2 Declinationes Nominum
3 De Syllabarum Quantitate, &c
4 Verborum Praeterita et Supina
6 De Octo Partibus Orationis
7 De Heteroclitis Nominibus
8 De Concinnitate Grammatices et Constructione