Part 4 (1/2)
9 Syntaxis [A recension of No 8]
10 Vulgaria
11 Lucubrationes
These eleven _fasciculi_ actually forether one system, and some of theement indicated; as, for instance, the _Verborum Praeterita et Supina_, which is called the Fifth Book of the First Part; but others are deficient in this clue, so that if one classes them, it must be in one's oay
V The treatise on the _Kinds of Nouns_, in one of the nunated _Primae Partis Liber Primus_, which seems an inducement to yield it the foremost place in the series But it will be presently observed that, although the collection in a coe it did not, so far as we can tell, follow each other originally in strict order of time
Of the tract on the _Declensions of Nouns_, which stands second in order, Dibdin supplies us with a speciu- =Anchise et Ve-= =Capis filius= =Qui fingit elegan-= lari prime =neris filius,= =es, ut An-= =tia carmina, a,= declina- =as, ut Aeneas= =chises= =ut poeta= tionis Rectus as, es, a; simul am dat flexio prima
=Aeneae= =Aeneae= =ut huius= =huic= =enitiuus sic que datiuus singularibus =hi poete= =o poete= et nto et veto Singularis, sic pluralis primus quoque quintus pluralibu =familie et= =aulai pro aulae= =vt huius= =huic= =faenito dedit as simul ai
=vt hic Judas, huius Jude, vel Juda= Ex Judas Juda aut Judae dat pagina sacra =vt hic Adam huius Adam huic Adam, &c= Barbara in am propria aut a recto non variantur
We must now pass to the treatise _De Syllabaruical respect, ranks first a Whittinton's works, as there was an edition of it as early as 1513
This tripartite volume, 1 _On the Quantity of Syllables_; 2 _On Accent_; and 3 _On the Roistrates_, is noteworthy on two accounts The second portion elish book of the poe section is a kind of rudimentary Lempriere Subjoined is a sample of the lines upon accents, from Dibdin:--
”=Accentus tonus est per que fit syllaba quevis Cognita: quado acui debet, vel qu gravari Accentus triplex; fit acutus vel gravis, inde Est circuflexus: qui nunc fit rarus in vsu
Syllaba curavis accentus sed syllaba pressa deorsuravis in priravis reciditque=”
This uage of Horace, is followed by a commentary in prose
The next three divisions do not call for any particular criticisular Nouns_, and the _Laws of Grammatical Construction_, of which the last is the first cast of the _Syntax_
There rearia_ and the _Lucubrations_, which are far , and of which there were numerous editions The subjoined saaria_ was compiled:--
”Befe and motton is so dere, that a peny worth of meet wyll scant suffyse a boy at a meale
”Whan I was a scholler of Oxforthe I lyued coood chere arnysshed with knottes, it wolde do a boy good to loke vpon it
”A busshell of whete was holde at xii pens
”A gallon of syne is at viii pens in London
”A gallon of ale is at a peny and ferdynge