Part 22 (2/2)
”Everyone came, just as I expected.” Taddy smiled.
”I can't do this.”
”Yes you can. Just remember what I told you.” Taddy grabbed his hand giving him a loving squeeze.
”Let me welcome everyone. Then I'll introduce you.” Taddy headed to the podium leaving Warner in the back of the room.
Taddy gave a small wave and smile to a few reporters sitting in the front row as if they were old friends. She mouthed, ”Thank you for coming.” It was obvious she knew these people. These were her peers. Taddy owned it.
”Good morning. I'm Taddy Brill, from Brill, Inc.” She spoke with such ease and confidence.
The cameras flashed in her face but she seemed to embrace the attention.
”Thank you for joining us this morning. Obviously from the turnout, this is a significant event. This speaks to the interest you have in Hotel du France and Truman Enterprises.”
He could hear people breathing. The room was dead silent. Everyone hung on her words.
”We have an exciting presentation for you today. You'll be leaving here with insights on where the luxury hotel industry is headed next and it's not Hotel du a.n.a.l, I promise you that.”
The crowd laughed and clapped.
”I do ask one thing before we start.”
”Our speaker is a little shy.”
The journalists giggled. Who knew Taddy was such a ham?
”Please refrain from taking any photos or asking any questions 'til he's finished with his presentation. I don't want to trip him up.” Taddy smiled jokingly but the reporters knew her rules. They seemed to love her all the more. ”Afterward we'll open the floor up for questions.” She smiled at Warner. ”I'd like to introduce the man of the hour.”
G.o.d, please don't let me screw this up. Taddy's worked so hard.
”He's been a mystery for most of you for far too long.” Taddy spoke freely without reading from her cards. ”He started Truman Enterprises with one bed-and-breakfast over a decade ago and has since grown Truman Enterprises into the world's leading resort chain. Ladies,” Taddy paused. ”Gentlemen,” she held her hands out. ”I give you-Warner Truman.”
Warner walked up to the front of the room and took the microphone. Taddy stood to his left about two feet behind him. It made him feel more confident knowing she was within reach.
”Thank you, Miss Brill.” He faced the group. This wasn't so bad. ”Good morning.” He greeted them and started the presentation.
Reporters, bloggers and TV producers from North and South America, Africa and Europe had come to hear the Hotel du France presentation.
He elaborated on the touch-points Taddy had created. To his surprise, Warner felt at ease with the cameras when they posed after the question and answer session.
By the end of the day, Truman Enterprises on the New York Stock Exchange increased 301.7 percent. The shares rose 2.4 percent for his corporation. Impressed, Warner offered Taddy a seat on his executive board.
Taddy declined.
Chapter Seventeen.
On His Knees Warner hated seeing Taddy leave. As their time neared the end, he feared she'd put her walls up as demonstrated last night and earlier this morning. She'd agreed not to make things hard, but fear had been etched on Taddy's face. Her issues may be deeper than he guessed.
”Let's roll.”
”Are you sure you can't stay in Cannes longer?” Be with me.
”I'd love to, but I must get home.” She kissed him. ”You promise you'll come see me in New York before you go to Asia?”
”Yes.” The limo pulled into the parking lot. ”My driver is here. Thank you for letting me take you to the airport.”
”I'm happy to spend these moments with you.” Her hands shook when she held his arm.
The chauffeur collected her leather roller bag.
”Careful with my belongings please,” she ordered.
”Oui, Mademoiselle.” His driver placed the bags in the trunk.
”After you.” Warner took her hand and helped her into the car. She stepped into the limo. d.a.m.n he was going to miss her. It was inconceivable to have separation anxiety from someone he barely knew, but the twists in his stomach proved otherwise.
He got in with her, hoping she'd sit on his lap.
Taddy didn't. He could tell that after the conference she'd snapped back into work mode. She was Taddy Brill. He'd lost his Red. The second the press conference started, her face had changed to what he'd seen at the police station-a woman on a mission to rule the world.
While they drove, Red accepted calls, fired off emails and thumb punched text messages from across the limo. He'd not seen her so serious earlier. She was now taking calls and treating him as if he didn't matter.
He too was a busy man. He now owned eleven hotel, resort and spa brands on five continents. Truman Enterprises covered upscale, mid-market and budget...but he'd mastered the art of delegation. His a.s.sistants coordinated a.s.sistants, and those a.s.sistants also had staffed a.s.sistants. Taking time off was part of creating balance. Taddy, on the other hand, hid behind her business.
”Did you see The Observer this morning?” Taddy asked.
”No, why?” When would I have the time? Err...she's avoiding our talk.
Red handed him her tablet computer.
Adjusting the screen to eye level, he read, ”Manhattan Gay Socialite Thor Edwards in Line to Inherit Great-Grandmother's $90 Million Manhattan Mansion.”
”New York City has room for mansions?” Did she want him to buy her the property and kick the Thor dude out? Warner could. He would if he was given the time for their relations.h.i.+p to develop. Whatever she wanted.
”It's an eighteen-thousand-square-foot townhouse in Greenwich Village. You've heard about Thor. Haven't you?”
”No.” He returned the mobile tablet to her.