Part 23 (1/2)

”He's sorta NYC famous. My vice president, Blake Morgan, and Thor are best friends. We all went to Avon Porter Academy together. Thor's an eccentric gay, and a riot.” Taddy returned her view to the screen and kept typing. ”I must secure this project.”


”I want to publicize his new house after he guts it for gilded renovation. Architectural Digest would love having Thor for a cover story.” She offered him a head-spinning stare.

”How many clients does your firm manage?”

”About a hundred or so campaigns run monthly, why?” Eyes fixed on the screen, Taddy didn't look at him when she replied. He hated that.

”Isn't that enough?” Warner wanted her to take some time off in the near future, not induce more work.

”Look who's talking?”

”Excuse me?”

”Don't cha think you have enough hotels-enough spas? Jesus. What's with your comment?”

”I wasn't implying-” He knew better than to have asked. Warner hadn't known her long, but the guarded game she was playing with him in the limo ride wasn't hard to figure out. Taddy was going to go back to New York, burying herself in her career, and forget all about him. That much he a.s.sumed.


”Never mind.” Warner couldn't care less what she did with her clients. Her shtick wasn't to make more money. Riches didn't motivate Taddy. He hadn't pinpointed yet what did. Her work ethic was impeccable and respected. When she stepped out to greet the journalists, they had pounced on her for attention. Taddy Brill was famous and could've run the press conference without him.

”Why are you sitting so far away? Come here, Red.” He tapped his palm over the bucket seat next to him. For just a second, his thoughts were on last night. G.o.d, her hungry body hugging his and then her tight a.s.s being broken in had felt heavenly.

”In a second, darling.” She blinked up at him, gracing him with an intense green flash of her eyes. ”Let me finish this email to Neve before we get to the airport. Blake managed her account over the weekend, but she needs a little bit of Taddy-time.”

Why is she going cold? ”Have your a.s.sistant take care of it.”

”Kiki is in Utah this week, remember?”

”Right.” d.a.m.n.

”Without Kiki there to be my filter, the office keeps forwarding me all the communication.”

”That's your last email. Then I have you all to myself until we get to the airport.” He understood her desire was to be in demand, to feel important, to get the job done. He got that much from her. However, did she know he needed her too? Right this very second!

”Yes, darling, you'll have me.” She tapped her gemstone-incrusted timepiece for amus.e.m.e.nt and added, ”For one hour.”

They were nowhere close to the airport. Taddy's flight departed from Nice. With enough time, he'd listen and she'd talk. But how? She avoided talking to him. Really talking. He figured Taddy was similar to a man in the way that to get her attention he'd have to use s.e.x. If he was going to get her to open up, he'd need to turn her on, wind her up and let her unravel, telling him what it was like to be in that head of hers and how she felt. He must know before she got out of the car.

He pushed the privacy b.u.t.ton. The see-through part.i.tion gla.s.s separating them from the driver suddenly frosted opaque. The rear windows soon followed, giving them complete privacy. We're close, Taddy, to your feelings. Let me touch you again. We'll make love...

”You fogged the screen?”



He grinned. She knew better than to even ask.

”Not here, not now. Warner.” Taddy typed faster. Her PR firm's time was up.

”Right here, and yes, right now.” He slid off the leather seat onto his knees. It was finally the moment alone he'd imagined since this morning when they were last together. He figured approximately one hundred and eighty minutes had pa.s.sed since he'd caressed her last.

”I told you, Neve's up for a huge licensing handbag deal. I promised to counsel her today and I have so much to do for my Candy Land Ball. I should've worked this weekend.”


”I'm kicking myself.” Taddy crossed her legs. He crawled closer to her. She pointed a long finger in a no-no motion about two centimeters from his nose with her left hand.

”No more work chatter, young lady.”

”Is the no shop talk agreement starting right now? Shall I set my watch?” Taddy kept typing with her right hand, trying to buy more time.

”Take off your Rolex.” He kissed her left hand that beckoned him to depart. He wanted her to forget about the time. It should stand still for a while. ”Turn off the cell and mobile tablet too.” Licking her fingers in a playful way, he bit her gently with his teeth. I could eat you. I will have you. Forever my Red. He sucked on her pointer finger. She tasted as she always did-uberfeminine and mischievous. Warner pulled her closer into him and farther away from her work. ”You're not flying to New York.”

”I'm not?” Her copper eyebrows arched in surprise.

”Nope,” he confirmed, nesting into his favorite spot-between her legs. ”My intention is to keep you to myself for as long as possible.” Warner knew he was selfish.

”Why would you want to do such a thing like that?” Her lips curled, perhaps with an unexpected revelation.

”Greedy perhaps. I'm in no frame of mind to share you with anyone.”

”Don't you want to hear what I'm in the mood for?”

”I have my a.s.sumptions,” he hinted, rubbing her inner thighs. ”You have no desire to have fun with your Big Daddy this afternoon.”

”Don't put words in my mouth.” Taddy was turned on. He could tell by her neck. It blushed for him.

”Wanna know what I want to put in my mouth?” Rolling his sleeves up, he didn't wait for her to respond. He spread her legs with an authoritative force. I want inside Red. He hooked his middle and ring finger around the silk panties covering her l.a.b.i.a. Warner stared, waiting to continue.

His Red nodded with enthusiasm.

Bit by bit, as if releasing white doves to the heavens, he pulled her undies down. Balling the lusciousness in his right hand, he decided he must. I can't help myself. It's my drug, my Eyes closed, he buried his nose against the soft material as it tickled his nostrils. He inhaled one shallow take. Aaah.

Her tuberose scent lingered on her lingerie.

”Warner, I've never seen a guy sniff a woman's-”

”I love your smell. Pure heaven.” With each whiff, his d.i.c.k grew and ached for an escape from his pants. I'm high on your perfume, on you.

”Let me.” She leaned forward and unzipped his linen slacks to half-mast. It gave him some breathing room.

Red spread her legs wide. Blush-to-roseate wonder met his gaze as he stared. f.u.c.king yes. Her flesh felt smooth to his touch. Taddy's swollen c.u.n.t had subsided from last night's love fest. ”Red, look at you.”

Debauchery magazine, along with her folder marked ”Baden Cosmetics”, fell to the floor. She'd pushed her work to the side.

Was she giving in?