Part 22 (1/2)

”You'll figure it out.” Warner teased.

”Why are you afraid?”

He shrugged. ”If I put myself out there, my life opens like a book.”


”People will start calling me for interviews, a.s.suming they have access.”

”Your company will never grow if you don't,” she affirmed.

”Truman Enterprises is the third largest resort chain in the world.” What more could a guy want?

”Why not number two? Or number one?” she asked, eyebrows rising.

She made a good point. Truman Enterprises had come close to slipping to number four in the last few months. ”I'll agree to speak today if you come to Asia with me.” Hope filled him.

”I can't. Today is Monday. I have presentations in New York for my client Neve Adele and I'm hosting my charity ball. I have to go home and prepare.”

”The reality TV star?”

She gave a nod. ”We're pitching her lifestyle line. It'll take a lot of my time.” Regret washed over her all-too-flawless complexion.

”I'm leaving for Asia after I wrap up here. I'll be gone for the month.”

”So, let's get together in the fall?” Her eyes narrowed. ”Or we could take another stab at New Year's.”

No way. I'm not going to let you go. ”Come with me to j.a.pan.”

”Warner...I have a business too. I have over fifty employees who I'm responsible for. I love my job. My company is who I am. I can't just neglect it.”

”I'm sorry I asked. It's unfair.” He found a perverse pleasure in her independence. In the past, his girlfriends had jumped at the chance to drop everything and follow him around the world. Not Taddy. He'd finally met his match. ”Why don't I come see you in New York on my way East after Cannes?”

”You mean it?” Her voice rose in surprise.

”After today's conference, I'll ride in the limo with you to the airport. Leave your rental here. I'll see to its return. We'll work on coordinating our schedules then.” He wanted more alone time with her, no distractions or complications. They needed to talk.

”A ride with you would make me very happy.” She kissed him. ”You still nervous about speaking?”

”A little.” He squeezed her hand. ”But I'll do it because you asked me to.”

”Would you care for some public speaking tips?” She reached down for his d.i.c.k.

”I've heard Brill, Inc. is the best at giving advice.” Warner took her hand as she slid off his lap and knelt down beside him.

”First, visualize yourself giving the speech in your head.” She opened his bathrobe and stroked him. ”Similar to how you're visualizing me giving you pleasure.”

”Hmmm.” He grabbed his sac, striking his p.e.n.i.s with his palm. Always raring to go, his d.i.c.k saluted to attention.

”Second, Mr. Truman, you need to relax when you're up there, be comfortable.” She ma.s.saged his inner thighs.

”Oui, mademoiselle.” He dropped his head back in the seat, suddenly feeling more relaxed about speaking in public.

”Third, don't act contrite with the group if you start to get nervous.” Playfully, she nipped at his shaft.

”Got it. Just as you should never apologize for being scared to get closer to me, or try for a relations.h.i.+p. Go with it, with us, and let it be.” Taddy, don't push me away.

”A relations.h.i.+p?” She gripped his d.i.c.k harder.

”Glad you can say the R word without stuttering. We'll talk about us after the conference.”

Taddy redirected her focus to the lecture. ”Fourth, know your material. And you do. You've read the presentation.” She traced her tongue over his bulge for a few seconds, then slipped it into her mouth.

”Similar to how you know my body by now?” He enjoyed her mouth; the suction was tight. ”You know you can take it all.” Warner held the back of her head as she took him. ”Taddy, suck my c.o.c.k harder, baby girl.”

Her head bobbed with natural ease. Wiping her mouth, she instructed, ”Fifth, realize your audience is there to see you succeed, not fail.” She licked his nuts as he spurted pre-c.u.m.

”Aaaah, like how I want to see us succeed as a couple.” He loved having her nails rake his pubic hair. Taddy went back at his c.o.c.k again. Working him over as she went fast. The more he talked about a relations.h.i.+p the harder she went down on him. She was avoiding any talk about them as a couple. d.a.m.n you, woman.

She withdrew his c.o.c.k from her mouth, making a loud popping sound. ”Ready for number six?” she asked.

”Yes.” He sank his body farther back in the chair. His toes were starting to curl.

”Own the room. I bet you've stood in the main ballroom a million times. You understand where voices carry, where lighting is good, where the best photos should be taken.” She went back to sucking and moaned in pleasure as if tasting something sweet.

”f.u.c.k, Taddy, I'm going to come.” His body trembled.

”Seven-practice over and over again. Sorta like how I'm getting it on with your monster d.i.c.k.” She slid her hand tight around his shaft and pumped. One. Two. Three.

”I've enjoyed our weekend.” Warner looked forward to her getting real. He wanted to meet her friends and see where she lived in addition to getting to know her better. But he couldn't think about that now. Right now his thoughts were on coming.

”And number eight, the last one is for you to concentrate. Focus!”

Rockets shot high, making that impossible, all he thought about was her.

Taddy stuck her tongue out.

His pearl liquid streamed across her open mouth. ”Good girl.”

”Mmm-mine.” Taddy laced her tongue around his p.e.n.i.s and drank him dry. ”By far the best job I've given.” She glanced up and smiled at him.

Warner leaned forward and nuzzled his nose to hers. ”Perhaps because you made it work-related,” he observed and kissed her. You're not going to hide behind your PR firm forever.

”This is a full house.” Warner couldn't believe it. He was by no means a star, let alone very good at public speaking. His throat was closing up.