134 Mastermind (2/2)
On the ground Ferrise sped towards the building Maverick was on top of while staying out of the turrets line of fire. By the time Ferrise made it to the building and tried to scale the side of it he caught a glimpse of hell. More torrents popped out of the walls around him all of which spared no time in firing every bullet they contained at him. The second Ferrise noticed the predicament he was in he thought of the one trick he knew would save him in that instance.
Without hesitation Ferrise scattered most of the crows he had towards all the turrets while some chaotically flew around in the air nearby. The rest of which completely covered Ferrise's body not letting an inch of his body be revealed. The turret fired sporadically at all the crows completely ignoring Ferrise's presence. As that happened it gave Ferrise the chance to Destroy all the turrets.
Most of the weapons Maverick uses especially the turrets are controlled using an AI. The AI helps lower the strain Maverick faces when controlling a bunch of tech. But because Ferrise knew that the AI Maverick uses wasn't super advanced and relied of mostly facial recognition and thermal imaging. He could exploit that by creating hundreds of similar targets all at the same threat level forcing the AI to prioritize the closest target instead of Ferrise himself.
Two large pair of wings made of crows grew on Ferrise back and he used them as large blades that cut all the torrents he passed by into pieces. Once all the turrets on the ground nearby where destroyed. Ferrise morphed the bodies of the crows that formed his wings. Their flesh, eyes, and feathers quickly compressed forming a grotesque pair of black wings with a metallic shine and hundreds of red eyes.
The wings on Ferrise's back are very unnatural they can bend like rubber while also maintaining there sturdy structure. Ferrise spread his wings and flew on top of the building Maverick was on. The moment he flew above the buildings all the turrets that couldn't find their target opened fire on Ferrise. While the turrets where still very dangerous Ferrise's wings shielded him circumventing most of the pressure off him.
Ferrise's wings weren't strong enough to directly withstand the full might of any of Maverick's weapons. But they where capable of moving independently by themselves and strong enough as well as fast enough to alter the direction of every bullet before they fully hit him.
Every time Ferrise's wings altered a bullets direction Ferrise felt as though he was being hit by a truck that was driving 100 miles an hour. The amount of strain it put on Ferrise's body was tremendous it even made the wound Krug gave him worse, but he still had enough in him to fight. Without hesitation Ferrise charged at Maverick and in that moment he cast a spell that conjured a shimmering purple staff made up of a dense amount of energy. Ferrise pointed the conjured energy staff at Maverick and it extended at an incredible speed.
The staff extended so fast it created a sonic boom that made large gusts of wind where ever it past and greatly damaging the roof top. Maverick had already put folded the custom made sniper and put it away allowing him enough maneuverability to roll away and pull out an electromagnetic pistol. Ferrise's staff could be shorten just as fast as it could extend. Using that he was able to shield himself from the pistols shot. But being under an endless burrage of bullets wasn't easy. Ferrise dodge and weaved as much as he could while attacking Maverick, but each hit took a massive toll on him. Even the building maverick and Ferrise where fighting on top of was crumbling under the endless storm of attacks from the two.
Because he was in such a dangerous situation Ferrise put everything regarding causing a large destruction in the city and involving civilians in a Magus fight to the back of his mind and did whatever it took to destroy those turrets.
Not caring about the consequences Ferrise ignored Maverick for a moment and switched his attention to the turrets. He then held the energy staff in his hand and threw it like a javelin. As Ferrise's spell pierced threw the air it broke apart into over a dozen smaller versions of the same spell. Each spell rained down causing a marvelous display of destruction throughout the block. Buildings and streets crumbled away as flames generated from the numerous explosion engulfed them.
Civilians caught in the cross where either burned alive, crushed under the weight of the building above them, or had their organs damaged from the shock wave of each explosion if they where unlucky. Ferrise did the same thing to each place he spotted a turret. Maverick's turrets tried to shoot down all of Ferrise's attacks, but they only aided in there destruction.
”You AI is just as shit as it was before Maverick If I didn't know better I'd think you where offering them up as targets for me”.
A weakness that all mechanical adepts suffer from is in short a lack of funds and time. Their strength is mostly displayed through their machines. So if a mechanical adept is lacking in funds or enough time then they cannot build their machines resulting in a poor display of power. To overcome that obstacle Maverick conspired against all of the students in Twilight Academy so that he would have enough funds to build what he wanted.
Maverick didn't care much about Ferrise insulting his creations he nor did he get made he instead calmly replied.
”That's alright everything here is nothing more than an investment. I'll make back everything here after I take your head and raid your room after I'm done”.
”Your still after my key stone after all this time just buy your own”.
”I would but I prefer the five finger discount. You know how I'm always short on funds”.
As Ferrise and Maverick clashed he found himself consistently losing ground as he is forced more of the defensive by Maverick's attacks. Maverick moved quickly around the crumbling building because of his high frequency propulsion boots that allow him to move as if the ground was friction less and make sharp turns in the air. Though Ferrise destroy most of the surrounding turrets it didn't stop Maverick from unleashing more robots that uncompressed themselves and started attacking Ferrise. A battle of attribution is not easily won against mechanical adepts. Ferrise knew that that's why he never wanted to fight Maverick alone. his fighting style simply wasn't suited against people like Maverick.
'Where in the world is Gerald and Linda they should have been here a long time ago'.
Ferrise couldn't hold on much longer and he knew it. His once intimidating wings where so beaten up it made him look like a sick bird. While Ferrise managed to deflect the bullets he couldn't block the shrapnel that riddled him with holes or the large impact from every shot. If it wasn't for Ferrise strong vitality he would have been dead already.
'I can't win like this I have to team up with Linda and Gerald'.
Ferrise knowing defeating Maverick by himself was nothing more than a fleeting dream gave up on it and tried to fly away. The second Ferrise spread his wingsto fly away Maverick activated a spell then took out a pistol significantly different from all the other weapons he used before. It was silver with a bunch of different wires exposed it was also a bit bulkier and heavier as well.
The spell [Overload] that Maverick cast is an old classic that mechanical adepts use it overcharges their weapons increasing a weapons damage at the risk of decreasing a weapons durability or just out right breaking it. Because of the spell the weapon Maverick had only took a second to fully change. Once it did a thick blue lazer fired out of the gun and cut off one of Ferrise's wings. Ferrise's wings where cut through like butter by the powerful lazer along with the building beneath both of their feet.
That lazer gun was the strongest weapon Maverick had but it was also incomplete and almost complete uncontrollable. It was made from an incomplete set of data Maverick acquired regarding such weapons. Which limited the guns ability to only being able to fire once or twice if Maverick was lucky before completely breaking down.
After being fired the lazer gun overheated in Maverick's hand and dtarted to come apart. Maverick didn't care about that and threw the gun away then charge towards Ferrise as he tried to take full advantage of the opening that the weapon brought him.
As Maverick ran towards Ferrise a large robotic limb covered Maverick's right arm once it did he swung it down at full force towards Ferrise. Ferrise knew that in his condition he couldn't take that attack directly or else it would spell his doom. As Maverick's fist came down like the hammer of god Ferrise body burst into dozens of crows. Maverick's fist slammed down on the spot Ferrise once was leaving a large crater in that spot. The hole expanded till the entire roof collapse and the building along with it. As the building began to fall Maverick saw Ferrise reforming his body a few metters away and cough up blood.
The trick Ferrise used to escape is nothing compared to what Zane does regularly. It is flawed and would have been impossible to do if he didn't augment his body so much. That's why Ferrise started to heavily cough up blood. But despite the damage Ferrise suffereed from his own technique and the desperate situation he was in he still saw hope in winning so long as he made it back to the rest of his group.
Ferrise quickly left the crumbling building in search for Gerald and Linda while Maverick trailed closely behind him. As Ferrise approached Gerald and Linda's location he saw a beautiful yet disheartening sight. Large amounts of flames as colorful as a rainbow pushed back against the raging inferno surrounding it. The ice cold chill that the colorful flames brought with them was nothing compared to who stood in its center.
A decrepit old man who should have been waiting for death in a nursing home. Stood proudly over the body of a man who wasn't even a quarter of his age and a woman who was holding onto life by a thread as she desperately gasped for air on her knees in front of the monster before her.
That sight stupified Ferrise even Maverick was shocked by what he saw. He didn't expect things to go so far with those three he just wanted to buy more time for himself while also finding out more about the person capable of acquiring a grade 1 healing potion.
”What the hell happened?”.
Desmond didn't answer Ferrise's question he only looked coldy at Maverick and Ferrise then attacked.