135 Teaching A Lesson (1/2)
That hateful name was the only thing Desmond heard being spat out of Ferrise's mouth before he took off alone. A peaceful silence fell onto the ally after that, but any semblance of peace was false because Desmond at the time was overcome with an indescribable rage. The muscles all over his body contracted making his biceps bulge. Desmond looked like he was about ready to blow up anyone minute, but instead in that rage filled moment Desmond became calm and found peace within himself.
Gerald and Linda noticed every change in Desmond's mood. Both of them didn't want to fight him they only wanted to leave at that moment to confront Maverick. Neither of them did because they weren't sure how peaceful Desmond would be after what just happened or who he would blame. In a bid to mitigate the situation Gerald tried to clear up any misconceptions.
”Sir, I can assure you that this is nothing more than another misunderstanding. You see...”
”Shut up”.Desmond coldly uttered.
He wasn't interested in any of Gerald's excuses he didn't care if what he was about to say was only lies or truth. Desmond had already made up his mind he needed this to happen, he wanted it desperately. As Desmond's determination became as firm as stone his eyes began to emit the glow of an aura. That sight was shocking to Gerald he knew Desmond's soul was strong but he didn't think it had reached such a high level. In Theotera your eyes only glow when you reach rank 1 for an apprentice's eyes to glow like that it typically means that they are a peerless talent.
Once Gerald saw that he thought to himself, 'you got to be kidding me there's no way that bag of bones is some kind of once in a lifetime genus it makes no sense if that was true he wouldn't look so old'.
As Gerald tried to rationalize Desmond's threat level Desmond began to calmly walk closer to him. Gerald and Linda didn't know what to make of Desmond's actions at that moment so they watched him closely. If he was trying to leave they wouldn't stop him but if he attacked then he only had himself to blame for what would happen next.
”Everywhere I turn someone new wants to make me their enemy and I am sick of it. So, it makes me wonder what must I do to correct these people, what kind of person must I become? You don't have to answer, but you should at least look at me when I talk to you”.
Desmond's last sentence stunned Gerald for a moment and made a shiver run down his spine. Not because of how it was said but because those words were suddenly spoken from behind him. The heat and stench from Desmond's breath caressed his neck gently as it ran up his nose. Gerald wasn't sure when it happened or how he only knew for sure that the old man that disappeared from his sight was standing directly behind him burning a hole in his head with his glare. Such speed baffled Gerald but it also pushed aside any arrogance that he still held and fully regard Desmond as a threat.
The moment Desmond disappeared and reappeared behind Gerald Linda saw the whole thing and knew the truth about Desmond's actions.
”Gerald its an illusion”.
Linda's words came a bit too late at that moment Gerald's moments where already locked in place. He kicked out at full force towards the illusion of Desmond and hit nothing but air. While Gerald was momentarily stuck in that posture Desmond's shadowy figure came from behind while holding his enchanted dagger and stabbed towards Gerald's gut. Desmond enchanted dagger glowed a soft blue as Desmond poured his energy into it increasing its sharpness.
Once the blade struck Gerald's gut it managed to leave a long gash about a centimeter deep before it stopped there. Gerald tampered his body by using the [copper body] cultivation technique and various other methods endure his highly destructive fighting style. Desmond was surprised by how hard it was to cut Gerald's body. He had to use all the strength his arms could muster to cut him. But Desmond was still happy because he saw that he drew blood and that was good enough because it meant the poison on the dagger was in his system.
Gerald winced a little in pain after Desmond cut him. Though he bled Gerald didn't fret he knew how resilient his body was and that he could easily keep fighting. Gerald firmly planted his foot down, turned his body and swung his fist at Desmond. After he did so his fist didn't his fist didn't hit what he expected instead of Desmond's face he struck a burning sheet of paper left in his place.
”Where are you looking now? If you don't start paying attention it will be the death of you”.
Desmond's figure appeared out of the corner of Gerald's eye he was clearly casting a spell and it was a slow one at that. Typically Gerald would feel as though he would have plenty of time to counter in that situation but he couldn't because in that moment his movements became stiff. It was almost as if all his joints where super glued together. That momentary lapse gave Desmond all the time he needed to finish casting his spell.
”[Acid splash]”.
Through the usage of the spell scroll [bind] and a few simple illusions Desmond was able to create the perfect opening for himself. The spell struck Gerald point blank and started destroying jis clothes and boiling his skin. A normal person would have had there entire body melted by Desmond's attack but the resilience of Gerald's body reduced the damage of the spell to mostly a bad skin burn.
Even through the full might of the spell wasn't realized it did help weaken Gerald's skin allowing Desmond to cut him 2 centimeters deeper instead of just 1. Just when Desmond was about to strike Gerald again his spiritual sense went off warning him of an approaching damage.
Having no reason to rebuke such a thing Desmond followed his instinct and dodge to the left. A mear second ofter he did Linda clad in rock armor came crashing down from above him forcing him to retreat a few feet. Her timely interference gave Gerald himself from the spell binding him.
”Are you still able to fight”.
”I'm perfectly fine its just a mild skin burn and a few cuts. He gives off a dangerous vibe but his attackes are weak. If he could cast advanced level spells then this would be a different story”.
”I see, then since your such an excellent sponge you'll be the vanguard i'll act as support”.
”Whatever gets this over with quicker, we still have to go support Ferrise”.
”Ferrise can last a few minutes by himself besides its his fault for running off”.
Desmond was interested about how Linda snuck up on him he never took his eye off her yet she still somehow made an earth clone of herself and fooled him. Such a sight ignited his love for magic and made him want to dive into the topic at once. But sadly that would have to wait till after he beat them.
”You call my attacks weak don't make me laugh. Haven't you realized that i've mearly been holding back. If I whole wholeheartedly attacked you then you would barely be able to resist and then you wouldn't be able to learn a thing except for the insurmountable gap between us”.
Linda tightened her brows in annoyance its fine to talk big but the old man before her had no shame. ”You know you spew out a lot of shit out of your mouth old man yet you've shown little proof to back up that claim of yours”.
”If its proof you want then just attack me. Come let this old man send you off to meet your ancestors, so that you can tell them personally how much of a disappointment you where”.
Desmond heard every word that he said and even he was cringing inside. He doesn't know why he always goes for the wise and cocky old man persona. He knew it was partly because he always wanted to say stuff like that to someone, but the words that have been coming out of his mouth lately are a bit to embarrassing to bare. It took all of Desmond's strength to stop himself from laughing and break the mood that was in place.
Gerald accepting Desmond's challenge as he walked out the figure of a coiling dragon took form around him. The dragon hissed and burned the air as it followed everyone of Gerald's movements. Once Gerald took a single step the dragon flicked the ground with its tail allowing Gerald to explode forward in a dazzling display of fireworks.
Gerald's became nothing but a blur in Desmond's eyes. He couldn't help, but worry for his life as he became drenched in a cold sweat. Desmond can't move or react that stupidly fast and he knew it. His foundation as weak while the others before him were solid allowing them to display a stupid degree of strength and speed.