134 Mastermind (1/2)

Unusual world Loyalscum 89220K 2022-07-22

Before the treat arrived Desmond made a few quick preparations. He reached inside of his dementional pouch and took out a small vial, It was the poison known as [Lovers Kiss]. While Desmond didn't purchase any at the gathering he had some on him because he took it from his own stash. Along with a few other magic scrolls and potions that he thought would come in handy during desperate times.

Desmond carefully pored the poison onto his enchanted dagger that he had for almost 2 years and put it back into its holster near his hip. Then Desmond crouched on the the floor where he stood and started drawing symbols on the ground at a rapid speed as a gift for whomever he was about to meet. With the little amount of time that Desmond had he knew that he could do no more so he waited to confront the threat and end it once and for all.

With a calm demeanor Desmond waited though it wasn't long till the people he sensed finally showed. Two cloaked figures jumped down from the rooftop and stood at opposite ends of the ally way while a third loomed over Desmond from up above. The ally way blocked most of the light from the glow stones that lined the walls everywhere in the Underground which helped obscure the faces of the people who blocked him in but the darkness never affected Desmond much to begin with.

He clearly saw the faces of Ferrise, Linda, and Gerald and as he did he started analyzing each of them. Desmond perceived the amount of magic flowing from them all and immediately knew that they where all a higher rank than him. Which was trouble some because it ment that they could all cast stronger spells then Desmond, but he could also tell that their souls where significantly weaker then Desmond's which gave him a lethal edge.

As Desmond analyzed the three of them he spent a bit longer looking at Ferrise because his body was, so strange and eye catching. Ferrise had bird feathers, eyes, and a red gem on his forehead which from Desmond's perspective was like a tiny vortex.

'What in the world is that man a harpy? No, harpies should all be female maybe he's some kind of harpy hybrid or birdman species'.

Desmond didn't spend a moment longer on that though because it was useless. He was clearly in danger and needed to know the reason for their presence and If they where targeting him from the beginning he needed to know how they where tracking him.

Without a second though Desmond deactivated the illusion that made him look like an ordinary young man. Returning him back into his previous appearance fully displaying the rogue outfit while at the same time keeping his face shrouded in darkness. They had already found him so the previous illusion was useless. The reason Desmond still kept his face hidden was in hopes he could still protect his Identity while also because it just plain looked cool so he had no reason not to.

After Desmond changed his appearance he mobilized a bit of his spiritual energy and put it out on full display for all three of them to feel. By utilizing his spirit Desmond conveyed his strength, anger, announce, and cold hearted killing intent. Desmond's spiritual energy rushed outward and flowed over Ferrise's group making them feel as if they had all just taken an ice bath. Each of them including Ferrise himself was drenched in a cold sweat at that moment because they each realize just how much of a threat the man before them was.

Desmond's strength was pathetic when he first arrived in Theotara. He could have been bullied by even the smallest bug and died. He was nothing special when he killed Vincent and his crew. The measly strength Desmond did gain was over shadowed by the strength Eliot Row's soul and the wind shield of a car when Leopold ran him over. It was only through the use of his whit and luck that Desmond somehow stayed alive.

But after Desmond's transformation things where different even Desmond didn't know how strong he truly was because he never fought people near his level. He was always overwhelmed by the might of Zane, Seraphine, and Ragnar. But Ferrise and his group clearly felt how unusual and powerful Desmond was compared to them solidifying their stance on not fighting him.

”Tell me why have you come to disturb this old man?”.

Desmond spoke plainly and without much force, but because he was still releasing his spiritual energy Desmond's words turned into chilling needles that pierced their souls. An effect Desmond didn't know he could cause. No one in Ferrise group wanted to start a fight with Desmond. It was an unnecessary risk that provided no benefit in their eyes so they each would rather defuse the situation before it escalated.

Gerald was closest to Desmond so he spoke to him, ”I am quite sorry our group has obstructed you it was not our intention. We where simply looking for a friend of ours that got separated from us. When we thought we found him we found you instead. So as you see this is clearly nothing, but a misunderstanding”.

Desmond easily understood what Gerald's words implied. Whether they where true or not didn't really matter so long as they left him alone.

”Yes, a misunderstanding that's what I like to hear. This friend of yours is quite a lucky person to have such caring friends that would spend their time tracking the other down and surround them just to ensure that the other is safe and well protected from the dangers of the world. Its a shame I don't have friends like that”.

”Maybe you will one day, but today we aren't those friends. Where just stangers passing by”.

Gerald was a bit nervous when dealing with Desmond. He could tell Desmond was a lower rank then them, but the strength of his soul was beyond abnormal. He hoped things wouldn't go any further as he cursed Ferrise's shitty detection skills for getting them in their current mess.

Desmond analyzed the situation and Gerald's words then retracted his spiritual energy. Not a drop of Desmond's chilling aura could be felt like before which took a burden off of everyone's backs. After Desmond retracted his energy he spoke once more to them.

”Since your just passing by then I guess you should get going. You don't wanna keep your friend waiting”.

Everyone was please with the peaceful resolution especially Ferrise. While Ferrise thought that he could take on Desmond since he was still a lower rank than him. He didn't want to because it waisted time and there was also the question of whether or not he would walk out unscathed or not.

After a peaceful understanding was established something suddenly broke that peace. Without warning a bullet shot from behind Gerald and past by his ear without harming him. The bullet continued to travel until it reached Desmond. It struck the side of Desmond's cheek leaving a long bloody cut on his face. After the bullet grazed the side of Desmond's face it hit the hoodie on Desmond's head forcefully pushing it of his head and struck the wall behind Desmond. The sudden shock of what happened made Desmond loose focus causing the illusion Desmond covered his face with to fail exposing his wrinkled face to everyone.

A stunned look was plastered on Desmond's face after that. His stunned expression quickly to turned into anger when he realized the truth.

'All their words where complete bull shit when they saw I wasn't easy to deal with they tried to kill me with a sniper those bastards'.

While Desmond thought he knew the truth It was completely different from what he believed. Ferrise and his group where all startled and on guard against the same threat. They didn't know who it was for sure but they all had a good guess.

After that shot was fired Ferrise had his crows in that area take a look and that's when Ferrise saw the face of the most detestable human being Ferrise has ever had the displeasure of meeting. He waved playfully without care at the crows that began to surround him while still holding his custom made electromagnetic rifle. The gun is powerful enough to punch a hole through a tank on earth. Maverick used it at its lowest setting not to kill, but spook Desmond so his plan could become realized.

It was maverick who orchestrated Ferrise's entire group bumping into Desmond because he wanted to know more about the person who could obtain a grade 1 healing potion. That's why he placed a tracking device in the info drive he traded along with the other thing he sold to Desmond. Once he saw their was an opportunity to start a fight maverick took it as a bonus to his plan.


Ferrise angrily shouted before he shot off in Maverick's direction. The crows already around Maverick stopped circling him like pray and then started to dive bomb him. Their razer sharp wings cut the air and their talons aimed downward with full intent to claw out Maverick's eyes but Maverick didn't care he didn't even spare the crows another look. He kept his eyes locked on Ferrise who started generating more crows. As Maverick stared down Ferrise the crows that came to attack him met their end.

Over 50 circular shaped turrets disguised as shingles on the roof popped out and opened fire blasting all the birds that attacked Maverick to bits. Ferrise didn't mind the death of the birds he knew defeating Maverick wasn't going to be that easy anyway, but his body started dripping in a cold sweat when he saw even more turrets popping up all around him putting him in the cross fire of over 100 turrets.

Such a horrific sight is why many people don't like confronting mechanical adepts. Mechanical adepts also known as gear heads, tinkers, mechanics, and other slang terms are a branch of mages that became wide spred around 50,000 years. After its creator also known as the beast achieved the highest attainment level possible in his field becoming an Overlord, created a new branch of mages and the first to become a god as a mechanical adept.

Mechanical adepts focus on becoming one with mechines. While they do have many strong points they have weak ones as well. They are considerably lethal to illusionist and psychics but are also at the same time weak to them as well.

”Its a trap”

The second Ferrise got surrounded he knew he had played right into Maverick's hand. Every single one of Maverick's guns where fired using electromagnetism like Maverick's rifle. The threat of 1 railgun is not to be underestimated, but the threat of 100 is just not fair. Maverick had little reason to hold back against Ferrise if it wasn't for the item he was carrying Maverick would have used a larger force against Ferrise, but that still didn't stop him from unleashing hellfire down on him.

The storm of bullets forced Ferrise into a defensive position. Perfectly dodging, so many bullets was impossible for Ferrise to do. To protect himself Ferrise placed himself inside of a cocoon made of crows and plumit to the ground. The Railguns tore through the crows, but missed Ferrise entirely.