Part 7 (2/2)

”Got what?” Lionasha asked.

”HEY, what's wrong with the Tower? Generators are off..* Vanteer called from his level.

”IT'S OFFICIAL,” Laria yelled back. ”The 'Dinis get Talavcra!”

Vanteer was up the short flight in one leap. ”They do?”

She waved the cylinder. ”I'm off to make a personal delivery of the go-ahead,” she said, leaving the cool of the station and, stopping dead in her tracks, gasping at the hot air outside. But she persevered on to her ground vehicle. YOU'VF. GOT TI IF. PLANET! she shouted in 'Dini to Fig, Sil, Dig and Nim, who were on yard duty.

'Dims did exultant cartwheels all across the plascrete. She laughed at such antics as she got into the ground car. Someone had already turned on the air-conditioning full blast-Kincaid, no doubt-getting nd of the trapped heat inside. She took off fast enough to raise a dirt cloud and pebbles that pattered against the undercarriage. She turned out of the Tower compound, heading for the Clarf Administration Building. She drove at daring speed through the afternoon traffic and into the compound where Plrgtgl had its office. Braking in front of the mam entrance, she didn't wait for the air cus.h.i.+on to settle before she flung herself out of the car, through the roasting air, and was in the relatively cool building in four long strides.

HE Tint and ”What's the rush. Prime?” one of Plrgtgl's Human a.s.sistants asked, surprised at her appearance.

”You'll hear, you'll hear,” Laria said, brandis.h.i.+ng the message tube. ”Is Plus here? Oh, do tell me it is.”

”Par's I know,” was the reply. ”Naciana's at her desk.”

As Plrgtgl was responsible for managing all the Humans currently employed on Clarf, it employed Human staff a.s.sistants too. So Laria courteously knocked on the door before sliding it back.

Naciana looked up. ”Laria?”

”Is Plus in ?”

”Yes,” Naciana said, waving her to the inner door, but half rising from her seat as she sensed Laria's excitement, and also saw a tube that must carry important doc.u.ments if Clarf Prime was hand-carrying it.

Plrgtgl looked up at her entry, rose to its full height.

EARTH PRIME HAS REQUIRED ME TO GIVE THIS DIRECTLY TO YOU, HONORABLE PLRGTGL, she said in 'Dini, and with a flourish, handed him the tube.

Plus lowered its poll to eye her for a long moment.

IT IS THE NEWS WE WISII FOR, IS IT NOT? Plus said, holding the tube tightly to its chest lor a moment. Then, with a flick of its flippers, it opened the container and disks fell onto the desk along with a sheaf of hard copy. NACIANA?

YES SIR? Naciana had followed Laria to the threshold.

PUT TI US ()N MY SCREEN, Plus said, tossing Naciana one of the disks, which her eager fingers fumbled into the appropriate slot on its desk while Plus was unrolling the hard copy. AHHHHHHHHHH. Plus's ecstatic warble echoed out of the office and through the door Laria had left open, to startle Humans and 'Dinis alike in the halls. WE HAVE IT! WE HAVE IT! WE HAVE IT!

Laria, knowing what the 'Dini meant, leaned back against the desk to avoid a collision as it charged past her, waving what looked like a Mercator projection of Talavera. Plus danced up the hall, knocking bodies aside in its exultation. Then, almost ricocheting off across the hall at lne end of the mam corridor, it returned, giving everyone in its path a glimpse at the map, babbling in a combination of Basic and 'Dini that made no sense to anyone-except Laria, who knew enough to understand its garbled comments.

The moment Plus reentered its office, it altered completely, becoming dignified and organized. After her first surprise at Plus's reaction, Naciana, well accustomed to her superior's volatility, had put the hill report up on the screen.

COPIES, MAKE COPIES, LOTS OF COPIES, Plus said, flipping its free arm at her to show great urgency. Once behind the desk, it smoothed the Mercator projection out, holding the map down with objects on its desk, and then unrolled the rest of the hard copy. CALL THKM ALL. WE MEET AS SOON AS THEY GET HERE. OH, THIS IS MARVELOUS. OUR WORLDS WILL ALL REJOICE, Plus said to Laria. Then it scrutinized the doc.u.mentation with a poll eye that was s.h.i.+ning with its inner joy.

Communications units buzzed from Naciana's desk. Plus waved her to answer while it picked up its own unit and began what Laria was certain would be a string of calls to Clarfs administrative personages.

”Good luck,” she said to Naciana, who was listening to a caller whose audible tone was as excited as Plus's.

Naciana waved her free hand and gave Laria a thumbs-up sign, her eyes wide with excitement as she tried to get a word in edgewise to the caller. In the hallway, Laria was stopped time and again by Humans and 'Dinis for an explanation.

”The High Council has awarded 'Dinis the planet Talavera,” she said again and again and again as she plowed her way to the entrance.

There she was almost knocked down by excited 'Dinis, large and small, who were trying to get into the building she was trying to exit. She 'ported herself out of the way antl got into the car, sweat running in rivulets down her face and body. When she started the vehicle, she realized that there were so many other cars parked every which way that she had no clear exit left, even on air cus.h.i.+on.

I'll help, Kmcaid said, laughter in his tone.

You'll have to. There's no other way I'll get out of here. She linked her mtnd with his and together they 'ported her car all the way back to the Clarf Tower compound, just as well, she added, because the traffic's backed up on all the roads and the air's thicfy with incoming 'Dinis on belts. How come?

We do have 'Dims here, you know, and I think^ they broadcast the news even before you got to Plus.

You should have seen the old gray dear! Laria said, grinning, and gave Kincaid a replay of the 'Dinis' ecstatic hall dance. Then she 'ported herself out of the car and into the cool Tower. ”Phew! Only something as important as this news could get me out in that heat.”

”I take it there is great rejoicing on all Clarfs streets?” Lionasha asked in a wry tone.

Laria gave the T-7 a repeat of what she'd 'pathed to Kincaid.

Is there any hard copy for us here on Sef? Laria was astonished to hear Yoshuk's voice.

How did you hear?

Earth Prime was kjnd enough to repeat the good news to us. He figured it would take you a little time to get it to Plrgtgl and we'd need to before-warned. Care to wager on how long it tafcs the 'Dims to start the immigration?

No, Laria said firmly. But I suspect both Towers'11 be overworked.

In fact, Lionasha said, holding her com unit slightly away from her ear, Clarf Tower is being asked to facilitate the dispatch of the KLTL . . .

They czn have organized a s.h.i.+p and crew in . . . what is it, half an hour? Laria objected.

You were wise not to bet, Laria, Yoshuk said, laughing. Nesrun has just received a request from the KLLM to be lifted as soon as possible.

Have they had s.h.i.+ps just standing by? In case? Laria demanded of no one in particular as she 'ported herself onto her couch in the Tower. Never let it be said that we dallied in transporting them to their desired location.

Here's where the KLTL is right now, Laria, Lionasha said. The coordinates came up on the Tower screen. Good thing you know that s.h.i.+p so well.

Is it all ready? Laria demanded. I'm not about to send a s.h.i.+p that far with its hatches still open.

I checked, said Kincaid. It's ready. Let's s.h.i.+ft it to Talavera.

Rojer, are you ready to receive?

Ready? Rojer was as astonished as she was, but caught the excitement in her 'pathed words. Let no moss grow on 'Dim flippers. Yes, now I'm ready.

Laria felt his mind firmly contacting hers: she felt Kincaid's strong support, and reaching out for the KLTL, she 'ported it off its field and toward the distant system.

Got it! Nice throw! Rojer said.

The first of many, I'm sure, Laria said.
