Part 7 (1/2)
Good catch, Clancy said.
Now Semirame pushed Thian to the back wall, gestured for him to make his hands into a footrest. He shook his head, grinning, spread his legs slightly and 'ported her to his shoulders. Wincing, he also lightened her not insubstantial weight before her heavy boots could dig welts into his shoulders. Instinctively, he put his hands up on her muscular calves to steady her. He could feel her smear on the adhesive with quick movements, then the pressure as she stuck the surveillance unit into the goo.
Can you see, Clancy? She asked.
Ah . . . yes, coming through . . . as clear as it'll get, I guess.
Now's the time to %nou>, Clancy, she said, in her best have-you-done-as-I-told-you commander manner.
We'll fiddle with resolution up here. Admiral says get out of there before you do stin up the place enough for them to start looking for you.
Thian 'ported her back to the floor, and she gave a curt flick of her fingers to indicate they should leave. Grm tried to resist Thian pulling it along, but with the air circulation blowing across his face, Thian really did think it was high time to leave.
We got lots of pictures, Thian. Landing party's recording all over the facility. Clancy sent each of the teams night-vision remotes, Semirame said, and the group at the entrance now stepped back to allow them to leave the queen's quarters. As soon as she was a ways down the pa.s.sageway, Semirame gave low-voiced orders to rea.s.semble in the main chamber.
There was a substantial breeze flowing across the chamber when they got there.
”All units here1” she asked, scanning the figures in front her.
”All present and accounted for,” said the squad sergeant.
”Let's get outa here before they try to find who's making their house smell,” Semirame said, and raising her arm in forward sweep, trotted up out of the collection point. Pus.h.i.+ng up her visor, she ran backward as she checked again that all who had entered were coming out. Then she turned forward again and kept up the trot the short distance to the shuttle. She stood by the door, with the sergeant, checking once more. In minutes, everyone was seated, ready for the 'port back to the Was.h.i.+ngton.
We're ready, Thian told Clancy.
Steady as you go, Clancy answered.
Sir.” Having got the commander's attention, Wixell pointed the window.
They just had time to see low-slung creatures flowing up out of the collection facility, waving antennae about.
”Trying to find out where the smell comes from,” Semirame said, chuckling. ”Have to remember to neutralize us stinking types the next time we do a reconnaissance.”
Thian chuckled. ”I wasn't sweating. Were you?”
”Naw,” Semirame replied. ”Might be our boots.” She looked down at her dirt-stained footwear. ”Or our uniforms. Always did say tbe dye's got a vicious pong to it.”
All set?
All set.
A moment later Thian nodded approval as the shuttle landed so smoothly only he and Semirame were aware that they had been transported the thirty-six thousand kilometers to the geosynchronous...o...b..t above the surface of the planet-though there was a startled look on Wixell's face, as she'd been facing one of the two portholes.
Should we run a GC on us to see if we do stin*( enough to register with those ultrasensitive queens? Semirame asked, c.o.c.king her head at Thian. And what we smell lifye?
Wouldn't that upset our ultrasensitive and efficient troops?
Whatever she might have replied was lost in the next second. Someone pounded on the door, to indicate that they should undo the hatch. Instantly the entire squad had weapons at the ready, aimed at the hatch.
Nothing wrong with their reflexes. ”Re-lax, troops. We're back.”
A gusty sigh of relief came from all sides, and with it a whiff of garlic.
”Garlic!” Thian said to Semirame.
”Yeah. ”Just noticed. Wonder if that's relevant, butwe'lluseastmf( 'graph just to be on the safe side.
Garlic used to be a specific against witches, ghost*es, ghoulies and things that go in the night, Clancy said.
Whose side are you on? Thian asked while Semirame muttered orders through her wrist com. Then she smiled up at him, giving her head fine sharp nod to show that the pong test would be accomplished.
”Sir,” said the boat deck watch officer, ”Admiral's compliments, and can you report to him immediately.”
I'll just hold 'em up a moment and then they can file past Exit Five and getodorized, Semirame told Thian.
Should maf^e an interesting appendix to the mission report.
He waved his hand at her as he exited the s.h.i.+p and strode to the nearest lift, busy formulating his report to the Admiral.**,? 's going to love the garlic.
Laria and Kincaid got the announcement of the release of Talavera to the Mrdini from Earth Prime, who was nearly as jubilant as all of Clarf would shortly be.
That's maruelous, Granddad. You don't know how happy that'll maf(e everyone here.
I've a very good idea, Laria, but doubtless you'll fill us in. Please inform Plrgtgl immediately as a courtesy and-here's the written notification - in Basic as well as Mrdmi.
Both Tower Talents heard the message tube rattle into the basket.
Good shot, Earth Prime.
The hand hath not missed in decades.
How soon can they set off? Laria asked, grinning in triumph at Kincaid, who was smiling too.
How soon can colony s.h.i.+ps be loaded? Jeff Raven responded.
Who's catching?
Rojei; Flavia and the Columbia team. No problem on the receiving end.
No, there won't be. May I leave the Tower to tak? the menage to Plrgtgl?
you are Tower Prime, Lana Raven-Lyon, you can leave the Tower anytime you wish. I'm sure there's nothing coming in that Kincaid can't handle by himself. Right?
Right, was Kincaid's instant rea.s.surance. He jerked his head at Laria to urge her to leave.
The note of the generators slid deeper without Lana's using them. She remembered to use the glove to pick up a message tube still freezing from its 'portation through the vacuum of s.p.a.ce, and ran down the steps.
”We got it, we got it!”