Part 8 (1/2)

I'll get the rest of'em up then.

You did that alone, brother? Laria turned from sister into Clarf Tower Prime in an instant.

Me and the Columbia!? generators! We're able.

Don't try it again, Prime Rojer.

Yes, Prime Laria. Rojer's tone was anything but penitent.

He'll burn himself out if he doesn't ta^e care, Laria said privately to Kincaid, scowling.

A Lyon burning out? Kincaid made a scoffing noise deep in his throat. Highly unlikely.

Not even Lyons are infallible.

I heard you say it. Kincaid, grinning mischievously from his couch, waggled his finger at her.

She couldn't stay angry with Rojer when Kincaid was in such a good mood.

A half hour later, in the midst of congratulating themselves on the 'portation of the KLTL, Lionasha received official notification that two more s.h.i.+ps, one a large freighter (its tonnage was included in the information) and the other a pa.s.senger vessel, awaited teleportation.

”Have they been living on board just in case a planet was released: Laria demanded, lying back down on her couch.

”Wouldn't surprise me. Shouldn't surprise you, considering how overcrowded Clarf is right now,” Kincaid said.

No sooner were those big ones s.h.i.+fted than three smaller units requested a.s.sistance from Clarf Tower. After them, two more of the big naval K-cla.s.s s.h.i.+ps reported readiness to be 'ported.

”Never even remotely suggest that our 'Dini allies are unprepared for any contingency that might rear its head,” Lionasha said as Laria ant] Kincaid came down for a restorative drink after such heavy duties.

When a request to transport three more loaded freighters and two pa.s.senger s.h.i.+ps came in, Vanteer had already left the Tower, and the others were eating a late supper.

”Get me Plrgtgl, Lio,” Laria said, trying to keep her exasperation under control. Lionasha was nearer the Tower office.

”It's unavailable,” Lio replied.

”Is Naciana still at the office?”

”It's her I'm talking to.”

Laria 'ported the com unit out of Lionasha's hand. ”Naciana, tell your boss no more tonight after this lot. And only one an hour tomorrow. Talavera's a long way to toss anything and there really is a limit to what this Tower can process in one day.”

”I'll tell him.” Naciana didn't sound too happy about it. 'Tve never seen them in such a frenzy. You'd think the planet would disappear . . .”

”It's more likely to get as crowded as Clarf with this rate of traffic. And have they brought enough food? There's nothing there, you know.”

Oh, they know. That's what's on the three freighters. They do have to be sent as fast as possible, Laria . . .” Naciana let her voice trail off with a silent plea.

No more after these five until full daylight tomorrow. We have got to get some rest. I absolutely will not 'port when I've reached my limit. Rojer will be as tired at his end.”

”I'll tell Plus,” Naciana murmured in a deflated response to Laria's ultimatum.

”Mules we're not,” Laria muttered darkly to Kincaid and Lionasha.

”Yes, we are. You just kicked!” Kincaid said, and at the sight of his roguish grin, some of her exasperation drained.

Rojer seemed in better spirits than Laria was when they touched minds again, but he had Primes and high Talents to a.s.sist.

That is absolutely the last delivery tonight, Rojer.

I should hope so, but they make quite a display orbiting Talavera. Or Tlvr, if you prefer. I am reliably informed that that's what it will now be called.

I prefer my bed right now, thanks, brother.

Until tomorrow then.

Laria made the barest formal acknowledgment, and rose wearily from her couch. Kincaid put a helpful arm around her waist as she gracelessly thumped down the steps ami turned toward her quarters.

”I did wonder if the 'Dini tongues would he up to 'Talavera,' ” she murmured.

” 'Tlvr' is very ”Dini-ish.”

”Yes, it is.”

It was Kincaid who pulled off her station boots, pushed her into the bed and drew the light cover over her.

Sleep well, my friend.

Laria yawned, turned on her side and was asleep.

The next day both Clarf and Sef Towers operated on all the power the generators could give them. Sef, with T-2's Yoshuk and N'esrun, handled the lighter s.h.i.+pping and much of the drone traffic. Clarf Prime 'ported one major s.h.i.+p an hour tor the next twelve, interspersed with message tubes and ”urgently required” cartons of equipment which had not been ready to leave when the ma.s.s migration began. Almost as many llj TIIEI m e m messages came back in from Talavera within that hour frame as went out. 'Dinis were busy collecting and delivering tubes and cartons in response to the shower of messages.

The experts on the Columbia had recommended a wide valley near oneofTalavera's large inland lakes as the primary site. The land around it supported some vegetation and was p.r.o.nounced arable and without the lethal trace elements that had been found near the queens' original installation. The water would have to be treated before it was potable by Humans or 'Dims, but it wouldn't harm the millions of plants being sent to begin the resurrection of the planet. The initial 'Dini swarm from Clarf and Sef managed miracles in their first forty hours on Talavera, a.s.sembling prefabricated headquarters buildings, living quarters, storage barns, ground vehicles and heavy earth-moving machinery, making landing cradles for all sizes of incoming drone deliveries as well as personnel carriers. A second swarm were planting and seeding large areas around the lake. A Tower was erected to one side of the landing field, with living accommodations for the Humans who would staff it.

Rojer, Roddie, Asia, Jesper Ornigo and Flavia's brother, Mallen, transferred down from the Columbia, leaving Flavia as Prime with Zara a.s.sisting until the Tower was fully operational. Rojer, Flavia and Zara had agreed to take turns as Prime. Morgelle had been returned to Earth to await rea.s.signment. The ecological team-Dr. Tru Blairik, Mialla Evshenk, Rosenery Mordmann and Yakamasura-set up their camp to one side of the Tower. Without being asked, the 'Dini work teams arrived with additional housing units, offices and a field laboratory, and staffed the facility with trained 'Dini a.s.sistants by the same evening.

'They must have gone hyper to have all this ready to teleport so Quickly,” Roddie said, eyes wide with amazement, when they arrived on what had so recently been empty land. ”They even have shade trees for us.”

All the comforts of home,” Rojer said, grinning. ”Even the sun,” he , s.h.i.+elding his eyes from the glare of Talavera's primary.

”Not quite as bright as Clarfs,” Roddie said, with a quick glance m the direction of the sunset. ”Thank all the G.o.ds!”

”I envy Lam's tan,” Asia said at Rojer's side.

”You be careful of the sun clown here, Asia,” Rojer said, as usual a.s.suming she needed his guidance.

”I have sunblock on, dear,” she replied, unruffled. ”Sec!” She made him examine the slight sheen the cream gave her clear complexion.

Rojer grumphed. ”Just don't forget to put it on.”

Jesper and Mal rolled their eyes and Roddie regarded Ro]er as it he-were slightly bereft ot common sense.