9 Ch. 7.2 To Be Stronger (1/2)

That night when we all sit together on the same table for dinner, Luc-chan announce our result.

”So, I begin from little Lylia's result. Lylia, indeed I see you've been improving after this 1 month training. But you didn't pass the first week's training. However, you have shown your best capabilities in leading your group. That was proven in the race this 3 weeks. I already knew about all your damn strategy. Keep it up strategy maker. Heheheh. But you still weak in terms of magic. Moreover, you need to train your swords skill too, and not too depending on the skill. Power within your hearts are stronger than your physical if you realize about this. So, from tomorrow, you'll be training with me. I'll teach you to be a professional knight in a battle field after I have done for the others training.”

”Ehh we also have to train again tomorrow?” Seren asked.

”Yes of course. Since all of you didn't pass the first week's training.”

”Oh no, I still remember that hell training in the first week we came here. It's too much for me. Furthermore, you asked us to break to giant hard boulder? Are you crazy, we're human and not some kind of ogre. ” Seren expressed her feeling from the past.

”You'll never know what's lies beyond the power of an ordinary human you little Seren. Well, now for Seren's result. Surprisingly she had something furious. You're also good at fighting battle. It seems like you already get used to many battles before. You didn't know what does it mean by afraid. But, however you're using your power randomly and a lot of mana. What I mean was your AMON RAGE. According to the origin of real Amon rage, the user is more sharped in his or her instinct and being unbeatable. By the way, strength is your first priority right? But I suggest you to learn too produced mana while in the battle, so you can keep using AMON RAGE in a long period. More or less, you can use Amon rage as your shield. Tomorrow I'll teach you to produced mana naturally.”

”Whoaaaa!!! I didn't know there is another way to gain mana. That seems new to me.” Seren seems surprised about Luc-chan who can see her weakness just by testing us in the race before.

”Yes, I think the upper class like Eiryuu or Kamiryuu also know about this. Of course, they'll often use it. ”

”But I think, maou-sama's teleporting skill are more incredible. You can move to somewhere which is far away more than a kilometer. Amazing.” Raph-chan states her amazed to Luc-chan teleporting skill.

When I recalled that, that's the first thing that Luc-chan taught me when I was 10 years old. But I can't teleport to somewhere far because of my little amount of mana. That's why I can only teleport not more than 2 meters from where I stand.

”That's skill are sure useful to anyone especially to escape from ganking. But I still don't want to suggest you to learn this skill. Because it really needs a lot of mana. You might exhaust of mana if you transfer yourself to somewhere even further. It requires more when you bring someone.” Than that gloomy Luc-chan stares at me.

”What? Like I can do anything at that time too? But I knew you'll have too used it.”

”hmmmm, well let's get going to the next one. Raphtalia!” said Luc-chan as he ignored it.

”Yes!” replied from the nervous Raph-chan.

”First of all, you're doing great in your training but you're also failed the first week's training. However, I can see your bright future as a marksmen mage. You're more skilled. Actually it's surprised me when you can use summoned spell at your age. Kids nowadays somehow are getting stronger. Anyways, you physically weak in terms of fighting like that again. You should only used that summoned magic when you're fighting with more than 4 people at least. If you keep using that summoned randomly, the opponent will beat you up for sure, because they know that a summoner weakness is the summoner itself. Tomorrow, you'll be training how a mage's real fight.”

”Alright. Understand maou-same.” Raph-chan said with her confident voice.

”Well, for Layla. You're no good in the battle. You're not showing yourself too much. Your physically a weak too. Don't just go around and supports your comrade's mana. However, you have played your rôle greatly. That's what it means for a supporter like you. Even people often think that supporters are not fit in the battle, tomorrow you'll be the first powerful supporter ever in the world. If you're willing to learn it from me.”

”I'm looking forward to your training Maou-sama!!!” Layla seems to acknowledge her own weakness and willing to let Luc-chan make her stronger.

”So, overall all of you are really great. Each one of you have a great connection. This is good in a battle. Why don't you all form a party for 4 of you? You'll make a great team someday.”

Then we stare at each other wondering about the opinion that Luc-chan just said.

”Well, I already in a group with my gang.”Seren gives her excuse

”Yeah, I also had joined a party to enter to Rank Event Battle after the holiday.” said Layla

”Maaaa, I'm always battling solo.” I said

”Me too.” Raph-chan too.

”Is that so? Well that such a shame, you're already good in the race against me, you all might be a great team. But never mind about that. Now, finish your dinner and get some rest tonight. From tomorrow, it'll be your double hell training for a month.”


”Alright, I'm looking forward to tomorrow's training.” said Layla.

”Yes.” I replied.

Then after finished the dinner, all of us went to sleep. I was thinking about the party. I always battle as a solo and never battling with a group except with Raph-chan. And fall asleep.

In the next morning, Luc-chan wake us up like usual. All of us get ready to go for breakfast and go Luc-chan told us that we'll be training in different places. Which means we're being separate from each other. So, we can fully focus and concentrate on our training. Then Luc-chan brings us to the outside. After give us some briefing he then brings us to walk towards the jungle again. While we're on our way, that's when Luc-chan gives us each other the places we should be there for training.

Indeed, we can't see each other because Luc-chan separates us far from each other in the jungle. And I was in a fascinated place among the 4 of us. Luc-chan said that my training is a bit special because I'll need to big space for the training. I wonder what will my training be like. Luc-chan told me to wait for him there. He goes to give some lessons for the other first. So, I seated under a tree since it's summer and hot.

Luc-chan probably is going to Raph-chan's place first. The place is an area that has been marked with some markings made by Luc-chan. Some trees have these marks. Perfect for Raph-chan's training, she would run around a lot and jump around. He gives some instructions to Raph-chan about her training and Luc-chan already prepared some stuff for Raph-chan to train. He marks an X over some tree.

”Little Raphtalia!”

”Yes maou-sama.”

”Listen to this, you'll be training this over and over for this whole month.”

”Alright as you said.”

”Your training is to hit all the red marks that I have drawn on some tree with any shooting spell. But, when you're about to hit those red marks, you'll have to move while shooting it without stopping.”

”Where's should I move to?”

”Alright, did you see this line before your feet?”


”That's your starting line. When you crossing it, you must keep shooting only the red marks one. Once you missed it….” While giving some instruction, Luc-chan suddenly jumps directly to the back in a blink of an eye. ”… you must retreat as fast as you saw what I did just now.”


”Then when you stand behind the starting line, you can rest or not doing anything. But as long as you're in this line never stop moving your ass .. I mean your movement and keep shooting the red target.”

”Understand. So what about the yellow color one and the other line?”

”Good question. For the yellow color, you'll have to jump in the air and shoot it exactly.”


Luc-chan shows Raph-chan how the training supposed to be. Luc-chan stands a pose for getting ready. Then, when he first stepped across the line he's then running randomly while shooting the red marks with arrow shooting magic. His magic was black colored and was shooting to the marks. While he runs half his way, he stopped with his speed and blink in the air. While Luc-chan is still in the air, he was spinning his body while shooting several arrows to the yellow one. Then after he's done shooting the yellow one, he landed on the ground safely and keep running while shooting the color of the red marks until he is crossing the second line. After he crossed the second line, he stopped shooting and now he changes the fighting style into a close range training. He punches the red marks on a tree in front of him and kick the yellow one. Once he finished hit some kick and punch on a tree, he moved to the other tree and does the same thing. And Luc-chan stopped half-way. He then come to Raph-chan.

”So, can you do what I just did now for your training?”

Raph-chan was stunned and amazed by Luc-chan's skills.

”I think I could try.”

”Well, I'll only show you once. Now, just do what I've told you to do. This will be your only training for this month. I want to see some of your new movement by the end of this month. I'm sure you'll think about how useful this training is.”

”I get it. Understand.” After they done with their conversation, Luc-chan lets Raph-chan do her training herself and go to another place.

Luc-chan goes to Seren's place. She seems waiting for Luc-chan.

”Well, you've come finally. So, what will my training be like? I didn't see any props here like Raphtalia's.”

”You seem excited about this. I see. Well I'll teach you three things that'll be useful for your training whole this month.”

”Alright, let's get started. Can't wait any longer.” Maniac queen is ready for her tremendous training.

”First of all, I want to see your finishing blow that you did on the other race. The one that you hit the ground and make me unstable on the race. That's some crazy power you had to make the ground shaking strongly. It seems you're not just an ordinary Knightwalker.”

”Oh my oh my, it seems like my beautiful power attracts your attention. Anyways, I'll show it to you.” As Seren said this she was holding her own paladin's blade.

The atmosphere around Seren changing dramatically as she turn on into her AMON RAGE. She begins to charging her mana not just into her body but the blade too. Then she hits the ground in a slash. The ground shaking as all of us could feel the tremendous power released from the other side. But that's just in a short time. The area becomes to itself again. Seren shutting down her AMON RAGE and waiting for Luc-chan response.

”How was it?”

”Hmm, not bad. Your first priority in the battle is only strength. Am I right? At the same time you've shown your opponent your own weakness.”


”Normally, ones will never show one's true power in the early battle. I recommended you to keep your AMON RAGE in the first place. Moreover, it used a lot of mana. So, in the real battle I'll teach you some training that'll upgrade your AMON RAGE to a more powerful state at the same time you'll learn to observe your opponent's level.”

”What do you mean by that?”

”You'll be able to reach the next level of AMON RAGE.”

”How's that possible? Isn't I had reached my maximum state of AMON RAGE? I should just train my speed for it.” Replied the unsatisfied Seren.

”Your current AMON RAGE is not so strong, even though you've your passive for Amon Rage. You can't even hold it longer than 30 minutes.”

”Hmmm!! What should I do then?”

”Remembered that I said an Amon Rage user will be unbeatable only your instinct sharp as your blade. So, this will be one of your training.”

Luc-chan touches the tree in front of him and closes his eyes. While closing his eyes, he kicks the tree to make some leaves to fall to him. At the time when the leaves are about to falling down to the ground. Luc-chan moves faster than the wind and in a blink of an eye, all the leaves were cut. That's shocked the maniac queen. She was surprised for a while.

”That seems hard for me. I can't even fight my opponent while my eyes are closing.”

”The main purpose of this is not to fight your opponent blindly but to hear and read the opponent movement. When you can cut some leaves that fall down to you using your blade, I'm sure you're moving your blade faster than the eyes can catch.”

”Is that so. I'll take that as a challenge for me. Well what about two other things you want to teach?”

”Alright I'm glad you accept it. Remember that I told you to produced mana from nature?”

”Yes. That's the thing I want to ask you yesterday exactly. What's it about?”

”Well, there is another way to produce mana when you're out of mana. This was called Nature Mana. All you have to do is, let your mind rest and let the nature flowing in your body. You'll feel your mana are increasing by then. But, I suggest when you do this, make sure you're not near the opponent. Once you're being distracted, it'll be hard to gain mana in a hard situation. So, make sure you're far away from them.”

”That sounds simple. And the last thing is?”

”As you're training to sharpen your instinct, I'm sure you'll create your own move. I recommended you to use this skill in your early battle to test your opponent's level. Make them released their most powerful state first?”

”Whoa, it seems like you're teaching me like a bad guy huh. Well it's a good trick you had there for me. Never shows them the real power in real battle huh?”

”Yes. You'll only release AMON RAGE when the opponent starting to powered up. This time you'll lose a lot of mana. But if you could master the Nature Mana. I'm sure you'll be able to transform this AMON RAGE in a long battle. Furthermore, mixing with your instinct in AMON RAGE is what make it unbeatable. When you're already in AMON RAGE, you can double your strength to its maximum state. At the same time, you have to increase your speed while in Amon Rage form.”

”That's crazily amazing. I'll reach the next level of Amon Rage for sure.!!!”

”Well then, good luck with your training. You might feel irritated by the missed target. I hope you'll learn to be patience ahhaahha.” then Luc-chan goes for Layla's place.

Seren trains like Luc-chan already instructed her. Layla who was waiting for Luc-chan cheerfully waving at Luc-chan who's already come to her. Luc-chan begins to give some tips to Layla.

”Little Layla.”
