Vol 3 Chapter 1 (2/2)
Although they had scattered after the invasion, they had been caught up midway by the demons; Mille-san had confronted the demons to free the villagers――
That’s what I had previously heard from Arnold-san.
「Her death is yet to be confirmed… so…」
The villager who had conveyed the last moments of Mille-san to the father and daughter had not personally witnessed her death. Since she was risking her life to buy them time, they would not betray her sacrifice by turning back.
「I had the same hope, so I searched G.o.d knows how long to no avail. But――」
Without straying away, Lim’s eyes were locked on her father.
A little worried, Arnold-san sighed.
「What about the quest from Doore? When we were discussing earlier, you gave us a nod.」
「I’m sorry. But we will quickly leave the place where the village was…」
The destination of Doore-san’s trade, Western Archipelago States, was further west from here.
It was indeed distant from the invaded village of the beastkin… or perhaps Arnold-san was trying to keep his daughter away from the painful past.
「Hold on, Lim-chan. You said you want to search for her, how exactly are you going to search? For argument’s sake… even if Mille-san is alive, there’s no guarantee that she’s still in the Souven Empire. Close by the beastkin village, you say? That country is not the best of places for demihumans. Who knows, Mille-san might have moved to Lech.e.l.le just like Arnold and Lim-chan… There’s a possibility.」
Doore-san, who was carefully picking his words, himself believed the likelihood to be low. That’s why his face was downcast for a moment.
Lim et al had been staying here in Merville for a while now. Were they perhaps waiting with that very expectation?
Although she was listening to Doore-san’s opinion with waned ears, her mind did not waver.
「Uun, then you should look for another escort.」
Brooding Doore-san must have come to a conclusion that Arnold-san would inevitably not accept the escort quest either.
「…I will go there alone. Papa can go with Doore-san.」
「Alone? Never…」
I could empathize with Arnold san who voiced his hesitation.
To have his precious daughter, who had regained her brightness lately, travel alone; to such a questionable destination no less.
Although the tendency of the empire’s people loathing the demihumans was high, the composition of a girl ganged up by guys like Bal was already an established crime.
The whole country would not be filled with such sc.u.m, though. If it were, it would be doomed by now. Still, it was worrisome.
「Erm, if you don’t mind, I can go with you――」
I mustered up some courage.
In my life, this was the most important.
「But aren’t you going to the Royal Capital, Seiji?」
「No… It’s not like I have to absolutely go there.」
Having decided on the Royal Capital as my destination, I intended to leave Merville. After all, the king said, 『the Royal Capital is a nice place, you should visit at least once in person.』
Although he might be joking when he said he would arrest me if I didn’t work under him, he might really order my arrest if I never even show my face.
…I think.
「Thanks. I’ll be safe though, so don’t worry.」
After exhibiting a high cla.s.s technique of ‘rejecting with a smiling face’, she resumed persuading Arnold-san.
Reality was a cruel thing; the girl saying 『Really?』 while peeking at me with upturned eyes never happened.
「Don’t try anything dangerous; come back once you have searched within reason.」
The father who had received her daughter’s words, having probably realized that being too overprotective was not good, finally accepted Lim’s request.
「――Oi oi, Arnold. Are you sure? Letting Lim-chan go alone.」
「…I won’t be able to be with her forever. It might be good for her experience.」
「Thank you, papa.」
After finis.h.i.+ng the first round of talks, Lim stepped up to me who was feeling down.
What the girl held out――was her hand. Her small palm.
…Such delicate fingers. It was unbelievable that it was the same fist that went up against monsters.
「――Thank you too, Seiji. It might be a nuisance for you, but it really has been a fun time for me. The me now is only dragging your feet back, but I――will become strong.」
Ah… what is it? my eyes are feeling hot.
I was not used to… this kind of thing.
「When I do――we will adventure together.」
My hand, which I had extended to hold her hand back, could be seen loosening a bit.
Was this perhaps the answer to my proposal?
I had been pushy thus far. When I imagined Lim and I together, however, I miraculously felt like seeing her off without a fuss.
「Aah… you better have lots of adventure tales for Marita.」
「Un, I will.」
Feeling the girl’s heat in my palm, I slowly separated my hand from hers.
――From then on, Lim acted briskly.
After finis.h.i.+ng minimal preparations, she halved the money she was carrying with Arnold-san and kept it as traveling allowance. Briefly greeting the people she was obliged to, she was all set to leave.
While rocking on the stagecoach which was departing from Merville, Lim left for the next town.
「…She’s gone.」
「I too will be gone tomorrow with Doore. Would you keep me company for one last drink?」
I nodded to the invitation from Arnold-san, after we had finished seeing his daughter off, to which he just said, “come”.
After Arnold-san’s figure could not be seen anymore, I whistled so loud as to be heard high up in the sky.
――After a moment of silence.
An air splitting sound reverberated gradually.
Covered in black feathers, what alighted on my shoulder was a bird type monster――Bradley Ben.
Although she was a monster tamed by me for reasons, she was not expected to be strong enough for battles. However, she exhibited great talent in reconnaissance and intelligence. Night flight was another one of her fortes. She could deliver acquired information quickly.
As for the reason why I called out Kuroko here now, it was not any different.
Urgent Special Mission Announcement.
――Tail Lim.
「…Eh? Stalker? No, no, you’re misunderstanding, Kuroko. I want to respect Lim’s decision, but I’m still worried. If something happens, I want to rush to her. It’s an honest intent.」
“We will adventure together once again.” Although I was glad when she said that, this was such a world.
No one can say for sure that there would be a chance for reunion. If so, then――
「Eh? Such dangerous people? I should have discussed it first with Kuroko――… No, I understand. because Kuroko will be working so hard, I sincerely thank you. Yes.」
「Un… don’t, it’s scary. My bad, I apologize. Sorry.」
With an intimidating cry, Kuroko took off into the sky.
Since she was cutting the wind in the same direction as the wagon left for, it would be alright.
「――Still, first Rook, now Kuroko… just why do all my monsters have to be fe… Nope, I had better not say that.」
Forcibly swallowing the words that I was about to mutter, I headed inside Merville.
――That night.
Now that I was having a drink with Arnold-san and Doore-san, it need not be mentioned that the matter of ‘adventuring together with Lim’ was pressed by Arnold-san.
Although Arnold-san was heavily drunk, Doore-san was in a somewhat good mood. Why?
「N? No… I’m a little gratified.」
「Arnold must relish the pain, too.」
Although I had no idea what Doore-san was gratified about――I concluded the eve of my departure from Merville, which had been supporting me in this world thus far, in hustle.