Vol 3 Chapter 1 (1/2)

Riot Grasper Asuka Kei 59790K 2022-07-22


Before reading Volume 3…

Volume 3 is about to be published.

The readers of the WEB version know the following content, I believe.

●Although it is about to be published as a book, the main story has not changed much.

一Parts of the settings have changed.

Changes in Names

・Change: Scholar’s Knowledge → Thief’s Eyes.

・Change: Royal Capital Iris → Royal Capital Horn.

Changes in Settings

・Change: Thief’s G.o.dly Skill unlocks a Special Feature at every Lv.

・Change: In case of Skills exceeding the limit of 10, it is possible to discard a Skill of choice.

・Change: A feature of Skill Restoration to return only the portion stolen from the other party.

・Change: Fatigue due to using magic.

・Change:The extra effect ‘Low Chance of Paralysis’ has been removed from the Black Sword Noir.

Et cetera.

Since it would be difficult to write while maintaining the differences between the WEB and the book versions,

I decided to write the volume 3 of WEB version with effect of aforementioned changes.

Because I decided to come up with a way of expression to enable the WEB readers to be able to understand,

You might go ‘Huh?’ even though there would not be much inconvenience.

And if you went ‘I don’t mind~’, I would like you to enjoy volume 3.

Thank you for understanding.

Volume 3, Chapter 1 【Departure】

Volume 3 begins. Things like frequency of updates have been jotted down in the activity report.

Ah, before you start reading the chapter, you should read the notice.

「――What did you just say? Come again.」

Normally, he would not speak to me in that tone. The one who requested for a repeat in such a gentlemanly manner was none other than the wolf beastkin Arnold-san. His body clad in bulky muscles looked even bulkier. That golden glint in his eyes must unmistakably be aimed at me.

Sitting next to me, who was sitting in front of Arnold-san, was the cat beastkin Lim. Being right beside her, I could not see her expression. However, when I saw the hair ornament I gave her some time ago in her hair styled in a short ponytail, I could only say ‘nice’ inwardly.

And the dog beastkin Doore-san, who had a partly amused partly curious expression about his face, was standing by Arnold-san’s side.

――As for why it turned out like this.

I returned to the inn just past noon, which I estimated to be the time Arnold-san would wake up on due to drinking heavily last night. When I returned, the three were holding a discussion about the departure scheduled for tomorrow.

Even though I mustered up the courage to speak and barged in, this unfolded a few minutes ago.

『Th…that, I plan on going to the Royal Capital Horn but…』

『Fumu, I heard about it yesterday. It’s good to visit different places. 』

『――I wonder if… Lim and I can pair up.』

『Fumu, sorry but our departure for Western Archipelago States is scheduled for tomorrow… it would be difficult for now.』

『No, that’s not what I meant.』

『Fumu…? ――What did you just say? Come again.』

――That’s how it turned out like this.

It was natural for it to turn out like this.

Honestly, I wanted to cry.

「Arnold, look at how scary your face has become. Wasn’t it you who asked him to be friends with Lim-chan? Isn’t it natural to form a party with a like natured adventurer?」

The one who offered me the lifeboat was Doore-san whose appearance could be summed up as: pet dog maltese plus old man divided by 2.

Although he had a good ph



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ysique, his tummy was slightly burgeoning above the belt of his merchant outfit. Nevertheless, he looked reliable at this moment.

「…Well, what does the person in question, Lim-chan, want?」

Whom the three guys turned their line of sight to was the girl with honey colored eyes.

Ever since I broached the subject, up till now, she had been silent as if mulling over something.

I was ready… no matter what her answer would be.

「Sorry, Seiji.」

…I don’t want you to apologize.

Ah, what do I do? I could feel my heart clench. I could feel something burst.

That’s it. From tomorrow on, I will be a Demon Lord.

「――There’s somewhere… I want to go.」

However, the words that escaped Lim’s mouth were unexpected.

An answer the vector of which differed from the direction to the Fish Paradise that was Western Archipelago States.

Naturally, the development was not along the lines of 『Take me to the Royal Capital』 either.

「I want to go to… Souven Empire.」


Souven Empire――To be honest, the impression I had of them was not good at all.

[In Souven Empire] there was a majority of those who were prejudiced against demihumans like beastkin, dwarves and elves; they believed in the Human Supremacy. The ones who abducted the Lord of Merville’s daughter and perpetrated an act against humanity were none other than the empire’s humans.

Adding to that, the very first person from Souven Empire whom I met, an adventurer named Bal, didn’t leave the best of impressions on me either. He was a guy who looked like a thug and would call Lim et al beasts.

Why would she express her desire to go to such a country?

It was not just me who had qualms. Questioning voice was raised at Lim.

「…What…? Lim you can’t possibly be…」

Apparently, something had dawned on Arnold-san.

Doore-san was observing the proceedings quietly.

「Please… let me go search.」

What was she trying to search for? Why would she seek permission from her father?

Regrettably, I did not seem to be related to any of it.

…It felt lonesome.

「After that, no matter how long we searched, we found no trace. Even I don’t mean to say it’s useless.」

「Erm, search what…?」

When I couldn’t follow the conversation anymore, I asked a simple question.

To the me who could not read the mood, Arnold-san answered.

――so that’s…what it’s about.

What Lim wanted to search for was not an object――but a person, whom I had a cursory idea about.

However, that person was dead in my knowledge.

It was inevitable that it wouldn’t occur to me right away.

…As for who that person was, Lim’s mother――Mille-san.