Vol 3 Chapter 2 (1/2)

Riot Grasper Asuka Kei 65600K 2022-07-22

Volume 3, Chapter 2 【The Royal Capital Horn】

「Aah… Amazing. This is just like the king said. Now I get why he said, ‘you must visit at least once.’」

7th Month, 4th Week, Day of Earth.

After departing from Merville and covering the distance worth two days, I had arrived in the Royal Capital of Lech.e.l.le, Horn.

It would have taken more than double the time had I opted for a stagecoach. However, I was able to enjoy the journey thanks to the quick feet of Rook. Although I had paid a hefty sum to purchase this Scaled Dragon, Rook, from the beast mount shop back in Merville, it was money unmistakably well spent.

While running on the highway leading north from Merville to the Royal Capital, I had caught sight of numerous farm villages. I was also able to confirm many towns of reasonable scale.

However, now that the Royal Capital had settled into my view, the scale of all those villages and towns combined seemed smaller in comparison; it was that big.

――A metropolis where hundreds of thousands of people live.

Such was my first impression.

Well, it could not exactly be called a metropolis in terms of my previous life. With reference to per unit area, however, the population density was quite low. That’s probably why it looked bigger than it was.

Or perhaps my common sense had adjusted to this world’s? it would definitely not be a mistake to call it a metropolis.

The capital, which extended to the coast, was developed with the river, which flowed into the sea, as the centre. Hence, countless ca.n.a.ls streamed freely down the town.

Under the bridge that connected brick houses, a ca.n.a.l that could accommodate several boats could be seen. The boats carrying people and goods were moving to and fro.

The Capital of Water… It was such a place, huh? The spectacle was overflowing with romance.

As for me, I was in the middle of moving through one such ca.n.a.l on Rook.

Riding a horse was not prohibited in this town per se; it was out of the question.

Rather, there were many pa.s.sages for pedestrians. However, they were all crowded. It would in fact take more time on Rook. Therefore, I dived into the ca.n.a.l.

Never did I imagine that the merit of Rook being an amphibian would come into use here.

Although my body had gotten wet a little, the water did not smell at least. The drainage control seemed to be neat.

…What a relief.

Swimming leisurely in the ca.n.a.l, touring the town all the while, I decided to head to the inn.

There was a solemn building which seemed to be a church, and a distant building which was most likely the Royal Palace. There was a circular building, too, that looked like an arena――There was no end to the attractions.

Midway through――The sun started sinking into the horizon, dyeing the sea red.

Although the environs had dimmed due to the setting sun, there was no sense of insecurity.

Equally distanced, phosph.o.r.escent lights started illuminating the entirety of the town.

Just what kind of contrivance is it?

Although it was not at the level of 『Dazzling』, it gave a sense of security. Also, it was not oil lit. Even Merville didn’t have those.

「It would be worth coming here even if it was just to witness this spectacle.」

――Although I had lost my way, I was somehow able to reach my destination. I ordered Rook to get out of the ca.n.a.l.

Splas.h.!.+ Jumping vigorously out of the water’s surface, Rook dropped me and shook her body, spraying drops of water.

「You… did that on purpose, didn’t you?」


…Having decided to dry the wet clothes later, I proceeded to secure lodging first.

The building before me must be the inn I had been informe



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d of.

And the name carved on the signboard was――『Bellyful Flavors』

Un… this is it.

To tell you the truth, the one who informed me of this inn was Dario-san.

Before departing from Merville, I was greeting everyone who I was obliged to. That’s when, “If you’re going to the Royal Capital Horn, how about…” Dario-san informed me of this inn.

When I asked him the reason, he just scratched his head, embarra.s.sed… It was quite a fine inn.

It had three storeys just like Feeder Pops’, which I was grateful to, of Merville. However, the scale of this building was larger.

Is every room laid out separately?

…I, who was absentmindedly looking up at the inn, came to my senses upon my body colliding with someone.

「Owaa. Sorry. Are you hurt?」

「Ah, it’s okay. I was in the way.」

Standing flat footed in front of the entrance to the inn would obviously be obstructive. The man who was carrying a large barrel on each of his shoulders must be a worker at this inn.

「No, it’s fine. Erm… Are you perhaps a customer who plans on staying here?」

「Yeah, I do plan o…oon?!」

「W-What happened? Is there something on my face…?」

When his face – that had been hidden behind the barrels – showed, I leaked a surprised voice.

The other party also raised a questioning voice.

The man’s height was ten centimeters more than mine, and he had a solidly built body. From how he was holding not one but two barrels at the same time, it could be seen that he had considerable strength.

However, that was not what surprised me.

Even though he did not have a moustache, his had an intense look. Even so, his voice was not intimidating in the slightest; it was gentle.

…I knew one such man… old man, who had me experience the same ‘gap’.

If you shaved this man’s head, you would get the younger version of that man.

I didn’t even have to use 《Thief’s Eyes》.

Still, I wanted to make sure.

These eyes were specially granted to me when I reincarnated in this world――Iris. It could display brief description of an item and the status of a target. It was quite a handy unique ability.

Name: Uran Fot

Race: Human

Age: 22

Job: Inn Employee


Cooking Lv3 (12/150)

Fis.h.i.+ng Lv2 (42/50)

…I knew it.

Family name: Fot… This man is Dario-san’s son, isn’t he? Undoubtedly.

As for why he was embarra.s.sed when I asked him for the reason of recommending this inn, is this perhaps why?

Both of them possessed Cooking Skill; like father like son.

「Erm, are you really fine?」

「Fua!? Ah… I was surprised for a moment. By the way, is there a vacant room in the inn?」

「…Erm, I’m in charge of the kitchen. Please wait――Stella, do you have a moment?」

Opening the door to the Bellyful Flavors, Uran-san headed in. Putting the barrels down, he called someone’s name out.

Apparently, the first floor of this inn too was a dining hall c.u.m bar. The woman serving the tables turned around.

「Yes. Ara, a customer? Can you please wait a moment? I’ll finish the check-in procedure right away.」

Since it was evening, the inn was flouris.h.i.+ng with guests intending to stay and customers intending to eat. The woman named Stella was busily moving around. Uran-san had withdrawn to the kitchen, too. And here I was waiting quietly.

…Fumu. The guests who were taking the food down their throats――had a satisfied expression about their face. Well, that was to be expected of Uran-san who was in charge of the kitchen.

Although his Cooking skill was not at the level of Dario san, it was quite high nonetheless.


「――I’m sorry to keep you waiting. Please fill in this form.」